Trauma Button A Paradox Live Fansite

Fanbook, Pamphlets, and Other Assorted Information

Information that strikes me as "profile-adjacent"; stuff from the fanbook, pamphlets, or dedicated social media campaigns.
Team Week Q&As
During the "team week" campaigns following the second anniversary, where the new teams were announced, every character had a Q&A interview posted. These were officially translated into and posted in English on the official Twitter account. I didn't retranslate them, but I cleaned up some awkwardness in the translations and did a little polishing and mirrored them here in plain text!
Floor Plans
The floor plans and descriptions of the living arrangements of the first four units, sourced from the Fan Book.
Character Schedules
Sourced from the fanbook and social media, these are sample schedules from the characters' day to day lives.
Fan Book Mini-Manga
In the first fanbook, each group received five one-page comics. I translated and typeset them!
Fanbook 2 Mini-Manga
In the second fanbook, each group received a two-page mini-comic. I translated and typeset them!
Fanbook Outfit Details
In the fanbooks, each character is given back art and a rundown of notes on their outfit, accessories, etc. You can find what I've ripped and translated here!
Birthday 2024 Voice Messages
Voice messages posted on the characters' birthdays throughout 2024, starting with cozmez on Christmas Eve 2023!
Phantom Illusion Shorts Campaign
A series of shorts posted with new taglines, focusing on the characters' trap reaction traumas and phantom illusions, from late June 2024.
Gap Comics
A series of 2koma (two-panel) comics posted on Twitter showing off the "gap" of each character, posted starting in late September 2024! They are also partially voiced, so I've included links to the YouTube shorts for each comic as well.

In-Universe Press

A separate beast from the actual real life magazine interviews-- these are in-universe magazine pages and interviews, usually posted on Twitter, including SWANK and Outfit of the Day illustrations!
Special Feature: Buraikan is Back!!
An in-universe entertainment news piece focused on Buraikan's return.
Team Week Q&As
During the "team week" campaigns following the second anniversary, where the new teams were announced, every character had a Q&A interview posted. These were officially translated into and posted in English on the official Twitter account. I didn't retranslate them, but I cleaned up some awkwardness in the translations and did a little polishing and mirrored them here in plain text!
Road to Legend Winning Manifestos
A series of short videos released near the first rounds of Road to Legend, with each unit's leader explaining their philosophy and goals for if they win the Road to Legend.
Outfit of the Day
A series of images released on social media, done up as magazine interviews, showing the characters in off-the-stage casual clothes.
Outfit of the Day: Q&A (Coming soon)
Released in tandem with the Outfit of the Day images, a selection of Q&A sessions featuring the four RTL groups (VISTY, AMPRULE, 1Nm8, and GokuLuck) in the same fictional magazine that published the images and interviews.
SWANK A/W 2022 Crosstalks
Released to promote the SWANK Autumn/Winter 2022 line, these are a pair of crosstalks between Hajun and Toma/Anne and Aoi, presented as a fashion magazine promo.
Road to Legend - Post-Round 2 Interviews
Faux-magazine interviews of The Cat's Whiskers and Akan Yatsura, released following the WILL and TRUST results.
-The Cat's Whiskers
-Akan Yatsura

Pre-Album Campaigns

Various campaigns and materials released in the leadup to album releases, organized by album.


Promotional materials released in the leadup to REVOLUTION's release, generally focusing on the three advancing teams (BAE, cozmez, and GokuLuck), that don't fit elsewhere.
Pre-REVOLUTION Recap Trailers
New voice trailers released in the lead-up to REVOLUTION, featuring the advancing teams recapping the RTL rounds they participated in.
YouTube shorts sharing four pieces of trivia about each character advancing into the finals.


Promotional materials released in the leadup to ANTHEM's release that don't fit elsewhere.
Pre-ANTHEM Content Calendar Sugoroku Board
A sugoroku board giving dates for ANTHEM pre-release content, but also giving lighthearted descriptions of the groups' daily lives as part of the e-sugoroku board.
Pre-ANTHEM Pickup Mini-Videos
A handful of short videos recapping some of the important relationships featured in the Road to Legend dramas, featuring new voiced lines!
Bar 4/7 ASMR
A short ASMR video posted from the perspective of the cat that lives at Bar 4/7!

Battle of Unity Opening Show

Promotional materials and campaigns from the leadup the Battle of Unity Opening Show release that don't fit elsewhere.
Battle of Unity Opening Show MV Premiere YouTube Comments
An archive of the YouTube comments mini-campaign from the MV releases for the unit songs from Battle of Unity Opening Show.
Battle of Unity MV Song Mini-Interviews
Short "backstory" or behind the scenes remarks from the leaders of each unit on their Battle of Unity Opening Show songs, released as part of the MV view milestone campaign!

Seasonal Show

Assorted material released related to the Seasonal Show shuffle team project that don't fit elsewhere.
Summer Team Special Contents: Super Bomberman 2
A 30 minute video of the Summer Team members playing Bomberman. Yes, really.
TBD: Autumn Team Special Contents

Releasing October 26!

Other Misc. Stuff

Stuff that I don't have any idea where else to put it!
LIVE Bonus Voice Messages
The short voice messages of the characters thanking the audience, from the special store bonus CD released with LIVE for buying through Animate!
Murase Ayumu's BAE Floorplan Meltdown
A translation of Murase Ayumu's post-episode-1 floor plan madness from Twitter!
4th Anniversary YouTube Communities Heads Meeting
Brief comment campaings held via YouTube communities as part of the 4th anniversary campaign!
4th Anniversary Popup Store
Content related to the special 4th anniversary popup store!
Valentine's Day 2024 Card Campaign
Character cards that were part of a Valentine's Day campaign on Paradox Tribe in 2024!