Trauma Button A Paradox Live Fansite

Twitter Archive - November 2023

November 1, 2023

Kenta @endbringer_666_ - 4:32 AM (04:32)
Check. One more move, and victory is ours.

Yohei @godsummer0828 - 4:55 AM (04:55)
The hell's with this pumpkin monster.

Chungsung @battler4dongha - 7:47 AM (07:47)
Well. It seems that at long last, the battle draws to a close today; how is everybody faring? You cannot go back in time once the time has passed. I sincerely hope that you are all able to have a day with no regrets.

Ryu @ryukunkawaii - 8:01 AM (08:01)
Atteeeeeeeeention! The battle ends today!! If you spot a pre-hibernation gigantosaurus or a whipped cream gas canister-chan, be sure to wake me up and let me know right awᵃʸʸʸʸ!!! 🤬

Yuto @mainichiheiwani - 11:54 AM (11:54)
It really feels like the final day came in the blink of an eye, doesn't it? Using GokuLuck's music to deliver everybody's outcry to the world... I'm certain we'll win.

Hajun @smileywangja - 12:23 PM (12:23)
We'll continue running for the throne just like this; I have no intention of handing over the victory to anybody else. At the end of the finals, I hope that nobody has any regrets. You haven't had time to look at any other teams? Well, I have no intention of letting anyone look elsewhere.

Shiki @nanashisaboten - 12:33 PM (12:33)
All I can do is watch and wait for the results, but you have my support.

Kantaro @imsweetiecutie - 12:36 PM (12:26)
I was getting really fidgety and Aoi said I was getting too restless, so we're eating together 🥺 The food's really good 🥺

Anne @fxxkdaborder - 1:41 PM (1:41)
The last day is always super exciting, but I've been super restless today! I wonder if everyone else is feeling the same way? It's alright; you're not alone in that! Let's keep that excitement going until the end, and enjoy the moment!

Aoi @IOAOI_VISTY - 1:51 PM (13:51)
It's the last day, so I can't help but be concerned. I told Kantaro that he was being restless, but I'm a bit more on edge than usual as well.

Satsuki @AKsatsukingYR - 4:04 PM (16:04)
I can't calm down at fucking all!!! I can't even focus on working out because I can't stop thinking about it!!!

Reo @AKreokunYR - 4:10 PM (16:10)
Of course I'm at school when I get the most interested~~ 😇 It'll totally be okay if I use some class time to check out everyone's comments, right?

Hokusai @AKyoshiyoshiYR - 4:18 PM (16:18)
It's not the end yet

Rokuta @1Nm8_06 - 5:22 PM (17:22)
There were lots of sounds I heard during the battle -- really beautiful ones, and exciting ones too! I'm gonna do my best so I can keep helping out Kei-chan and Itsuki-nii!

Nayuta @czmznyt - 5:50 PM (17:50)
this time, it'll be as the two of us

Yohei @godsummer0828 - 5:51 PM (17:51)
S'coming up soon.

[context: Voting closed at 18:00]

Allen @irepmyself - 6:04 PM (18:04)
Thanks for supporting BAE all this time!!! Now all that's left is to wait for the results. I believe we can plant BAE's flag together with everyone's help and celebrate our victory. Big RESPECT to all the heads who've given us their support!!!

Toma @t0malikes2party - 6:08 PM (18:08)
The vibes are still so high that I don't feel like it's over yet at all 🕺✨✨✨✨✨✨ I feel like a samurai who's present at one of those big historic moments! It's too cool!!! Good work to all of the heads! A toast to all of your hard work~!

Hajun @smileywangja - 6:10 PM (18:10)
Well, the battle is over. Even though I couldn't let my guard down for a moment, the support we received from everybody allowed me to keep going. You have my thanks. Please look forward to seeing us seated upon the throne.

Anne @fxxkdaborder - 6:12 PM (18:12)
Everyone~!! Thanks so much for giving us so much support this entire time! Everyone's kind words have helped and encouraged me every day! I want to win for the sake of everyone who's supported us getting this far!!

