Trauma Button A Paradox Live Fansite

cozmez - December 24, 2023

Kanata: Omurice, hamburger and fries... is that gonna be enough? This is hard.
Nayuta: Eh, let's just buy more, then. It's our birthday, after all. Wanna get takeout from somewhere around here?
Kanata: ... hey, Nayuta. Look at that.
Nayuta: Sup? ... "chicken[1] and cake"...? Sounds good. What size of cake we gonna get?
Kanata: Do you have to ask? The biggest one they've got.
Nayuta: [laughs] Awesome. But are you gonna be able to carry it?

[1] It's a big cultural thing in Japan to eat fried chicken on Christmas, and since their birthday is December 24th, I feel this is important context.

Zen - January 1, 2024

Satsuki: Zen-nii! Do the thing again this year! It's your birthday, after all, so you've GOTTA do the thing!
Zen: Leave it to me! That's right... this year, why don't you do it with me, too, Satsuki-kun!
Satsuki: Whoa-hoah! For real!? Well, if you say so, then I've got no choice but to do it too!
Zen: Well, then let's get to it! One, two, and...!
Zen and Satsuki: [extreme flexing noises]
Zen: [panting] Satsuki-kun... from biceps to traps, you were able to craft a fine mountain range of muscles!

Itsuki - January 15, 2024

Rokuta: Itsuki-nii! Happy birthday~! Here, for you! It's a present!
Itsuki: Hm? This is... a bookmark?
Rokuta: Uh-huh! I made it with Kei-chan! I was thinkin' you'd be happy to have something like that to use when you're reading a book!
Itsuki: ... I see. Thank you. I will treasure it. I'll have to thank Kei later as well.

Kei - January 31, 2024

Kei: Welcome home, Itsuki. It certainly looks like you bought a lot of food today.
Itsuki: Yes, on account of it being your birthday, Kei. Having discussed the matter with Rokuta, I am planning to make a more extravagant dinner than usual.
Kei: Well, that being the case, I'll have to ensure I'm hungry by nightfall.
Itsuki: Please do so. I am planning to serve cake after the meal.
Kei: Thank you. I'll look forward to it.

Chungsung - February 7, 2024

Dongha: What's that look for?
Chungsung: Nothing at all.
Dongha: You're distracting me. Go back to your own room or wherever.
Chungsung: Understood. However, if I may be of use to you for anything else, feel free to call upon me again.
Dongha: ... Ah. I left a package on your desk. You'd better inspect it.
Chungsung: Bocchama...! Please allow me to humbly express my extreme delight.

Kantaro - February 14, 2024

Aoi: Happy birthday, Kantaro. This cake is a present from all of us.
Kantaro: Ah! Thank you~! ... hold on, this is from that super popular store! How'd you guys manage to get this?
Aoi: Shogo went to get it first thing in the morning. He thought you might want to try it.
Kantaro: Good work, Shogo! Never cutting corners with the sweets reconnaissance!
Aoi: We've got another present for you, too. You should open it after we all have a chance to have some cake.
Kantaro: Ah, I'm really looking forward to all of it~! Thank you so much, everyone!

Hokusai - March 3, 2024

Ryu: Happy Birthday to My Friend Fuu-chan!
Hokusai: Thank you, Ryu.
Ryu: Today I've prepared you a special drink! Here you go! Aahahaha!
Hokusai: Amazing. This is the first time I've ever seen a drink this color.
Ryu: Ahem! For Fuu-chan, who loves kitties: tuna, and bonito, and chicken, and then a bunch of other stuff, all blended up~!
Hokusai: You really got creative for my sake, didn't you? I wonder how it tastes. I look forward to trying it.

Kenta - March 20, 2024

Yuto: Mikoshiba-kun, a very happy birthday to you.
Kenta: What's so happy about it. ... ah?
Yuto: It's not much, but I prepared some cake. Here you go.
Kenta: My my, aren't you breaking the shitty little rules, you shitty little prison guard?
Yuto: We'll keep it a secret. Please eat it before anyone else sees.
Kenta: ... ... you think that's gonna be enough!? Get me pizza and cola, too!

Ryu - April 1, 2024

Yohei: Oi, Ryu. It's your birthday, right? What do you wanna have to eat?
Ryu: Eh! Is that so~? So it is, it's Ryu-kun's birthday!
Yohei: ... so? What d'ya want?
Ryu: I don't care~! There's nothing Ryu-kun looks forward to more than it just being Ryu-kun's birthday!
Yohei: I see. Then I don't gotta put any effort in, right?
Ryu: I changed my mind! I want cream puffs with minced meat, al dente style, and Shikki's shins!!

