Trauma Button A Paradox Live Fansite

Mention Party - October 8, 2023 - Kenta

Kenta - 19:53
Time for your regularly-scheduled scrub patrol

Kenta - 19:53
None of you fucking scrubs had better have it in your heads that you're going to try to rank up to elite

Fan - 19:53
Mikochi, could it be that you wanted to meet us~?
Kenta - 19:54
How about you shut up

Fan - 19:53
Mikoshiba~!!! Are you confident you're gonna win in the finals???
Kenta - 19:54
What other possible outcome is there?

Fan - 19:54
Whoa!!!! He's here!?
Kenta - 19:54
Yeah, I went out of my way to come here, so start worshiping

Fan - 19:54
Kyaa~! Mikochi~!! Let me give you a hug~!!!!!
Kenta - 19:54
Don't touch me, I don't want to get your dirt on me

Fan - 19:54
Mikoshiba, do your headphones have noise cancelling???
Kenta - 19:55
Yeah, so I can block out all the noise from scrubs like you

Fan - 19:55
Mikochi, how are you feeling????! You don't have a cold or anything, right????!
Kenta - 19:55
Seeing braindead people like you on the TL is making me sick

Fan - 19:55
Mikochi, give me a nickname
Kenta - 19:55
Raw Garbage

Fan - 19:55
I'm not a scrub, but I can still lavish attention on you 😁
Kenta - 19:55
I'm doing you a favor by letting you witness me, know your fucking place

Fan - 19:55
The music video is supposed to drop today. I want to listen to S.W.A.G. so bad my hands are shaking
Kenta - 19:56
Sit there and tremble, once you hear it it's gonna blow you away

Fan - 19:56
Mikochi~!! Yoohoo, can you see me?
Kenta - 19:56
Yeah but I'd rather not

Fan - 19:56
We'll make GokuLuck the winners
Kenta - 19:57
Naturally, that's your duty

Fan - 19:56
Don't you think you're going to get scolded by your leader?
Kenta - 19:57
Why should I give a fuck about that moron

Fan - 19:56
Mikoshiba-kun is a tsundere, isn't he? The tsundere heroine is an evergreen archetype. It's really cute.
Kenta - 19:57
Nobody likes real-life tsunderes, get out of here with that shit

Fan - 19:57
Mikoshiba, did you brush your teeth before going to bed?
Kenta - 19:58
How about I shove a toothbrush up your ass?

Fan - 19:57
Do you eat peanuts?
Kenta - 19:58
Feel free to keep them all to yourself. In fact, go grow a bunch in the dirt

Fan - 19:58
I want Mikochi to praise me for working hard...
Kenta - 19:58
Grats on the slave labor

Fan - 19:58
Mikoshiba-san, I want you to talk to me, I'm so lonely I could die
Kenta - 19:58
Feel free to do that then

Fan - 19:58
Yoohoo, Mikonyan~~ Winter is on its way ⛄🌟
I rea~lly want to hear S.W.A.G. as soon as possible~ 💖💖
Kenta - 19:59
Can insects not regulate their own body temperature?

Fan - 19:58
Do you take baths alone?
Kenta - 19:59
What else would I do

Fan - 19:58
It's my life's goal for you to call me a shitty scrub 🥺 Please 🥺🥺🥺
Kenta - 19:20
Shitty scrub shitty garbage shitty fucking slug

Fan - 19:58
Please give me Inukai's phone number! I proooomise I'm not a stalker
Kenta - 20:00
I'll leak it next time

Fan - 20:00
Mikoshiba doesn't smoke, but it's more like he's not allowed to, right?? lol
Do you actually really want to smoke, perhaps??? ^_^
Kenta - 20:00
I have no fucking interest in coating my lungs in tar

Fan - 20:00
I want Mikochiba to end the weekend with a 'woof' 😡😡😡
Kenta - 20:00
I'll order a muzzle and never take it off

Fan - 20:01
Mikochiba, if you come with me I'll buy you some energy drinks
Kenta - 20:01
I already get enough from Inukai

Fan - 20:01
Kenta's typing speed is amazing www
It's so fast
Kenta - 20:01
I'm on another level from the rest of you losers