Shogo @sho5gummylife - 6:13 PM (18:13)
It was a battle that had all of us watching on the edge of our seats until the very end. We were able to hear a lot of different sounds at the live show, I know we'll be able to take this experience with us into the future. We'll keep doing our best tomorrow!

Yuto @mainichiheiwani - 6:15 PM (18:15)
It's thanks to everyone's support that we were able to come on stage at the finals. Thank you very much for your support of GokuLuck thus far. We don't know the results yet, but all we can do is wait and hope.

Kenta @endbringer_666_ - 6:19 PM (18:19)
It's the start of a new era. The time is coming.

Shion @smokinwhitedog - 6:21 PM (18:21)
We burned it up, didn't we. Saying "you were amazing" after standing on stage is great, it's like pillow talk, lol

Iori @AKgokigenYR - 6:24 PM (18:24)
Looking forward to finding out who had the most spirit.

Ryoga @orega_ryouga - 6:30 PM (18:30)
We gave it our all. All that's left now is to win.

Zen @AKbulkupYR - 6:42 PM (18:42)
I know that all of you heads were fighting with everything you had. Please make sure to take some time to rest and recuperate.

Nayuta @czmznyt - 6:55 PM (18:55)
the two of us are going to stand at the top

Kanata @czmzknt - 6:57 PM (18:57)
get two crowns ready for us

Saimon @kotonoha0918 - 7:11 PM (19:11)
Thank you very much to everyone who came to the bar every day to talk about the battle. It's a re-affirmation that music is what connects people to each other. We as TCW would like to keep moving forward and continue creating a sound that is uniquely ours.

Dongha @lastjeoldaeja - 7:48 PM (19:48)
No matter what kind of drivel people spout off with, what matters is the final results. Only the words of the victors are inscribed in history.

Itsuki @1Nm8_05 - 9:10 PM (21:10)
We can use the data from this battle in the future for the future trajectory of 1Nm8. We must accept the facts and keep moving forward.

Kei @1Nm8_07 - 9:25 PM (21:25)
Anything that begins must have an end. But at the moment of the end, something may start again anew.

November 2, 2023

Aoi @IOAOI_VISTY - 8:30 AM (08:30)
Good VISTY morning 🦋 You've all been busy every day with the battle, so I admit I'm feeling a little lonely. I think tonight I'll pop onto Paratora for the first time in a while. #GoodVISTYMorning

November 3, 2023

Buraikan @_BURAIKAN_ - 12:00 AM (00:00)
We have something planned for the artists who participated and fought in "Road to Legend", and for the heads who have supported the artists along the way as well. Details to follow.

Hajun @smileywangja - 7:12 AM (07:12)
Both Allen and Anne are likely tired from the past stretch of days, so I prepared vegetable porridge for breakfast today.

Satsuki @AKsatsukingYR - 9:15 AM (09:15)
wassup? It's ya boy GAIA!! I'm baking a sweet potato while cleanin' up the yard~~~~~~~~~!!! #Workout #MusclesDontLie #AkanYatsura

Shiki @nanashisaboten - 1:24 PM (13:24)
Today is a holiday, so I'm going to practice playing piano.

[context: at 18:00, an image of a red invitation envelope was posted to the official Paradox Live account]

Allen @irepmyself - 6:10 PM (18:10)
We received an invitation from Buraikan! I haven't looked at what's inside yet, but that doesn't stop me from getting hyped! I wonder if I'll get a chance to talk to them again? If so, what should I ask them...? There's too many things I want to ask about...!

Rokuta @1Nm8_06 - 6:12 PM (18:12)
We got a letter from Buraikan! Wonder what it says~!?

Toma @t0malikes2party - 6:20 PM (18:20)
We received some sorta big invitation, but I'd have never guessed it would be from Buraikan 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 How wild is that 🤣🤣 But thanks!! We'll pull an open-sesame showtime and take a look at it together later ✌️✌️✌️

Reo @AKreokunYR - 6:22 PM (18:22)
Zen-nii said not to look at the invitation yet because we should open it together! Come on, just a peek, Mister Stingy-Muscles!

