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Stage Battle "JUSTICE" - Part 2
Yohei: So, bastards... who sent you here?
Man 1: We weren't sent here by no one! Who fuckin' cares? Just cough up the money, you shitty bastards!
Iori: Tch... so they're just a couple'a thugs, then... oi. We'll let you off easy today. Get out.
Man 2: Don't fuckin' look down on us! If you don't fork over the cash then you're gonna be sorry!
Yohei: You're gonna let them go? ... tsk. Guess you do got a soft side to you.
Iori: No point in pushing it. You ain't gonna get a single yen out of guys like this.
Man 2: ... makin' a fool out of us... you fuckin' shitheads!
[sfx: mob decking Iori]
Yohei: --! Hey, bastard, you wanna say that again?
Iori: Drop it, danna. I'm fine.
Yohei: Don't think you're leavin' in one piece after layin' hands on Iori!
[sfx: Yohei lunging at the guy]
Man 1: Bring it on! Come at me, bro!
[sfx: Yohei beginning the violence]
Iori: Danna. That's enough.
[sfx: Man 1 and 2 wheezing]
Yohei: Hm...? Ah. ... sorry.
Iori: Well, then.
[sfx: Iori grabbing one of the men]
Man 1: Ah-- gck!
Iori: You bastards. Listen up. You pick a fight with the real thing like us, and you're lucky to get away with this much. Got it? ... we'll let you get away this time. Ain't we generous?
Man 1: y-yes... we're sorry...
Iori: Heh. ... you still overdid it, danna. It's gonna be a pain to clean this up.
Yohei: [sigh] Small timers like this are such a waste of time. Geez. What a pain in the ass.

[flashback ends]

[sfx: glasses clinking]

Saimon: You certainly were rough, weren't you, Yohei?
Yohei: Well, back then I had more strength than sense.
Zen: If we're talking about physical strength, than I, as well--! ... ah. Ahem. So where does the maneki-neko come into this?
Iori: [laughs] Ah, yeah, right, that's what we were talkin' about. So, a few days after all that, we got called in to the old man's office. We were all puffed up as we went in, thinkin' we were gonna get rewarded real well, but...

[flashback begins]

Yohei: ... tch... seriously, what's up with the old man... the hell's he getting at, giving us maneki-neko?
Iori: Hahahah. It's a little disappointing, huh?
Yohei: We protected the club's good name and its rich-ass patrons, you'd think he could give us somethin' a bit more...
Iori: Probably just didn't have anything else prepared. He just pulled 'em right out of the drawer and threw 'em to us.
Yohei: For real... I just can't shake the feelin' that I'm bein' ripped off.
Iori: Hah. But when he jus' smiled like that and said he was expectin' great things from us... s'hard to argue with that. Anyway. We'll just have to live up to his expectations. Earn a lot of money for the old man in a hurry... We'll make it for the old man, ourselves... everyone in the Suiseki... we'll get everyone in real high spirits, yeah?
Yohei: Hah. Yeah. Let's do it. I'm countin' on you... mister maneki-neko.
Iori: The line 'yer supposed to put there is 'partner'. Say, "I'm countin' on you, Iori"! Somethin' like that!
Yohei: Oi, oi. There you go, talkin' like the old man.
Iori: Heh. What do you think? Pretty good impression of the old man, don't you think?
Yohei: No, it sucks. Dumbass.
[sfx: both of them laughing]

[flashback ends]