Fan - 20:01
Mikochan, I'm your onee-chan! Here, call me onee-chan!
Kenta - 20:01
Who the fuck are you? Piss off

Fan - 20:01
It's Mikochi~~~!
It's been getting cold lately, so make sure you stay nice and warm and cozy so you don't catch a cold 👊
Kenta - 20:02
I may not be an idiot like the rest of you lot, but I don't catch colds*
*This is a reference to a folk belief that idiots are immune to catching colds

Fan - 20:01
I've been playing a lot of music games lately, but I was wondering, do you play music games too, Mikochi?
Kenta - 20:02
No human rights for anyone who plays anything other than FPSes

Fan - 20:02
I'm looking forward to Mikoshiba-sama's fast mouth
Kenta - 20:03
You mean my machine gun flow, right, you garbage?

Fan - 20:03
I want to know who the winner is going to be already
Kenta - 20:03
Aren't the results obvious from here

Fan - 20:03
I'm putting down all my bets on GokuLuck
so please curse me out like never before 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
Kenta - 20:03
What else would anyone do but place all their bets on us?

Fan - 20:03
Mikoshiba, come over here, I'll help you finish brushing your teeth
Kenta - 20:04
How about I come over there and kill you in one shot instead

Fan - 20:03
Mikochi, once -- just once! -- will you please give me a really eloquent insult? It would be so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kenta - 20:04
Kindly get out of my sight immediately; the exit is over there. Please never make me so unfortunate as to have to see your hideous face ever again

Fan - 20:04
My hair is getting longer, can you cut it for me?
Kenta - 20:04
I'd rather knock your lights out

Fan - 20:04
I want to attend a Mikochi Debate Meeting
Kenta - 20:05
I'll wipe the floor with all the scum

Fan - 20:05
Mikoshibaaa, it's your turn to clean the toilets
Kenta - 20:05
I'll start by clearing all of the shit on this fucking app

Fan - 20:06
Aren't you interested in any of the scrubs who've clawed their way up from hell?
Kenta - 20:06
Nah, I think you're giving yourself too much credit

Fan - 20:06
Give us a few words for all of the Mikoshiba heads, if you please 😘💕
Kenta - 20:06
Shut the fuck up and vote for us

Fan - 20:06
I would love for Mikoshiba-kun to give me a nickname! Please! 🙇‍♂️
Kenta - 20:07
Pillbug Vomit

Fan - 20:07
Don't let Inukai-san find out what you're doing!
Kenta - 20:07
Don't bring him into it

Fan - 20:07
Pay attention to me or I'll unplug your PC ☆
Kenta - 20:07
That cord's gonna electrocute you

Fan - 20:07
Hey, I want a nickname from Mikochi, too~!!
[img: an uchiwa fan with a pixellated font reading "insult me, Mikochi ♡"]
Kenta - 20:08
Worthless Man

Fan - 20:08
I'll be a bootlicker, insult me please 😛😛😛
Kenta - 20:08
Don't come near me with your dirty-ass shoes

Fan - 20:08
Mikochi~~~ I want a nickname too!! Beloved onee-san, or onee-san-who-I-love, or anything else is fine!
Kenta - 20:08
Meat Fat

Fan - 20:08
Mikochi, let's arm wrestle
Kenta - 20:08
Let me get in a headshot before we start

Fan - 20:09
Isn't Mikochiba's reply pace slowing down? ^_^
Kenta - 20:09
Shut the fuck up, idiot

Fan - 20:09
Mikoshiba, let's take a bath together
Kenta - 20:09
I'll drown you

Fan - 20:09
I'm still waiting for Mikoshiba to sell me his PC??
Kenta - 20:09
Even if you had it you wouldn't know how to work it you stupid chimpanzee

Fan - 20:09
Mikoshiba, how about playing soccer? I think it's a great way to warm up if you're cold 👍
Kenta - 20:10
Okay, you be the ball

Fan - 20:10
Mikoshiba, I love you‼️‼️‼️‼️
Please accept my feelings of love 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Kenta - 20:10
I'm going to set up an auto-responder to reject this shit

Fan - 20:10
What's your favorite type of person, Mikoshiba? ♡
Kenta - 20:10
Certainly nobody here right now

Fan - 20:10
Mikochi, what do you want to eat? Whatever you want, I'll pay for it
Kenta - 20:10
Just give me the money and go away

Fan - 20:10
Mikochi is a shiba inu, but... I think a papillon suits him better!
Kenta - 20:11
I'm going to grind you into dust, you shitty garbage

Fan - 20:11
Mikochi, dokkon love 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
Kenta - 20:11
What the fuck is that? You're gonna make me vomit

Fan - 20:11
I'm looking forward to a proposal from Mikochiba after you win 😘😘😘
Kenta - 20:11
Do you have a screw loose?

