Trauma Button A Paradox Live Fansite

Twitter Archive - March 2024

March 1, 2024

Kantaro @imsweetiecutie - 8:30 AM (08:30)
Good VISTY morning~! 🦄 School has been feeling suuuuper long after the three day weekend 🥺🥺 Today is just one more day until the weekend! Let's all do our best together~~!! 💮 #GoodVISTYMorning

Allen @irepmyself - 8:05 PM (20:05)
This time, our song P△RTY N1GHT is a song meant to party all night to, or I guess it might be more appropriate to say, until dawn. It's kind of like the fun but sort of melancholy atmosphere when the song the DJ puts on is about 75 BPM and you're having a chill time with your friends out on the floor. The big inspiration for this song was, I was thinking of the connection between the dawn new era of phantom lives we're going to kick off and the start of a party. I tried to give it the fresh feel of starting a new morning with the way the guitar cuts in, and I think I accomplished it! The lyrics also convey the gratitude that all of us feel, but the core of hiphop is still coming across strong in "peace, unity, love". I also thought it was important to directly state how thankful we are. We all thought there was no word in the Japanese language that expressed how we feel more than simply "thank you". We want to share our gratitude to all of the Heads and to music, and we made a song that totally embodies our hope that everyone enjoys the new future we're going to forge together! I really hope you enjoy!!!

March 2, 2024

Kanata @czmzknt - 8:12 PM (20:12)
still too cold out to go skateboarding

Kei @1Nm8_07 - 10:13 PM (22:13)
In order to make the new song, EGOlution, as honest as possible, I put my true feelings into the track and the lyrics. Right now we are in a state of uncertainty and instability. If I were to be so bold as to try and articulate it through all of the thoughts swirling around in my head, I might describe our situation as like being inside an egg or a cocoon. I wanted to evoke, through sound, the image of swimming through water or space towards the light on an undetermined path, and so I placed a greater emphasis than ever before on the feeling of translucence. I hope you will also pay attention to Itsuki’s meticulously calculated rhymes and Rokuta’s positive vibes.

March 3, 2024

Ryu @ryukunkawaii - 5:32 AM (05:32)
Super Charismatic Bartender is up bright and earlyyyyyyyyyyyyy #Sunday #ActingInTheRoleOfGeneral #Fish #TrembleWithSurprise

Hokusai @AKyoshiyoshiYR - 11:32 AM (11:32)
Zen has been in the kitchen for a while. I'm glad he's making things for my sake.

Reo @AKreokunYR - 3:03 PM (15:03)
Happy birthday to Hokusai~!! Zen-nii made some really delicious food, it was great!! I wish we could celebrate someone's birthday every day 🥺🥺🥺

Satsuki @AKsatsukingYR - 3:21 PM (15:21)
This year I'm beat Hokusai in-game for sure!! Let's keep gaming together 👊

Zen @AKbulkupYR - 3:25 PM (15:25)
I'm glad that we were all able to celebrate Hokusai's birthday together as a family. Of course it's fun to be the one who's being celebrated, but it's also a lot of fun to be the one preparing the celebration.

Iori @AKgokigenYR - 4:06 (16:06)
Been real lively around here ever since about noon. Nothing better than getting to celebrate an important day together as a family.

Hokusai @AKyoshiyoshiYR - 9:12 PM (21:12)
I had a very good time today. The food they made for me, the presents they chose for me, the time they spent together with me-- all of it made me very happy. Thank you.

Kenta @endbringer_666_ - 11:30 PM (23:30)
If there are any idiots out there who think that we missed our chance at victory, just saying you should be ashamed of your sub-sea-anemone-level IQ. This song is like setting up the winning run for the next battle. We've gathered all the data on our opponents. And, we got battle scars to prove how badass we are. The wounds we leave don't close in a hurry, and we keep stacking status effects that debuff the opponent. tl;dr we're winning next time.
I can't wait to see the looks on the people who are going to have to go against us next. ‘Catharsis' is a declaration of victory, you fucking scrubs.