Saimon @kotonoha0918 - 11:55 PM (23:55)
Thank you for your support of Bar 4/7. With apologies for the short notice, but on 11/5, opening hours will be pushed back to 10:00 PM. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to patrons, and we ask for your understanding and cooperation.

November 4, 2023

Zen @AKbulkupYR - 9:15 AM (09:15)
Zen here❗ Today is leg day! Before working out or stretching, make sure to move your hip joints to prevent injury! Walking is a great place to start! #Workout #SurpassYourLimits #AkanYatsura

Shogo @sho5gummylife - 4:32 PM (16:32)
Today we all took an outing to a really big supermarket! Toma drove on the way there, so I drove for the return trip, but on the way back everyone was fast asleep, lol. I don't know, I thought it was kind of nice to do something like this.

Buraikan @_BURAIKAN_ - 6:00 PM (18:00)
As was recently announced, a party will be held at CLUB paradox under the name "-THE PARTY 4 ALL ARTISTS-". We have invited the artists who participated in Road to Legend to make it such a lively event, as well as the heads who have supported the artists along the way.

We look forward to your participation.

Yuto @mainichiheiwani - 6:12 PM (18:12)
To receive an invitation to a party from Buraikan... it's a great honor. I'll go tell the other members of the team; I'm sure they'll be very pleased as well.

Shion @smokinwhitedog - 6:26 PM (18:26)
Drop me a line if you want to meet up after the party.

Iori @AKgokigenYR - 7:03 PM (19:03)
Wonder what's the big idea is throwin' together some big fancy thing? Ah, well, the more festivals the merrier. Lookin' forward to it.

Nayuta @czmznyt - 9:10 PM (21:10)
they want us to show up too early. i'm not getting up for that.

Aoi @IOAOI_VISTY - 10:24 PM (22:24)
Good eveVISTY 🦋 Today we all went on an outing to a large supermarket. I ended up falling asleep on the way home, though... I ended up purchasing various different-colored socks with everyone; I'm looking forward to getting to wear them. #ByeVISTY

November 5, 2023

Kenta @endbringer_666_ - 2:24 AM (02:24)
they'd better have pizza and cola at this thing

Chungsung @battler4dongha - 4:45 AM (04:45)
From the clothing to be worn, to makeup artists, to catering, no expense has been spared in preparation, as is befitting of Dongha-bocchama. Even 'perfection' falls short of being an adequate description. It is my most fortuitous honor to work with such an exemplary young master on this photoshoot.

Anne @fxxkdaborder - 7:32 AM (07:32)
Today we've got a special photoshoot! Exactly what we're shooting is still a secret 💄 I'm gonna make sure everything is perfect, so look forward to the grand reveal!

Ryu @ryukunkawaii - 7:58 AM (07:58)
It's common sense in the aerospace industry that all the popular people are early risers 👾💨💨 That's why Iiiii wake up at midnight so bright-eyed they're practically buzzing and crackling, ch-ch-check it ouuuut~~~ 🥦🍄🧂🦪

Ryoga @orega_ryouga - 11:15 AM (11:15)
Nice bike, isn't it. Haven't had a chance to ride in a while

Kenta @endbringer_666_ - 11:24 AM (11:24)
you suck at taking pictures www

Yohei @godsummer0828 - 11:31 AM (11:31)
Where's the goddamn smoking area?

Itsuki @1Nm8_05 - 1:28 PM (13:28)
The photoshoot is complete. Ever since I began working as a musical artist, there have been many more instances in which my picture has been taken, but I struggle to get used to it. Today's photographer said four separate times that my expression was stiff.

Kantaro @imsweeticutie - 2:41 PM (14:21)
Doing a photoshoot in a super cool place! Maybe we'll seem more mature than usual!? 🥹 I can't wait for everyone to see~~!!

Hokusai @AKyoshiyoshiYR - 4:19 PM (16:19)
There was a kitty in the studio garage. I wonder if it lives there? It was really friendly and cute.

Kanata @czmzknt - 5:02 PM (17:02)
shot some pictures or whatever. nayuta picked out the outfits, so they're good.

November 6, 2023

Shiki @nanashisaboten - 8:23 AM (08:23)
Good morning. I'll do my best today, too.