Fan - 20:11
What do you want as a presentfor your birthday, Mikochi? Maybe me?? lol
Kenta - 20:11
I would like for you to have a miserable year please and thanks

Fan - 20:11
How are you with bugs, Shibaken? I feel like there have been a lot of stink bugs lately...
Kenta - 20:12
I mean this shitty app is overflowing with garbage, too, isn't it?

Fan - 20:12
Mikochi, please teach me how to do math 🥺
Kenta - 20:12
What kind of amoeba doesn't understand math?

Fan - 20:12
Don't slack off on patrol, now, Mikochiba
Kenta - 20:13
How am I supposed to clean up when there's so much fucking trash?

Fan - 20:13
Please reply!!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!! Mikoshiba!!!!!!!!!!
Kenta - 20:13
Shit like this is what makes me wanna vomit the most

Fan - 20:13
The moon is beautiful
Kenta - 20:13
You, by contrast, look like shit

Fan - 20:13
Mikoshiba, do you drink hot cocoa?
Kenta - 20:13
No I don't drink that shit, I'm not a little kid

Fan - 20:13
Mikoshiba-kun, why don't you try making a grinding track with a mathematical approach one of these times?
Kenta - 20:14
Stop giving unsolicited suggestions and fuck off

Fan - 20:14
If you don't tell me you like me, Mikochi, I'll put all my points down for the other teams, got it?? ?
Kenta - 20:14
Be my guest

Fan - 20:14
Kyaa~ 💕 Mikochiiii!! I love yoooou!!! 🤍 Look this waaaaay!!
Kenta - 20:14

Fan - 20:14
I'm waiting for you with open arms so come over here
Kenta - 20:15
Let me grab my chainsaw

Fan - 20:15
Mikoshiba-san, tomorrow is my birthday, so please give me a birthday message TT 👏
Kenta - 20:15
Yet again, one step closer to death

Fan - 20:15
Mikoshiba-kun is making quite a commotion~ you ought to treat people more gently~
Kenta - 20:15
No point in doing that when the people I have to deal with are already way worse

Fan - 20:17
If Mikochi is overlooking me, then that must mean I've been promoted from being a shitty scrub, right??
Kenta - 20:17
You're not just a shitty scrub, you're fucking raw garbage

Fan - 20:18
Kenta! Give me your hand!
Kenta - 20:18
How about a kick in the face?

Fan - 20:18
Mikochii, let's play a game together 😌
Kenta - 20:18
I don't play games with scrubs because I just get pissed off, you fucking scrub

Fan - 20:18
Mikoshiba... I'm already at my limit...
My right arm hurts... you have to stop me...
The darkness is.......!!!!
Kenta - 20:18
Are you nuts or something?

Fan - 20:18
How comfortable is life in prison? w
Kenta - 20:19
It's shit

Fan - 20:18
Lovey dovey lovely Mikochan 🫶💚
Kenta - 20:19
Hey look everyone, a talking trash heap

Kenta - 20:20
Are there any posts actually worth replying to? All you're doing is whining "can you see me?" and "please reply!" and it's making me sick. You fucking trash. Is that all you know how to say?

Fan - 20:20
If I don't get a reply, doesn't that mean you're being tsundere??? Could it be you actually like me???
Kenta - 20:20
Give it up

Fan - 20:20
Please share some words about your new song, Mikoshiba!
Kenta - 20:21
It's completely top tier

Fan - 20:21
Mikochi's gonna win handily in the finals, right?
Kenta - 20:21
Naturally, I could do it with my eyes closed

Fan - 20:21
Don't use so much English! w I can't read it www
Kenta - 20:21
Lemme dumb it down for you then
Fan - 20:21
Hey, should I or should I not dress up as a maid for Halloween?
Kenta - 20:22
If a subhuman dresses up as a subhuman then isn't that just business as usual?