March 4, 2024

Toma @t0malikes2party - 9:34 AM (09:34)
It's already March?? Isn't it going by way too fast?? 🌞🌞🌞 I'm gonna have to start gearing up my UV protection real soon 😎😎😎

Anne @fxxkdaborder - 3:33 PM (15:33)
The window displays are starting to look like spring, they're all full of bright colors~!! How am I supposed to get all I want this season!! But I always worry about buying too many spring clothes, there's a surprisingly narrow window you can wear them in, lol

March 5, 2024

Dongha @lastjeoldaeja - 8:35 PM (20:35)
If water does not flow, it grows stagnant and rot sets in. In service of my goals, I cannot allow my stride to slow, either.

March 6, 2024

Aoi @IOAOI_VISTY - 5:22 PM (17:22)
I found some of the sakura donuts that Kantaro wanted to try, so I bought some for everyone. I realize it's a little late for a snack, but I hope everyone is pleased regardless.

Kantaro @imsweetiecutie - 5:26 PM (17:26)
You're the best!! I love you, Aoi 🥰🥰🥰

March 7, 2024

Yohei @godsummer0828 - 8:43 PM (20:43)
Pretty chilly tonight, huh. Guess we'll keep hot cocktails on the menu a bit longer.

Shogo @sho5gummylife - 11:47 PM (23:47)
I was reading the comments from when I was rambling about not being able to sleep the other night, and I kind of realized that it happens to everyone now and again, huh? Thank you for all of your kind comments! They really made me happy!

March 8, 2024

Kei @1Nm8_07 - 2:55 PM (14:55)
I found a flower bud at the park. Soon it will be entering a new world. I hope that world is a beautiful one.

Chungsung @battler4dongha - 10:15 PM (22:15)
The key image for this new song was of a renewed bocchama preparing to begin a war.
Bocchama walking down a quiet hallway, bathed in the light of the morning sun that filters down between the resplendent pillars that line that hallway.
And I am the one who supports that. The changing tones in the first verse help to express the roles and the scene before you.
In the mix on bocchama's part, I added a sound like a drum set, adding both a sense of majesty but also of aggression.
From the second verse onwards, the beat is concentrated on common nuances, specifically such that you are able to feel a sense of unity within AMPRULE.
Please join us, worms, in Dongha-bocchama's new battle. Let us build bocchama's new era together.

March 9, 2024

Satsuki @AKsatsukingYR - 3:20 PM (15:20)
I passed by a thrift store and got a laugh out of seeing all of the workout stuff they were selling that I couldn't even tell if it was even usable 👊 Like, the hell are you gonna do with that junk😂

Kanata @czmzknt - 7:42 PM (19:42)
I wanted to go with a trap or drill kind of sound, but I didn't want it to just be a super-heavy sound.
So I included a vision of starting from the bottom and of what's next.
It doesn’t matter what happens. Nayuta and I are keeping our eyes on the top.

March 10, 2024

Yuto @mainichiheiwani - 2:49 PM (14:49)
This month is the end of the fiscal year, so there's a tremendous amount of paperwork that needs doing. I'll approach this with great care so as to avoid making any mistakes or causing any inconvenience for the people processing it.

Kantaro @imsweetiecutie - 8:24 PM (20:24)
The new song is full of our honest feelings at the moment! We've overcome a lot together with our Stellas.
I think there's going to be lots of obstacles that still lie in front of us, but I'm sure we'll be fine.
Even if we're facing a strong headwind, I want to be able to take a nice springtime walk with a bounce in our step, so I tried to put a lot of that bounce in the track!
For the part right before the hook, I wanted to capture the idea of bursting out of the end of a tunnel and into the bright light, and I really like what I managed to do with it!
And of course, I was thinking about how it'd be when we perform it in concert, too, so I included a part in the hook that everyone can sing together, so I hope everyone will sing along with it when we're on stage!
Be sure to pay attention to Shogo at the back end of the last chorus, Toma's super positive vibes, Aoi's super princely spoken line, and also the flow on my verse!

March 11, 2024

Iori @AKgokigenYR - 2:03 AM (02:03)
'Bout that time of year for a drink with cherry blossoms on the side.

Kantaro @imsweeticutie - 10:31 PM (22:31)
I had my heart set on getting some ice cream, so I went down to the conbini and bought some! It's alright to do something like that every now and then 🥺🥺 The cherry blossoms are gonna start blooming soon, right? I wanna go blossom viewing with everyone~~!!