November 7, 2023

Kantaro @imsweetiecutie - 8:30 AM (08:30)
Good VISTY morning~! 🦄 Isn't it sorta warm out? Is it really November? 🥺 But I'm not complaining about it being comfortable, though! 🥹🥹 #GoodVISTYMorning

November 8, 2023

Satsuki @AKsatsukingYR - 9:15 AM (09:15)
wassup? It's ya boy GAIA!! The wind's so fuckin' strong it just about blew my hat off! #WorkOut #MusclesDontLie #AkanYatsura

Kei @1Nm8_07 - 11:58 PM (23:58)
I feel at peace when I see Rokuta and Itsuki's sleeping faces. I'll do just a little more work and then go to sleep as well.

November 9, 2023

Shogo @sho5gummylife - 8:30 AM (08:30)
Good VISTY morning🌟 There are lots of fall-themed sweets at the convenience stores, but the bigger stores already have their selection of Christmas sweets out! I gotta check out the seasonal selection so I don't miss out! #GoodVISTYMorning

November 10, 2023

"Hanitaro" @pppieeeeeen - 12:52 AM (00:52)
I wonder if people would just call me cute without thinking twice about it if I were a cat. I wanna be a cat in my next life.

Zen @AKbulkupYR - 9:15 AM (09:15)
Zen here❗ Satsuki-kun said he felt like going for a jog after working out and then he hit the ground running! The energy of youth is an amazing thing! #Workout #SurpassYourLimits #AkanYatsura"

November 11, 2023

[context: Shion's birthday image was posted by the official account at 00:00. Shion and Kenta's following thread-starting tweets are QRTs of the image.]

Kenta @endbringer_666_ - 12:04 AM (00:04)
gg chainsmoker

Shion @smokinwhitedog - 12:05 AM (00:05)
Are you sneaking photos? If you want me to pay attention to you, you can just ask directly, lol

Shion @smokinwhitedog - 12:07 AM (00:07)
If there's anyone who'd like to have a smoke together, drop me a line.

Yuto @mainichiheiwani - 12:14 AM (00:14)
Happy birthday, Kaida-kun. I am sorry to have to repeat this yet again, but even on your birthday, direct contact with heads and outsiders is not allowed. Furthermore, it is past lights-out time, so please go to bed promptly.
Shion @smokinwhitedog - 12:17 AM (00:17)
You're getting too hung up on the details. Do you want me to introduce you to somebody nice, too?

November 12, 2023

Allen @irepmyself - 12:03 PM (12:03)
It's been a long time since I've really gone record hunting on a day off! I'm gonna go around as many places as I can today!

November 13, 2023

Aoi @IOAOI_VISTY - 8:30 AM (08:30)
Good VISTY morning 🦋 It got colder all of a sudden, ddin't it? Finally, I can begin to wear more autumn clothes. While I'm at it, I'll try to coordinate outfits with some of my SWANK items. #GoodVISTYMorning

November 14, 2023

Kenta @endbringer_666_ - 2:42 AM (02:42)
matchmaking is total trash right now. gonna play something else.

November 15, 2023

Toma @t0malikes2party - 1:04 PM (13:04)
I'm anxious to reserve the Christmas collection~~~! 🎄✨✨✨✨✨✨ The skincare advent calendar is a real hot item 👼👼👼  What're all of you guys planning to buy as a present for yourselves~?

November 16, 2023

Rokuta @1Nm8_06 - 6:42 PM (18:42)
Hey, listen up, everyone! Itsuki-nii, right? He went to the supermarket and made a reservation order for a buncha chicken! And he also said he was preparing a big feast for all of us!! I'm so excited, I wish tomorrow was Christmas already~!

