Trauma Button A Paradox Live Fansite

Other Stuff

This page is the dumping ground for anything that doesn't fit anywhere else!
Official Stuff and Information
Cast & Crew Listing
A quick roundup of cast and crew on the franchise; this information is scattered around the site, but this page may be useful for if you want a quick reference!
Timeline of Events
A rough timeline of canonical events (with a little bit of conjecture, but mostly sourced from canonical text!)
Character Information Lists
If you want a quick reference for characters by birthday, height, or age without having to open a dozen profiles and taking notes: that's right here!
Oshi Picker Quizlet
A mini-quizlet released during the prerelease promotion for the anime aimed at helping people determine what character (appearing in the anime, so the first four groups and Buraikan) they might like! I translated and mirrored its functionality here!
Meta, Explanations, and Observations
Names, Handles, and ID Numbers
An overview of and explanations for characters and units' names, Twitter handles, and Paratora ID numbers. Contains speculation on my part!
Recommended Reading Order
A guide to canonical reading order, and other information that may be helpful to people coming in late who may need a quick reference of what songs go with which drama tracks, et al.
What's The Deal with Chisei?
A quick explainer page going over what the deal with Chisei (and Buraikan's backstory) is, as this is one of the things I find tends to be the most confusing for new fans coming across the dramas for the first time. Unmarked spoilers.
Why Do You Use He/Him For Aoi?
An explainer page for the translation choice I get asked about most often: why I use he/him for Aoi when official material uses neutral pronouns.
Original Resources and Widgets
Favorite Character Picker
Based on the universal picker code developed by Bathkame, this is a quick and easy way to order your favorite characters by picking between which of a pair you like the most.
Favorite Song Picker
Based on Butterfree's Favorite Pokémon Picker code, this is a quick and easy way to sort your favorite songs in the franchise- without having to do a million 1v1 matchups like you would for the character picker!