March 12, 2024

Hajun @smileywangja - 8:26 AM (08:26)
Every once in a while I decide on a whim to go on a different route when I go jogging. Even if you're ultimately still doing the same thing, taking a different path can make it feel like a fresh experience.

March 13, 2024

Hajun @smileywangja - 1:15 PM (13:15)
As I received chocolates for Valentine's Day last month from the staff, I've prepared some return gifts for them, albeit a day early. I do hope they enjoy.

Shion @smokinwhitedog - 6:22 PM (18:22)
You've been good for me, so I suppose you've been waiting long enough.

March 14, 2024

Saimon @kotonoha0918 - 8:32 AM (08:32)
Good morning. The mornings are still cold, but the days are getting warmer, aren't they? I think before heading to the bar today, maybe I'll pick up some spring flowers and bring them in to the store.

Satsuki @AKsatsukingYR - 3:03 PM (15:03)
GAIA-sama is the kind of guy who pays back every favor he receives! 👊 Following through is super important!

Reo @AKreokunYR - 3:21 PM (15:21)
Oh~? Then give me some candy, too! Since I gave some to you a long time ago!
Satsuki @AKsatsukingYR - 3:21 PM (15:21)
When was that!? You're completely full of shit, you rat bastard!

Reo @AKreokunYR - 3:16 PM (15:16)
SOMEONE'S being a tightwad and won't give me any candy, so I'm going to the convenience store~🍨🍪

Itsuki @1Nm8_05 - 5:12 PM (17:12)
I quite suddenly received an unexpected letter from Rokuta. He said it was for White Day; is this a custom I am unfamiliar with?

Kei @1Nm8_07 - 5:13 PM (17:13)
The marks left behind by several attempts at re-writing it give it an even warmer feeling.

March 15, 2024

Zen @AKbulkupYR - 10:54 AM (10:54)
Now that I think about it, you see limited-edition ume and sakura flavors for sweets and drinks, but not so much for protein drinks... I think a protein supplement that uses seasonal ingredients would be a good idea, but what do you all think?

Yohei @godsummer0828 - 8:38 PM (20:38)
Wanted it to be full of a real classic sound. It's jazzy, but I wanted the overall sound to be squarely hiphop.
I also used a tight drum set, fretless bass, and keyboard to add some depth.
At first, Saimon's flow was really standard, but then it turned out that steering it in more of a laid-back poetry reading kind of direction was the right choice.
There's parts where it all cuts out. But then the unaccompanied part hits hard. I think that’s what makes us who we are.
There's a sense of strength and of loneliness, like a stray that broke away from the pack turned the streets into its battleground, and I was able to get it to feel kind of like driving on the highway with the lights of the city out the window.

March 16, 2024

Hokusai @AKyoshiyoshiYR - 10:14 PM (22:14)
wanted it to feel like a fun festival, so I put a traditional Japanese style sound over top of a swing-like groove. Finding a new way to play with it made me happy.

Allen @irepmyself - 11:15 PM (23:15)
I might not be able to say I keep my room clean, per se, but I never want to put off taking care of my record player.

March 17, 2024

Itsuki @1Nm8_05 - 4:27 PM (16:27)
It is an uneventful day. But for the fact that the knob on the microwave is gone.

Buraikan @_BURAIKAN_ - 10:38 PM (22:38)*
The new track we made is based on a foundation of funk music. If you were to ask Yasha, he’d say something like, "such a nimble funk track is perfectly suited to our status as legends". The light atmosphere is meant to be reminiscent of an old-time road movie, and the rhyming enhances the contrast throughout the entire song.
BAE have risen to the status of the new legend, but we will be continuing our music activity.
The Road to Legend has ended, but it is the start of a new chapter as well. We're not stopping yet, either. We're coming in hot.
*As with the other songwriter reflections, this was posted on Paradox Tribe, hence the overall longer length. Unlike the other posts, however, the official Buraikan twitter account did not post a link to the Paratora message. I include it here to maintain consistency.