November 17, 2023

Kantaro @imsweetiecutie - 8:30 AM (08:30)
Good VISTY morning~! 🦄 I found out about some really cute donuts, and I'm gonna go check them out after school! Sounds like there's going to be a huge line, so I wonder if I'll be able to get one? 🥹🥹🥹 #GoodVISTYMorning

November 18, 2023

Satsuki @AKsatsukingYR - 9:15 AM (09:15)
wassup? It's ya boy GAIA!! Got a wobbling chair, so I'mma fix it! What're you supposed to use in situations like this? A saw, right? I dunno the details, but I'm sure that I'll just figure it out with some can-do spirit! #Workout #MusclesDontLie #AkanYatsura

[Context: BAE were declared as the winners of the REVOLUTION round, and thus Road to Legend, at approximately 19:00]

Allen @irepmyself - 8:03 PM (20:03)
YES! YES!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much to all of the heads for all of your support!!!!!! We are da Ch△mp1on!!

Hajun @smileywangja - 8:05 PM (20:05)
It is thanks to all of the heads that we were finally able to take this long-awaited victory. Thank you very much. Saranghae.

Anne @fxxkdaborder - 8:06 PM (20:06)
OMFG!!!!!!!!!!! We won, guys~~~~~!!!! I can hardly believe it!!! Like, I'm not dreaming, right!?
It's just too awesome!!! Thank you all for giving us so much support!!!! Love u guys so sooooooo much!!!!

Kenta @endbringer_666_ - 8:30 PM (20:30)
not funny, didn't fucking laugh.
still surrounded by a bunch of scrubs who don't know what shit's worth.
gonna have to beat some harsh education into this shitty world.

Shion @smokinwhitedog - 8:33 PM (20:33)
Seems like we took a beating. But it was a lot of fun.
We're not about to let it end like this. Next time you see us, be on your guard, lol

Ryoga @orega_ryouga - 8:45 PM (20:45)
the fire's not out yet.

Yuto @mainichiheiwani - 9:15 PM (21:15)
The results are what they are and we must accept them with grace.
Congratulations to everyone in BAE. Thank you for the hard-fought battle.
But I still believe in GokuLuck's potential, and we haven't given up on the future.
We will come back to see you all again in an even more refined form.
We will be back to convey the voices of our members to the world.

Kanata @czmzknt - 9:51 PM (21:51)
watch your back*
*Literally "wash your neck and wait", meaning 'get your affairs in order and get ready to die' -- it's a samurai thing -- but since Kanata is generally pretty brief, I'm translating it this way

Nayuta @czmznyt - 10:18 PM (22:18)
kanata and I are gonna crush you all next time

November 19, 2023

Shogo @sho5gummylife - 11:00 AM (11:00)
It was a truly amazing battle. I'm glad that I was able to participate in such a life-changing event with all of our Stellas. Visty will get better. We can get better. We have to keep going forward from here. We'll prove that the choice we made is the right one.

Saimon @kotonoha0918 - 11:16 AM (11:16)
First, I would like to extend my praise and congratulations to BAE. The wings they spread were grand and powerful. It was a wonderful battle. I was very impressed, and I feel as though I learned a lot as well. But I can't very well let my students surpass me.

Zen @AKbulkupYR - 11:31 AM (11:31)
It was a passionate battle-- the kind that makes your blood boil and your body begin to dance on its own. We can't afford to lose again, either. From the bottom of my heart, I hope to bulk up my skills, my body, and my mind, in order to reate a world where we can laugh together with our sixth men. I'll keep working on improving myself from today onwards. Let's go.

Satsuki @AKsatsukingYR - 11:33 AM (11:33)
I seriously can't control my feelings right now. Next time, we're gonna win. I already made my mind up.

Kei @1Nm8_07 - 12:02 PM (12:02)
The times have changed. The wind may be blowing in a new direction.

Rokuta @1Nm8_06 - 12:04 PM (12:04)
Everyone was super cool!!!  I wanna win the next big event, too! I want the three of us to keep making more awesome music!

Itsuki @1Nm8_05 - 12:07 PM (12:07)
As any group could have been the winner of the match, the results are very interesting indeed. What will happen in the future is yet unknown, but if should there be another stage battle, this will be valuable information to have. The possibilities are infinite.

Aoi @IOAOI_VISTY - 12:31 PM (12:31)
I can't help but feel a kind of afterglow in the wake of the results announcement. To everyone in BAE, and to Anne-sama in particular, congratulations. Next time it's our turn. I'm sure I'll catch up to you. I'm sure of it.