Hajun - April 8, 2024

Toma: H-Hajun-san! Happy birthday!
Hajun: Thank you very much, Toma-kun.
Toma: I bet that someone who's on your level probably rents out a super lux hotel for your birthday and have an all-night party or something like that, right, Hajun-san?
Hajun: By no means. I simply have a small celebration at home with my teammates.
Toma: Oh, VISTY do kinda the same thing! Having a party at home is fun, right?
Hajun: Indeed. It's not a bad way to celebrate, I think.

Aoi - April 19, 2024

Shogo: Happy birthday, Aoi!
Aoi: Thank you, Shogo! What's in this package?
Shogo: It's a secret. So go ahead and open it!
Aoi: ...! You didn't have to get me something like this--!
Shogo: You've been eyeing that motorcycle in magazines, right? We can't afford to buy the real thing, so it's just a plastic scale model kit, but...
Aoi: No, I'm so happy! Toma is really good at putting these together, right? I'll have to ask him to help me make it! Shogo, thank you so much!

Iori - May 2, 2024

Iori: Oh! Well ain't we in high spirits~? Full marks!
Reo: Tadaa! It's a firm custard pudding, thickened up with extra egg yolks! And of course we didn't forget the cherry on top!
Iori: Now that's the stuff! Nothin' beats havin' this kinda pudding in the comfort of my own home!
Reo: Hehe~! Zen-nii's the one who made it, though.
Iori: That so? I've only ever had somethin' like this at a cafe. Gettin' to eat it with my family makes it taste a hundred times better, and makes my mood ten thousand times better!
Reo: Happy birthday! It's the least we can do for you. Love 'ya, aniki!

Satsuki - May 15, 2024

Anne: Satsuki-kuuun! Can I ask you to stay behind a little bit today after closing up?
Satsuki: Uh, sure... no problem. Somethin' up?
Anne: It's your birthday today, right? Though it might be nice to celebrate~.
Satsuki: Eh!? You mean--!?! Just the two of us--!?!
Anne: Ahaha, no, nothing like that! With the rest of the staff! We even bought a cake, so look forward to it, 'kay?
Satsuki: Ah, t-thanks... everyone'll be there, huh...?

Ryoga - May 28, 2024

Yuto: Tosa-kun, please help yourself to one if you'd like.
Ryoga: The hell're you trying to do.
Yuto: Ah, well...! Today is your birthday... isn't it, Tosa-kun?
Ryoga: ... I mean, yeah.
Yuto: That's good to hear. This isn't the brand you usually smoke, but it's the thought that counts with presents.
Ryoga: Mm. [taking a drag of a cigarette] ... seriously, the hell...

Anne - June 12, 2024

Aoi: A-a-a-Anne-sama! Ha-happy birthday...! Um, this is for you...!
Anne: Aoi-kun~! Thank you for remembering my birthday~! ... oh, what's this! This is such a beautiful bouquet~! And this hand cream, too? Wow, I'm so happy!
Aoi: Ah, no, I should be the one to say I'm happy, I'm just glad to be able to celebrate your birthday...! I tried to pick out a hand cream with a scent that suited your image, Anne-sama...!
Anne: I'm so happy~! Give me a hug~!
Aoi: !?!!?! Um, Anne-sama?!
Anne: Come on, let's go hit up a cafe together~! It's my treat, as a thank you!

Chisei - June 21, 2024

Chisei: Haruomi~ Today's my birthday, y'know-- don't tell me you forgot?
Haruomi: Ah... I guess that is today, now that I think about it.
Chisei: C'mon, you're not gonna forget your longtime partner's birthday that easily, are you?
Haruomi: I'm joking. I've prepared some celebratory drinks.
Chisei: Now that's more like it. While we're at it, I want your specialty ramen, too!
Haruomi: Got it. Hold on for a bit while I make it.

Reo - July 21, 2024

Hokusai: Reo, come here.
Reo: Wah~! Am I gonna get Hokusai headpats~?
Hokusai: Mm. Reo, it's your birthday today, right?
Reo: Sure is~! Good job noticing, Hokusai~. You remembered, unlike Satsuki!
Hokusai: Ah, right now Satsuki is out getting a prese-- ah. I shouldn't have said that.
Reo: I see... well, I guess I'll give Satsuki a bit of credit, too. Hokusai! I'll pretend I didn't hear anything if you keep giving me headpats~!