March 18, 2024

Toma @t0malikes2party - 8:30 AM (08:30)
Good VISTY morning 😎 Today's a getting a facial → going to the salon → photoshoot kind of day!! I'll get smoooooth as a boiled egg and get ready to shoot 🪩🪩🕺🕺🕺 #GoodVISTYMorning

March 19, 2024

Shiki @nanashisaboten - 6:29 PM (18:29)
We're going to go to a sakura blossom viewing this weekend. I wonder what kind of bento would be good to bring...

March 20, 2024

Kenta @endbringer_666_ - 12:12 AM (00:12)
I'd rather get some kind of item I can actually use as a login bonus, not just a birthday line

Ryu @ryukunkawaii - 2:22 PM (14:22)
The time has come. When the moon is dark, the garlic steamed dumplings (peeled) will launch an attack from the direction of your left ankle.

Kenta @endbringer_666_ - 2:26 PM (14:26)
*Note that this is a QRT of Ryu's tweet above.
A sign from god on my birthday??? Guess it's time to decipher it.

Shion @smokinwhitedog - 3:33 PM (15:33)
@endbringer_666_ It's your birthday, isn't it, Shibaken? Happy birthday.

Ryoga @orega_ryouga - 4:11 PM (16:11)
@endbringer_666_ left you some snacks. eat them

Yuto @mainichiheiwani - 8:23 PM (20:23)
I wish a happy birthday to Mikoshiba-kun. Let's work hard in our activity as GokuLuck so that next year you'll be able to have a more lavish meal. I look forward to continuing to work with you.

Kenta @endbringer_666_ - 10:37 PM (22:37)
Good call on the pizza-flavored chips, Ryoga-chan.

Kenta @endbringer_666_ - 10:39 PM (22:39)
Guess I'll have some of the cake too

March 21, 2024

Rokuta @1Nm8_06 - 2:54 PM (14:54)
Itsuki-nii took pictures while we were at the park! I'm gonna ask later to see what kind of pictures he took!

Shogo @sho5gummylife - 8:07 (20:07)
Good eveVISTY, everyone! 🌟 I have an announcement to share with everyone today!
Next Tuesday, we’ll be holding a special project on Paratora, called “The Super Exciting 1 Day Plan With Visty and the Heads”!

We in VISTY will be on Paratora throughout the day from morning until night!
But if we're just talking, it’s hardly any different from usual; so the idea is that we'll be using Paratora to let everyone decide on what we do throughout the day!
We'll get ideas from everyone and then decide on which we’re going to do!
I hope I’m making sense... lol

Kei @1Nm8_07 - 11:31 PM (23:31)
I have made more precious memories once again. It was a good day.

March 22, 2024

Aoi @IOAOI_VISTY - 4:17 PM (16:17)
Whenever I see all the new sweets around town, I find myself thinking about whether or not the others would be happy if I bought them. It can be a bit of a downer to be the ones always receiving gifts.

March 23, 2024

Ryu @ryukunkawaii - 12:13 PM (12:13)
What is the special Shikki ingredient in Shikki's Special Shikki Bento!? 👾🌏
  1. Petumihosonnoyorosu*
  2. Squid Ink and Octopus Yokan From Who-Knows-Where
  3. Negitoro Espresso
  4. Right Leg
*T/N: Your guess is as good as mine

Shiki @nanashisaboten - 4:25 PM (16:25)
Today we all went to view the cherry blossoms. The blossoms haven't quite fully bloomed yet, but it was nice to eat bentos and spend some time together.

Yohei @godsummer_0828 - 7:03 PM (19:03)
Blossom viewing was nice

Saimon @kotonoha _0918 - 8:36 PM (20:36)
Though it was still a cold day for spring, it was truly a heartwarming day nonetheless. I would love to see the cherry blossoms in full bloom once the weather gets a little warmer. And my deepest thanks to Shiki, for preparing bentos so full of his feelings.

March 24, 2024

Hokusai @AKyoshiyoshiYR - 1:41 PM (13:41)
When I went to the park there was a kitty I hadn't seen in a while. It ate a lot, too; I'm glad it seems to be doing alright.