Toma @t0malikes2party - 12:42 PM (12:42)
Congratulations to everyone in BAE.  They were all way too cool. I want to see how things look from where they're standing, too. I'm sure we will.

Hokusai @AKyoshiyoshiYR - 2:21 PM (14:21)
It was a good battle. Congratulations to BAE. Next time we won't lose.

Reo @AKreokunYR - 2:37 PM (14:37)
Grats to BAE! But next time is our turn! All of the sixth men feel the same way! So together, we'll definitely win next time~! I'm gonna keep doing my best, so make sure you make the ultra-cutie Reo-kun your top priority!

Shiki @nanashisaboten - 4:13 PM (16:13)
Next time will be us for certain. I believe that TCW can still dig deeper and get stronger.

Yohei @godsummer0828 - 4:45 PM (16:45)
We ain't losin'.

Ryu @ryukunkawaii - 5:00 PM (17:00)
I'm gonna become the best thing ever with Boss and Master and Shikki!

Iori @AKgokigenYR - 6:19 PM (18:19)
Sure been able to see some interesting fights. Hey, sixth men, next one's ours. No matter what anyone else says, Akan Yatsura got the most spirit. Next time we're gunning for six crowns.

Dongha @lastjeoldaeja - 6:30 PM (18:30)
I'll surpass you one day. Until that day comes, I won't forgive you if you lose to anyone else.

Chungsung @battler4dongha - 6:34 PM (18:34)
Congratulations to BAE on their victory. With that said, the march of history is not a static thing. It will not be long before we, as AMPRULE, rise to the top.

November 20, 2023

Aoi @IOAOI_VISTY - 8:20 PM (20:20)*

Kenta @endbringer_666_ - 8:25 PM (20:25)*
are you seriously trying to kill me here

*Both of these tweets are in reference to the YouTube Community Heads Meeting held prior, with the pairs of Anne and Aoi/Kenta and Yuto.

November 21, 2023

Reo @AKreokunYR - 10:03 PM (22:03)
The decal stickers I ordered off the internet have arrived~! Now my controller is gonna be super cute 🥳

November 22, 2023

Yohei @godsummer0828 - ~2 AM (~02:00)*
i refuse to back down now

Iori @AKgokigenYR - ~2 AM (~02:00)*
danna still aint done either

*Both of these tweets, implied to be drunk tweets (they were written entirely in kana), were later deleted. This is in reference to the YouTube Community Heads Meeting between Yohei and Iori held prior, where Yohei and Iori ended up arguing over who could outdrink the other.

Saimon - @kotonoha0918 - 2:12 AM (02:12)
It seems as though I will be the one preparing bentos for tomorrow. I wonder what I should make.

Iori @AKgokigenYR - 1:45 PM (13:45)
Ah, crap, lol. Well, I had a grand old time yesterday. Nice to get back in that old shitty brat spirit for fun once in a while.

Anne @fxxkdaborder - 3:31 PM (15:31)
I'm off to get my nails done now~! I want a winter-y plaid, but I also want something really showy, so I'm having a hard time settling on a design~!! I've been thinking about something reflective, too~!

Yohei @godsummer0828 - 4:18 PM (16:18)
What bullshit. Maybe we're still shitty brats after all.

Chunsgung @battler4dongha - 11:59 PM (23:59)
My sincerest thanks, everyone.

November 23, 2023

Satsuki @AKsatsukingYR - 9:15 AM (09:15)
wassup? It's ya boy GAIA!! I'm kinda cold when I wake up, but I warm right up when I go for a run! No need to turn the heat on yet 👊 #Workout #MusclesDontLie #AkanYatsura

Shiki @nanashisaboten - 12:14 PM (12:14)
Today I made my own bento, so I can become good at cooking like the Owner and Master are.

November 24, 2023

Kantaro @imsweetiecutie - 8:32 PM (20:32)
I need to find the cutest, most colorful, good-looking decorations I can find~~!

Hajun @smileywangja - 8:34 PM (20:34)
Excellent work, lol
*Presumably refers to the events of the YouTube Community Heads Party featuring Allen and Chungsung that was held prior to this tweet.

