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Animedia December 2024 - cozmez Birthday Q&A

What's Up? Pararai [50th edition]
December 24th is the birthday of Kanata and Nayuta from cozmez. Happy birthday to both of them! This month, we asked cozmez for comment.

In Battle of Unity (henceforce BoU), the teams that have participated in the Paradox Live before will be split up into two teams -- Avengers and Revengers -- and go up against each other one-on-one. It will finally kick off in January of 2025. Round 1's battle will be between GokuLuck and cozmez. Functionally abandoned by their parents and living in poverty while being oppressed and exploited by the adults around them, cozmez truly embody the battle theme of "SURVIVE". The two of them celebrate their birthday on December 24th. For a birthday project, we've surprised them with a Q&A, so in light of the fifth anniversary, let's find out what's changed and what's stayed the same for them ♪

What have cozmez been up to recently?

Following "Road to Legend", it seemed that cozmez's battle had maybe drawn to a close. However, they've released a new song for participation in BoU, "We Gotta Go", and they appeared for the 5th anniversary event in super cool street-style outfits, and their momentum will be hard to stop!

What's coming up for cozmez?

Up until now, the twins haven't really gotten very involved with any other teams, but in BoU they'll be teamed up with AMPRULE, VISTY, and Akan Yatsura, and more than that, they'll be doing a song with the winter team with a group of seven... while they're facing new challenges, they're also staying together in both BoU and the Seasonal Show, so we hope that they'll continue to show off how "as long as they're together, they're unbeatable".

Yatonokami Nayuta

The younger of the two twins. He has absolute trust in Kanata, who has always protected him. Since Kanata insists that Santa exists, he plays along.

Yatonokami Kanata

The older of the twin brothers, who has supported his younger brother Nayuta ever since they were little and born together in a poor neighborhood. He still believes in Santa because of a core memory of Santa saving them.*

*See the December 2020 issue of Animedia.

20 Questions for Kanata and Nayuta

Happy Birthday, Dear Kanata and Nayuta ♪ We did a surprise interview with the twins for their birthday! Let's get to know the twins a little bit better as we continue into a new year.

Q: What do you want to do for your birthday this year?
Kanata: I want to buy a big cake for Nayuta.
Nayuta: I want to eat something delicious at home with Kanata.

Q: What would you like to say to [Nayuta/Kanata] for each other's birthday?
Kanata: Thank you for living with me.
Nayuta: Thank you so much for being born.

Q: What do you want to receive for your birthday?
Kanata: As long as Nayuta is around, then whatever. I don't need anything.
Nayuta: New clothes.

Q: What do you want to give the other for their birthday?
Kanata: The new clothes that Nayuta wanted.
Nayuta: A new skate deck and wheels.

Q: For your birthday, is there anything you wish the other would get better about doing?
Kanata: Going off places without saying anything about where he's going.
Nayuta: Hopefully he'll be able to sleep on his own at night one of these days.

Q: Is there anything you want to do this winter?
Kanata: Hot pot.
Nayuta: Skating.

Q: If you were to invite someone to celebrate your birthday, who would it be?
Kanata: Can't think of a single person I'd invite.
Nayuta: I guess Shiki'd be fine.

Q: What's something really important that happened recently that you want everyone to know about?
Kanata: Raimentei's chili shrimp tamagodon is really good.
Nayuta: I cracked an egg that had two yolks in it recently.

Q: What are your goals for the next year?
Kanata: To keep making even cooler songs together.
Nayuta: To make it so there's nobody who doesn't know about us.

Q: What's something that happened recently that warmed your heart?
Kanata: I took a nap with Nayuta.
Nayuta: Kanata ate some food that I screwed up making but still said it was delicious.

Q: Do you have any standout memories of things that have happened on your birthday in the past?
Kanata: Getting equipment to catch Santa.
Nayuta: Kanata helping me out when I collapsed one time back when we were kids.

Q: Of all of the gifts you've received from other people, which stands out in your mind?
Kanata: Stage outfits that Nayuta made.
Nayuta: Rollerblades.

Q: If you could bring one thing to a deserted island, what would it be?
Kanata: A microwave.
Nayuta: A microwave.

Q: What's something that happened this year that sticks out in your memory?
Kanata: Winning an extra drink from a vending machine.
Nayuta: I met this dude who could crumple frying pans with his bare hands.

Q: What's your favorite way to keep warm these days?
Kanata: This down jacket I got for a stage outfit.
Nayuta: Eating meat buns with Kanata.

Q: What does "Santa Claus" mean to you?
Kanata: I'm definitely going to catch him, is what it means.
Nayuta: Some weird old dude.

Q: So, does Santa really exist...?
Kanata: Of course he does. Obviously.
Nayuta: Sure, why not.

Q: What kind of cake is your favorite kind?
Kanata: I don't care as long as it's edible.
Nayuta: The big kind.

Q: If you were to surprise the other for your birthday or for Christmas, what would you do?
Kanata: I'd want to catch Santa and show him.
Nayuta: I'd want to prepare so much food that we can't even finish it.

Q: Regarding the 5th anniversary outfits: are there any things about them that you particularly like, and do you have any behind-the-scenes stories from the shoot?
Kanata: Nayuta's wearing pants that I picked out.
Nayuta: It took me while to decide on outfits, because Kanata looks good in everything. But Kanata being cool is hardly news.