Kantaro @imsweetiecutie - 8:18 PM (20:18)
I was super depressed about going back to school tomorrow, but then I remembered: after tomorrow is spring break! And that makes Sunday night a little better 🥹🥹

Chungsung @battler4dongha - 9:37 PM (21:37)
I do hope that all of you worms are well. This year it has yet to warm up, and the temperature is fluctuating quite a bit. Personally, I am overall quite partial to extremes; but I do hope that you all take care of yourselves and do not catch cold.

March 25, 2024

Anne @fxxkdaborder - 2:05 PM (14:05)
I went to the salon and had my hair set! I love it when my hair is so smooth and soft~! I can't thank the stylist enough 🤞

Ryoga @orega_ryouga - 4:58 PM (16:58)
I want ramen. I could eat 8 bowls

Toma @t0malikes2party - 9:13 PM (21:13)
Looks like we’re totes in for some rain tomorrow!
So understandably, regular outdoor camping might be a bit tough to swing, but we don’t wanna totally upend the plan, so we're thinking we'll do a bit of glamping with some roof cover 🫶
TBH, fewer UV rays is OK in my book ✌️✌️✌️✌️
It's gonna be crazy fun 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳"

March 27, 2024

Reo @AKreokunYR - 10:35 PM (22:35)
The party was so fun~!! And the food was super good too!

Kantaro @imsweetiecutie - 11:32 PM (23:32)
I had a lot of fun and I want to stay up, but I'm sooo tired 🥱🥱🥱 Can I get a good-night like?

Shion @smokinwhitedog - 11:58 PM (23:58)
Not a bad night.

March 28, 2024

Allen @irepmyself - 9:24 AM (09:24)
There are a lot more things I wish I could have talked about more, but I had a lot of fun talking about hiphop yesterday with so many different artists! I look forward to seeing them again at live shows!

Yuto @mainichiheiwani - 11:35 PM (23:35)
I was able to mingle with a great many people yesterday. Thank you to everyone who took the time to speak with me. My apologies for not being able to give you all my regards individually. I look forward to continuing to work together in future.

Kenta @endbringer_666_ - 11:47 PM (23:47)
this is just a formality lmao

March 29, 2024

Shogo @sho5gummylife - 1:21 AM (01:21)
Even though I get super inspired by their music at live shows, I haven't really had a lot of chances to talk to the other teams, so the other day was very fun! I got a bit too caught up talking in the moment to give proper greetings and I'm a bit late in following everyone, but I'm excited to be getting to know everyone on here as well going forward!

Satsuki @AKsatsukingYR - 9:15 AM (09:15)
wassup? It's ya boy GAIA!! I'm workin' up a sweat just cleaning the garden! Gotta train my body up for summer 🔥 #Workout #MusclesDontLie #AkanYatsura

Dongha @lastjeoldaeja - 12:19 PM (12:19)
I will be the judge of what is in AMPRULE's best interests. There is no need for unnecessary familiarity.

Nayuta @czmznyt - 7:29 PM (19:29)
it got hot in a hurry, didn't it?

"Hanitaro" @pppieeeeeen - 11:57 PM (23:57)
I've been feeling a bit more like a regular person lately 🐻🐻🐻 It's spring break and Honey is doing great! 🐻🐻🐻

March 30, 2024

"Hanitaro" @pppieeeeeen - 12:13 AM (00:13)
I'd probably have a way easier time if I could just not care. I wonder what it is that bothers me so much about the things I don't want to see?

Iori @AKgokigenYR - 1:24 AM (01:24)
Cherry blossoms are bloomin' late this year. The trees on the streets I usually walk on are still budding. Once they bloom I'd like to have a nice nighttime drink with the cherry blossoms.

Rokuta @1Nm8_06 - 2:38 PM (14:38)
I'm so happy to have made more friends!! Maybe I can invite them to play?

Kanata @czmzknt - 8:49 PM (20:49)

March 31, 2024

Zen @AKbulkupYR - 9:24 AM (09:24)
It's finally getting warmer! Now is the time to start a morning workout routine! Tomorrow, April begins; why not try something new with the start of a new month? I recommend starting to go on walks for your health! The first step is building a habit! Let's go!

Reo @AKreokunYR - 4:33 PM (16:33)
There are sooo many games that I wanna try out! I wanna play all of them before the end of spring break~!!! I'm gonna invite Sacchan and Hokusai along!!