Saimon: So something like that happened, Yohei... I'd never have guessed.
Zen: To think that those maneki-neko were gifts from the old man...
Iori: Whaddaya think? Real good story, ain't it?
Zen: Yes. ... a lot of things happened in the past, didn't they?
Iori: Well, that's 'cause we'd been stuck workin' together for a long time.
Yohei: That was a long time ago, though. Thinkin' of it-- weren't those guys from the Alter Trigger there, too, that day? ... heh. What a shitty coincidence.
Iori: It certainly is a shitty coincidence, isn't it?
Yohei: ... hm?
Iori: Danna, you've heard mention of it around lately, I'm sure? The Alter Trigger company.
Saimon: ... how do... you know...?
Iori: [laughs] You work in the business, you hear a lotta things!
Yohei: And? What do you know?
Iori: None of the details! But I know that this bar's liable to get bought out... and who's aimin' to buy it.
Yohei: ... guess it's no surprise that news gets its way back to you fast, huh... Yeah. We have to get the ten billion. To protect this place. But I don't see what makes you think there's a connecti-- ...
Iori: And there y'have it. So. You know anything about Alter Trigger and the Paradox Live, danna?
Saimon: ... what, exactly, are you saying?
Iori: Between the sudden upset of the buyout attempt and the inception of the Paradox Live... and on top of that, the amount's just what you need to buy it out, ten billion. Don't you think that's a bit too much of a happy coincidence?
Saimon: ... so, in short, you're saying... that the Alter Trigger company is behind all of it?
Iori: Who can say?
Saimon: But... ... no... don't tell me. Then that would mean...
Yohei: We're... bein' manipulated?
Iori: Ah man... from the way you're reactin', you don't know shit, huh?
Saimon: ...
Iori: [sigh] Looks like we're not gettin' anythin' out of this. At any rate. Let's just say that I told you 'cause of our friendly relationship, yeah? There's somethin' weird about this competition. Watch yourself, yeah?
Yohei: Oi. What's goin' on with this event?
Saimon: Please, tell us anything you know. Any bit of information is--
[sfx: door opening, bell ringing]
Ryu: We're BAAAA~CK!
Reo: Aniki, we're back!
Satsuki: That was so good!
Yohei: [sigh] Looks like the adults' time is over.
Hokusai: ... hey. You said... that you guys keep cats... where are they?
Shiki: Oh... um... sorry... we're made it so they can't come down into the shop... So they're probably asleep upstairs right now...
Hokusai: Even though I brought lots of cat teasers[1]...
Reo: Don't look so sad, Hokusai. Maybe Satsuki will play with them instead!
Hokusai: Satsuki? Is that true?
Satsuki: Ha? Who the hell would want to play with weeds? ... Hokusai! Stop lookin' at me all hopefully!
Reo: Guess that's a wash! Then, maybe Maou[2]? Here boy, c'mere!
Ryu: There's no way that Ryu-kun would wag his tail so easily for-- ... bark bark! Let's play! Let's play!
Hokusai: Ryu. Paw.
[sfx: Ryu slapping his hand into Hokusai's]
Ryu: Woof!
Hokusai: Other paw.
Ryu: Woof!
Satsuki: Ain't it supposed to be a cat toy? What's with the barking?!
Shiki: Um... maybe, we shouldn't do this, inside the shop...
Saimon: Ahaha... it's alright, Shiki. We're already closed up, after all.
Zen: We're very sorry about how our boys are...
Yohei: No, I feel like I sorta understand...
Satsuki: Thanks for footin' the bill, aniki! Raimentei's ramen was great today as usual! And here's the change--
Iori: Ah, don't worry about it, Satsuki. You keep it.
Satsuki: For real!? Is that really okay!?
Iori: Let's just call it a bonus for helpin' out with the chores recently. 'Ight?
Reo: Ah, what? Only Satsuki gets it? Totally unfair! I want a bonus too!
Satsuki: Hah? You didn't do shit, though!
Reo: Hah? What are you talking about? I'm so cute that I add value to any situation just by being there~ Unlike you, Satsuki! Right, Shiki?
Satsuki: HAH?
Shiki: Hey, um, we don't have to fight...
Satsuki: Shut it! Back off, Shiki!
Shiki: A..ah... there's no need... to be so mean, Satsuki-kun...
Zen: There they go again... my apologies. Oi! What are you two on about this time!?
Reo: [in the background] You're just mad you're not as popular as me, riiight?
Satsuki: [in the background] OI!
Zen: [in the background] How many times am I gonna have to tell you this!?