Shiki - August 8, 2024

Shiki: Hey, Nayuta-kun, which record do you think I should get, between these two? I'm having trouble choosing.
Nayuta: Lemme see 'em... hm...
Shiki: Na-Nayuta-kun!?
Nayuta: I'm gonna buy both. It's your birthday, isn't it, Shiki?
Shiki: That's true, but I could never trouble you to have to buy both...!
Nayuta: S'fine, just let me be the one to pay today.

Yuto - August 12, 2024

Ryoga: I'll tell Shion and Shibaken not to cause any trouble today.
Yuto: Thank you very much for that, Tosa-kun. But what's the occasion for today?
Ryoga: ... do you not remember what today is?
Yuto: Is there something special about it? I mean, I suppose it is my birthday, but even so...
Ryoga: Well, if you already understand, then I'm done here. Later.
Yuto: ... maybe that was Tosa-kun's way of wishing me a happy birthday...?

Shogo - August 20, 2024

Toma: And so it's time for this Stella Live's special talk segment! [sotto voce] Aoi, Kantaro!
Shogo: Eh? Is something up? I don't remember having a talk segment in the plan?
Toma: [laughs] Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Sho-chiiiin! Happy birthday to you!
Shogo: Everyone...! Thank you! I wasn't expecting this at all!
Toma: Sho-chin, we wanted to thank you for always supporting all of the Stellas, and us!
Shogo: I'm the one who should be thanking everyone else for the support... really, thank you so much. I hope you'll keep supporting me from now on!

Yohei - August 28, 2024

Iori: Ah~ I'm feelin' good this time too~. C'mon, danna, have another drink.
Yohei: Mm. I'll see you later.
Iori: Hey, now, hold up... ah, here we go. Take this one for the road.
Yohei: Hm? What kind of alcohol is this? ... ... Heh. I see how it is.
Iori: Figured if y'had a chance to acclimate to it, you might not lose out to me next time~![1]
Yohei: You bastard, that time was-- ... ah, fine. Thanks, Iori.

[1] They are still arguing over who can outdrink the other; see Day 3 of the 4th Annversary Youtube Community Meeting

Haruomi - September 9, 2024

Allen: [stammering] UH. UM. SHURA-SAN. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Haruomi: Well, look who it is. You're SUZAKU from BAE, right? Surprised you came right on the dot when Raimentei opened. That's dedication.
Allen: You probably already know this, but I've always admired Buraikan so much...! I can't believe I have the chance to wish you a happy birthday in person! I'm so honored!!
Haruomi: You're making it out to be a bigger deal than it is... well, it's not the worst thing in the world. Have something to eat, long as you're here.

Saimon - September 18, 2024

Shiki: Owner, Happy Birthday to you. Master and I worked together to make a special celebration meal. And Ryu-kun helped, too.
Saimon: You worked together with everyone to prepare something for my sake, Shiki? I'm really looking forward to it now.
Shiki: And, um... please, have this! I'm not sure if you'll like it or not, Owner, but... I picked out a present for you.
Saimon: If you put careful thought into choosing it, Shiki, I'm sure I'll be happy no matter what it is. Thank you.

Allen - October 1, 2024

Hajun: Allen, dinner is going to get cold; please come out into the living room quickly.
Allen: Just a second, all I have left to do is tweak this harmony a little...
Hajun: [emphatically] Allen?
Allen: Yeah, yeah, I know! C'mon, this'll take less than a minute...! Alright, there, done-- ...! Whoa! What's with this entire feast!?
Hajun: Well, it is your birthday, isn't it? Writing songs is all well and good, but please, remember your own birthday. Please, take a seat.

Rokuta - October 10, 2024

Rokuta: Kei-chan! Something smells really good~!!
Kei: It's because it's your birthday, Rokuta. Itsuki and I prepared lot of food together.
Rokuta: Yaaaay!! Is there karaage, too...?
Kei: Indeed there is. You really love karaage, after all, don't you?
Rokuta: Yeah! But not just 'cause it's karaage, I love whatever food Kei-chan and Itsuki-nii make more than anything in the entire world!
Kei: [laughs] Even though it's your birthday, Rokuta, I feel like I'm the one who's being made happy. Happy birthday again, Rokuta.