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cozmez - Get it
Translator: Jakkal

Yeah, cozmez
I want it all
Get it, get it, get it

I want it all- all of the things I want, the future I've been dreaming of
I'll get 'em all, so many things-- the chains and rings, I'll take a hold of all of them

Mealy-mouthed platitudes are a load of nonsense
Wanting things is just human nature
It's what being alive is about
Take a hold of the riches and the fame
We'll get it all through this rap game
I don't want to watch from the sidelines
We'll take on endless challenges as we work our way to the top

Get it, get it, get it now
Get it, get it, get it now
Unstoppable desire, an unquenchable fire
Take the gold and the diamonds,
Let's go, take me higher

Desire without an end-- even now, it won't stop
The instinct to stay alive, the drive to push it further
Only the authentic survive and actions speak louder than words
We don't care about winning the title, we fight to survive

We're jealous of those who were born lucky
We have only disdain for the city we were born in, the lot we were born into
But we know that if we're content to stay like that, then nothing will change
That's why we're standing on this stage with this mic today

Even that much won't satisfy us--
A half-assed success doesn't mean anything
We have our sights set higher than that
Give me the dough
Give me a chance
Give me the mic

Get it, get it, get it now
Get it, get it, get it now
Unstoppable desire, an unquenchable fire
Take the gold and the diamonds,
Let's go, take me higher

We've always gotten by with brute force
The rule of the city is that that might makes right
If you lose and make an ass of yourself, everything gets taken from you
That's why we never lose, no matter what we do

Get it, get it, get it now
Get it, get it, get it now
Unstoppable desire, an unquenchable fire
Take the gold and the diamonds,
Let's go, take me higher