Fan - 20:22
I'm all ready to give you my last name, do you want it?
Kenta - 20:22
I'll crumple it up and throw it in the trash

Fan - 20:22
Mikoshiba should send replies 24 hours a day
Kenta - 20:23
Are you trying to kill me? I'd flip if I had to spend all day with you losers

Fan - 20:23
Kenta-kun‼️‼️ Keep doing your best ‼️‼️ I'll do my best to kneel in dogeza before you‼️‼️
Kenta - 20:23
Just keep kneeling in dogeza

Fan - 20:23
Mikochi, do you like tomatoes?
Kenta - 20:23
I like them more than I like you

Fan - 20:23
Mikoshiba, do you have any plans for Halloween?
Kenta - 20:24
I have no interest in taking part in any kind of event where a bunch of braindead idiots run around in costume. They're all just idiots who are hungry for attention.

Fan - 20:24
Little baby Mikochi is too funny I can't stop laughing 🍼🍼🍼🍼
Kenta - 20:24
I'm soooo glad you feel the need to keep making such shitty posts

Fan - 20:24
Does Mikochiba have a secret side to him??
Kenta - 20:24
I'm so far beyond you; obviously gods don't give away everything they know

Fan - 20:24
I feel like Mikochi would be bad at dancing ()
Kenta - 20:25
They say idiots have always loved to dance. You ever heard that people dance around without getting anything done at meetings?

Fan - 20:25
If you get nervous about meeting new people and get paralyzed by it, grass will grow over you
Kenta - 20:25
There are like no people worth meeting anyway

Fan - 20:25
Great Demon Lord Berserker With Permission to Kiss Your Ass
Kenta - 20:26
Isn't it painful to keep stacking up shitty settings one on top of the other?

Fan - 20:26
Let's reincarnate into another life together!!
Kenta - 20:26
Then you'll turn into a stone and I'll push you off a cliff

Fan - 20:26
Mikoshiba, shouldn't you go to sleep?
Kenta - 20:26
Why the fuck should I do what you tell me to do?

Fan - 20:26
Mikochiba came on the one day that I was making a really fancy tamagoyaki with cheese!! I did a really good job!! Please come and have some, Mikochiba!!
Kenta - 20:27
Garbage can only make more garbage

Fan - 20:27
This scrub is on scrub patrol
Kenta - 20:27
Since when have you idiots been monitoring one another?

Fan - 20:27
You're sending a lot of replies, as usual...
I hope Inukai doesn't get mad at you
Kenta - 20:27
Don't worry your puny head about it, shit-garbage

Fan - 20:28
Do an impression of Inukai-san! lolol
Kenta - 20:28
I'm soooooo sowwwyyyyyyyy wwwwwwwww

Fan - 20:28
I'm getting so sleepy and Shibaken still hasn't replied to me, I'm gonna cry
Kenta - 20:28
Feel free to not wake up

Fan - 20:28
A fool for Mikoshiba
Kenta - 20:28
Don't you idiots have any idea of my worth?

Fan - 20:29
If you reply to me I'll give you a year's worth of energy drinks
Kenta - 20:29
I don't need bribes from shit like you

Fan - 20:29
Grasshopper strike~~~ Mikochi-is-here attack~~~
Kenta - 20:29
I'll set you on fire

Fan - 20:29
Mikochi, it's time to stop using such harsh words and start using gentler ones 🥺
Kenta - 20:30
Alright. Piss off

Fan - 20:30
I want Mikochiba to wear pajamas with kitty ears on them.
I've already got them ready, so will you please come here?
Kenta - 20:30
You're annoying

Yuto - 20:33
I'm terribly sorry, everyone... I took my eyes off him for just a moment, I never expected something like this to happen... I apologize profoundly on Mikoshiba's behalf if anyone was offended or hurt by anything he said. I'll be sure to address this with him later, and I would appreciate your understanding at this time. I really am truly sorry...!