Trauma Button at Phanto.MOE is a fansite for Paradox Live, the anime-styled hip hop franchise created by Gcrest and published by Avex Records. It is run by Jakkal, and features lots of translation work done by Jakkal and his cool friend Carpfish. It is meant to help make getting into and keeping track of this scattershot franchise a little more stable and approachable, using the old-school format of a mid-2000s fansite.
This site is strictly fan-run and unofficial and has no affiliation with Avex or Gcrest, nor any other translation groups; this is a one-man show run as a hobby.
Please make sure you check out Terms of Use and Notes on Translation Choices!
Changelog & Updates
The KARMA dramas are up! Please enjoy. I feel very normal and fine and good about all of this.
I've translated and put up the (free-to-view) Q&As from the Paradox Tribe third anniversary campaign! Find them under "Anniversary campaigns" in Other Translations. KARMA comes out tomorrow, so stay tuned for your usual flurry of activity!
Also, I have temporarily taken the merch-and-collabs page out of the sidebar. I've never been happy with it, and I'd like to re-align how I approach it (I don't like functioning as a news site, and I don't like things I have to regularly update like that), but it will come back! I have a quite concrete plan for how I want to handle it, but it will take a little bit of time to actually write up, lol.
Kenta's birthday 2025 cheki is in the gallery, and translations for The Cat's Whiskers BLUE FLAME and AMPRULE'S ONE WAY are up! The music credits page has also been updated appropriately for the two new songs.
This month's B's-LOG story is up with a password, which means last month's is up for all to read! Check those out on the Magazines page. Also, added the Paradox Tribe 3rd anniversary art to the gallery page!
Dope Space 2025 art is up in the gallery! Also included a brief writeup of what we know + who's attending Dope Space 2025 on the Concerts page!
Update is a bit late because I was out of town, but February's twitter posts are up now, and Hokusai's birthday cheki has been added to the gallery!
Smattering of updates; mostly the addition of all of the Seasonal Show art to the Gallery page, and a reflection of the Seasonal Show CD going up on the discography page! :V
The announcement that the Seasonal Show will not have drama tracks (which, to be clear, is a choice that I am extremely in favor of) does indicate that the seasonal groups' livestream videos are meant to serve as a replacement, so be sure to check those out! We're still waiting on the Spring one, but it will likely happen very soon.
General upkeep; Kantaro's cheki is on the gallery page, I've updated the disocgraphy page to reflect the results of SURVIVE... and on a slightly less canon content related note, I'm pivoting to a different askbox because Retrospring is going away in like two weeks, and I've taken the chance to embed the new askbox in a page so you can conveniently send in comments and concerns directly from the site. :V So that's in the sidebar now!
Added the Q&A and cross-talk from this month's Animedia to the Magazines page! Note that because Animedia doesn't do ebook copies, I have decided not to time-gate this translation, but in exchange I do ask that you adhere to a few extra rules meant to dissuade snitching. Just read and agree to the popup on the page to acccess it!
Added the Paratora conversations between TCW and Rokuta/AMPRULE and Iori from a couple weeks ago to go along with the KARMA art reveal! Find those under pre-album release materials on the "Other Translations" page. I'm experimenting with a new style of approach where I gloss over and summarize out the user comments, since I don't enjoy translating them but they are doing more and more in-character conversations on Paratora and I want to be able to share those (pseudo-)canonical interactions.
Chungsung's birthday cheki is in the gallery, and I also happened to stumble upon the text from the December 2020 issue of Animedia featuring a small character interview that was referenced in the other Animedia translation I just posted, so I went ahead and translated that too! Check it out in magazines.
The character interview ft. Kanata and Nayuta from the issue of Animedia that came out this past December is up! Check it out under "magazines".
New month means last month's Twitter archives are now up! And a front page cleanup, adding all old news to the Past Updates page. And, of course, Kei's birthday cheki has also been added to the gallery!