Satsuki: [in the background] He started it!
Saimon: It certainly seems like they fight a lot.
Iori: [laughs] They say the closer you are to someone the more y'wanna throttle 'em, right?
Ryu: By the way. What were you talking about with everyone else, Boss?
Saimon: Hm? ... ah. Just idle conversation.
Ryu: Is that sooo? Hmmm~? Hah! I've got it! You guys were talking about the guys who stand behind everyone else... right?
Yohei: ...!
Saimon: ... Ryu...
Reo: What is it? You mean ghosts?
Ryu: Nope~! It's a~dults on~ly ta~lk!
Iori: Oi. ... what do you mean by that? Do you know somethin'?
Ryu: Know something? About what? How to make konnyaku?
Iori: ... kiddo. You might not wanna go around running your mouth.
Ryu: Running? Like running a marathon all around town~? [3]
Saimon: ... I'm sorry, but you could please not bother this boy with questions?
Iori: ... ... ah, a'right. My bad, my bad! [to self] ... this kid... knows somethin'?
Ryu: Heeey, if ghosts were to appear, what would we do~?
Satsuki: Hey, Shiki. ... is this guy always like this? Even when we were gettin' ramen he'd just spout off with every thought he has.
Ryu: Shiki's arms are really white and boney, aren't they~? Yum yum calcium! [MUNCH]
Shiki: Ah-- Ryu-kun, that hurts...! Stop biting me...!
Ryu: [muffled] munchmunchmunchmunchmunch
Reo: For real, how do you put up with that all the time? Isn't it awful?
Shiki: N-no, not at all. I'm used to it...
Ryu: Woof grrrrrrr bitebitebite!
Satsuki: It's scarier if that's what you call "normal"!
Shiki: But... he's also got a really kind side...
Yohei: Oi. How long you gonna keep biting Shiki's arm!?
[sfx: THWACK]
Ryu: Oooof! Waaah! Master's bullying meee! Violence is wrong!!
Hokusai: Shiki. Are you alright? Does it hurt? There, there...
Shiki: T-thank you...
Saimon: [sigh]
[sfx: Ryuu panting like a dog and barking, Reo cooing him to like a dog in the bg]
Shiki: ... owner...? Are you okay...?
Saimon: ... hm? Why do you ask?
Shiki: It looked like your mind was somewhere else... I thought you might be tired...
Saimon: Ah... I was just... thinking. Thank you for being concerned, Shiki. You're a very kind boy.
Shiki: N-not at all...
Iori: [clap] Well! It's already late. Let's call it here, yeah?
Reo: Alriii~ght!
Zen: We said we'd only have one drink, but we ended up staying for quite a while.
Saimon: It's quite alright. Come again any time.
Hokusai: I'd like to meet the kitties next time...
Yohei: Yeah, yeah. You can even take them home with you.
Hokusai: Really...!?
Reo: That's no good. We already have a monkey living at home, remember? His name is Satsuki!
Hokusai: Oh, right...
Satsuki: Oioioioi, hey, Hokusai! The fuck you mean by "oh, right"?!
Ryu: Bye-bye, thank you, come again soon~!
Shiki: We look forward to your next visit...
Zen: Alright! Thank you very much!
Iori: Hey, you pack of brats! Get a move on, will 'ya?
Reo: On it~!
Hokusai: Heheh...
Satsuki: Let's come back sometime!
Iori: Hey, Danna. I've changed a lot since I was followin' you around. These guys're my family now. So... in order to protect 'em... I ain't losin' on stage. Just because we used to be comrades don't mean I'm gonna go easy on you.
Yohei: Pfft. Bring it on. I'm not losin' either. No way I'm goin' to lose the bar, or the people I care about.
Iori: 'Ight! Next time I see you, it'll be on stage!
Yohei: Yeah. Just you wait.
[sfx: door opening and closing, bell ringing]
Yohei: ... oi. You're Gazen, right?
Zen: Yes?
Yohei: Him... Iori, I mean... look after him, will 'ya? I'm countin' on you for that.
Zen: ... yes. You don't need to tell me that.
Yohei: Hah. So that's how it is.
[sfx: door opening and closing, bell ringing]
Yohei: 'Ight! Now everyone go and start cleanin' up, and make it fast!
Shiki: Y-yes!
Ryu: Eeeh?
Saimon: You, too, Yohei.
Yohei: Yeah, yeah. I get it, Owner-sama. Ight. Shiki, you clean. Ryu, go get the dustpan.
Shiki: Alright...!
Ryu: I'm on the case!
[sfx: door closing]

[1] Neko jarashi, or foxtails; a type of plant used to play with cats. [Back]
[2] As in Daimaou Compla, Ryu's MC name. [Back]
[3] This is not a literal translation of this exchange, but the thing with Ryu is that he makes a lot of soundalike word associations and puns, so I do my best to translate the gist of what talking to him is like. [Back]

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