This site is strictly fan-run and unofficial and has no affiliation with Avex or Gcrest, nor any other translation groups; this is a one-man show run as a hobby.
Please make sure you check out Terms of Use and Notes on Translation Choices!
This site is strictly fan-run and unofficial and has no affiliation with Avex or Gcrest, nor any other translation groups; this is a one-man show run as a hobby.
Please make sure you check out Terms of Use and Notes on Translation Choices!
Please remember: I don't translate the previews because not having the entire drama to work with gives me a hernia, so please sit tight for another 10 days until the CDs release!
Also, I have added a remark on the "Other Translations" page to note when the Autumn seasonal special video will be coming out, since that was announced recently.
To recap, currently, we're looking at:
I also rearranged a few files so that some pages are now in the /other/ subdirectory; if you're using a direct link (from your history/bookmarks or Twitter) and you could have sworn there was a page there before, try adding adding /other/ into the url (ex: -> I've added a note about this to my 404 page, but just in case, thought I'd announce it!
The song credits page has also been updated with the new songs' info, and the Concerts page has been updated to reflect the setlists for the 2Man Show performances, and will be updated again in small ways as the official digest videos are posted.
I'm still chugging away at some boring under the hood stuff with the site, so don't mind it if you see things that are a little inconsistent across pages.
Also, it being Allen's birthday: his birthday voice message is up!
And, finally: an anonymous user got in touch and hooked me up with rips of the special Animate tokuten (store bonus) for the LIVE album, containing voice messages from the original 14 characters reflecting on the first round! Check my translations of that out under the "Other Misc. Stuff" in Other Translations!
First: All of the Unit R gap comics are up! The other five are coming out next month, so they'll follow when they come out.
Second: So I can stop explaining myself and can easily link it to people, I've added a page (found in the "Meta, Explanations and Other Observations" heading on the "Other Trivia" page) to explain why I use he/him for Aoi. Just remember that I am one person interpreting a canon, so you don't have to agree with me, I just wanted a concrete place that I could link people to instead of having to explain myself over and over, lol.
Third: There's an on-site search now! It doesn't appear on pages that don't have the full menu (so on novel pages, song translations, and drama tracks), but those pages are indexed in it as well. Use it to help you find information (or just every instance of a given character's name showing up, or every instance of the word "fuck" in my translations, idc, I'm not your dad) across the site.
Also, unrelatedly, I am currently gathering responses on a brief, not-too-deep survey about my translations, fan translation, and Paradox Live! It'd be cool if you filled it out.
Also, the short story from this month's B's-LOG is up! It's in "Magazines", and since these are going to be an ongoing thing, for right now I've decided to put them up at the top of the page. Note that until the next issue comes out, you will be required to input a password that's set up to check if you own a copy of the magazine (the ebook works). I do this because I've seen fantranslators been asked by Japanese fans to take translations of current magazine content down, so I figure that the least I can do is delay the release until it's not the most recent issue on sale.
New month means all the old updates are moved to the Past Updates page and the August 2024 Twitter archive is up!