November 25, 2023

Zen @AKbulkupYR - 9:30 AM (09:30)
Zen here! Today is leg day. It's about the time of year that people start wearing heavier clothes; let's work on building our bodies together, burn hot, and blow away the cold! #WorkOut #SurpassYourLimits #AkanYatsura

Shogo @sho5gummylife - 2:12 PM (14:12)
When it comes to meal planning, I usually do it alone, but I've gotten a lot more ideas by thinking about it with someone else! I'm glad I consulted with him!

Aoi @IOAOI_VISTY - 2:31 PM (14:31)
@sho5gummylife I'm very thankful that you and Kantaro know so much about sweets. Thank you. Let's split up the task of shopping.

Allen @irepmyself - 8:16 PM (20:16)
Buraikan said our name...! I keep reading it over and over to make sure I'm not dreaming but it says BAE right there!! Is it alright for something like this to happen!?! Hiphop is so amazing!!!! I have to take a screenshot!!!!
*Refers to the events of the YouTube Community Heads Party featuring Buraikan that was held prior to this tweet.

November 26, 2023

[context: Toma's birthday art dropped at midnight. The following tweets are not QRTs of it, but it being Toma's birthday is relevant.]

Toma @t0malikes2party - 7:02 AM (07:02)
Thanks to all the stellas who celebrated with me last night!! I'm still so pumped that I'm up early, like a little kid on the day of a school trip 😂😂😂😂 Even though we were all up late eating the cake 🤣🤣 I'm the star of the show today, it's showtime. ✌️✌️✌️

Aoi @IOAOI_VISTY - 8:21 AM (08:21)
@t0malikes2party It's very odd for you to be the first of us to wake up, Toma. Happy birthday once again. I'm looking forward to your birthday lunch.

Shogo @sho5gummylife - 8:37 AM (08:37)
@t0malikes2party Happy birthday, Toma! Celebrating with all of our Stellas yesterday made me really happy, too! Aoi and I came up with a special dish for your birthday, so please look forward to it!

Kantaro @imsweetiecutie - 11:26 AM (11:26)
@t0malikes2party Happy birthday, Toma~~!! You surprised all of us first, so I'm our revenge surprise was a huge success! 🥳🥳 Can't wait to get your opinion of the gift I got you~!

Allen @irepmyself - 4:04 PM (16:06)
Too nervous to send anything in.....

Allen @irepmyself - 10:11 PM (22:11)
I ended up being too worried about what to write and rewriting it over and over, and I ended up missing my chance... but even if I can't say it to them, my RESPECT for Buraikan is unchanging! BIG UPS to Buraikan 🔥🔥🔥
*Note that Allen's tweets are in reference to a pre-announced Buraikan menpa held this evening.

November 27, 2023

Yuto @mainichiheiwani - 11:13 PM (23:13)
I'm going to watch a travel program that I've had on my watch-list for a while. It's the Autumn Leaves Special; I'm looking forward to enjoying the various sights.

November 28, 2023

Reo @AKreokunYR - 10:02 PM (22:02)
Hokusai is too good at games~~!! It's sooooooooo not fair!!! 🥺🥺

Hokusai @AKyoshiyoshiYR - 10:10 PM (22:10)
Playing some video games with Reo and Satsuki. It's fun.

Satsuki @AKsatsukingYR - 10:12 PM (22:12)
@AKyoshiyoshiYR 1v1 me in a fighting game next time 👊 I'll wreck your shit with my 3-gauge finishing move!

November 29, 2023

Kantaro @imsweetiecutie - 8:30 AM (08:30)
Good VISTY morning~! 🦄 Yesterday Aoi got a chick plushie at the arcade on his way home! It's so fluffy and cute~~ 🐣🐣🐣 Aoi is so cool and good at games 😍 #GoodVISTYMorning

November 30, 2023

Itsuki @1Nm8_05 - 7:52 AM (07:52)
As the ambient temperature gets lower, it is necessary to adjust the temperature settings on the refrigerator as well. Using the same settings as in summer may be too cold, leading to the food inside freezing.