Trauma Button A Paradox Live Fansite

Mention Party - October 6, 2023 - Shion

Shion - 19:18
Did I keep you waiting?

Fan - 19:18
Ah, Kaida Shion is coming to Paratora without saying anything on Twitter...
Either way, the day of my reckoning approaches...
I've never received a reply, so I hope I get one...!
Shion - 19:18
Well, there's a first time for everything, isn't there?

Fan - 19:18
I've been waiting, Shion 🤧🤍🤍 I'm already looking forward to seeing what sides of you we'll get to see in this battle...!!!
Shion - 19:19
Well, that's a secret until the day-of, isn't it?

Fan - 19:19
If I ask you a question, will you give me an answer?
Shion - 19:19
What will I get in return?

Fan - 19:19
Shion-sa~n... I'm not feeling well, so please heal me with some of GokuLuck's scariest lyrics...
Shion - 19:19
If you listen to my rap, won't your fever just get worse?

Fan - 19:19
Shion, I've been waiting for you for so long, did I do a good job waiting?
Shion - 19:19
Seems so, well done

Fan - 19:19
Shion, awoooooo*
Shion - 19:20
Very nice
*I assume this is referencing his howl in TRIGGER

Fan - 19:19
Kaida Shion is so sexy that it's at the point where I'm not sure if it's safe to look directly at him or not
Shion - 19:20
Even if you don't look, you can still feel it, right?

Fan - 19:20
I've been waiting, but it would have been no problem if I'd had to wait quietly for another hour, but you're already here, thank you, I love you ❤
Shion- 19:21
You'll have to forgive me, I simply act according to my own whims

Fan - 19:20
I'm depressed because I can't meet Shion 😿😿
Shion - 19:21
You'll feel great afterwards, so isn't it alright in the end?

Fan - 19:21
I'm too excited to see that you've finally arrived on Paratora, Shion-kun
Shion - 19:22
Isn't it great? Do you want to meet in-person, too?

Fan - 19:21
Shion-kun, please look my way,, 🥺
Shion - 19:22
Just one look and you may not be able to resist, though

Fan - 19:21
I want to take Shion's suggestion for what to drink today
Shion - 19:23
How about I get you a drink later, then?

Fan - 19:23
It's been getting colder lately, Shion, warm me up ✝
Shion - 19:23
Well, if it's getting cold, then I have no choice, do I?

Fan - 19:23
Shion, are you free today??
Shion - 19:23
I'm good to go anytime

Fan - 19:23
Why are you such a wonderful person, Shion-san....
Shion - 19:24
There's simply nothing I can do about it

Fan - 19:23
Shion, take me to paradise
Shion - 19:23
How about after this?

Fan - 19:24
Shion-kun, give me a charge, please? ♡♡
Shion - 19:24
I'll be sure to fill you up

Fan - 19:24
Shion-kun, what are you doing tonight?
Shion - 19:25
Aren't we supposed to hang out together tonight?

Fan - 19:24
I'd like to go to the park at night with Shion someday...
Shion - 19:25
Doing things outdoors is fine too

Fan - 19:24
I want you to come and take me home today
Shion - 19:25
Isn't it best to meet up and then part ways in the same place, though?

Fan - 19:24
Shion usually does all his replies late at night! In the middle of the night! It's not nighttime yet!!
Shion - 19:26
It's the best time of day

Fan - 19:26
Shion!! I want to hear what you're excited about for REVOLUTION!!
Shion - 19:26
We'll shake you to your core with our amazing sound and technique

Fan - 19:26
I'm getting really heated up about volleyball, Shion-kun!
Shion - 19:26
Shouldn't you be getting heated up about me instead?

Fan - 19:27
Shion won't reply to me and I feel like I'm dying. I'm gonna cry
Shion - 19:27
Maybe I want to make you cry a little

Fan - 19:27
Shion-kun! Please go on a date with me, just once 🙌
Shion - 19:27
Just once is just right. No lingering aftertaste.

Fan - 19:26
I want to start smoking shisha, but I wanna do it with Shion-san..... 🥹
Shion - 19:28
Then lets go do that today

Fan - 19:26
Kaida-kun, please come hang out with me after finals are over
Shion - 19:28
Will you be able to hold on until that day?

Fan - 19:26
What do you smell like, Shion-kun?
Shion - 19:28
Why not come and find out for yourself today?

Fan - 19:26
What flavor of hookah have you been into lately?
Shion - 19:29
Probably pan raas

Fan - 19:26
I want Shion-kun to comfort meeee!!!!
Shion - 19:29
What's up? Are you going to tell me?

Fan - 19:29
Do you want anything for your birthday, Shion?
It's just about a month away, right?
Shion - 19:30
I don't need any kind of physical gift. Fun memories will do just fine.

Fan - 19:29
Shion-kun, I'm being a bit preemptive, but I want to celebrate my birthday together with you... can I reserve a spot by your side?
Shion - 19:30
No need to make a reservation, isn't it better to do it spur of the moment?

Fan - 19:29
I want to meet up with Shion-san so badly
Shion - 19:30

Fan - 19:29
I'm ready to go whenever Shion says the word~
Shion - 19:31
I like that in a girl

Fan - 19:29
Shion-kun, you're definitely gonna win the next battle, right?
Shion - 19:31
I'll just do things like I always do and that should get us the win, no?

Fan - 19:31
Shion-san is a truly dangerous man...
Shion - 19:31
Wouldn't it be boring to be ordinary?

Fan - 19:31
Shion-san, help me take my medicine... I'm crying
Fan - 19:32
Do your best to drink it all down.

Fan -19:31
Shion-kun~~~~~~ I received a lot of mean comments today, please comfort me...
Shion - 19:31
After this, how about I help you forget everything?

Fan - 19:31
Shion-kun, I want a hug! As a greeting!!
Shion - 19:33
If it stops at being just a "hello" hug, isn't that no fun?

Fan - 19:31
Let's have a relationship with no regrets~
Shion - 19:33
That's the plan

Fan - 19:31
What kind of girl would you say is your type?
Shion - 19:33
I suppose someone who's stubborn, but who knows what they're talking about

Fan - 19:31
I want to spend the night with Shion tonight~
Shion - 19:34
Sure. When's a good time?

Fan - 19:31
Let's spend some time together if you win~.
Shion - 19:34
What If I don't want to wait that long?

Fan - 19:31
Shion, are you the kind of person that has a high resting body temperature?
Shion - 19:35
How about you find out for yourself later?

Fan - 19:31
I want Shion-kun to pay attention to me... do you not like people who want a lot of attention?
Shion - 19:35
I don't like committing like that. As long as you want to have a bit of no strings attached fun, though, I'm down.

Fan - 19:35
If you don't pay attention to me, I'll cry... 🥺
Shion - 19:36
Oh no whatever shall I do, lol

Fan - 19:35
I'm sleepy; Shion, what's your technique for waking yourself up?
Shion - 19:36
Are you a morning person or something?

Fan - 19:35
Shion-kun isn't going to pay attention to meI think I'm going to cry all night
Shion - 19:37
Do you not want to meet up, then?

Fan - 19:37
Is your hair silky, Shion-kun?
Shion - 19:37
I'd say it's pretty nice to the touch

Fan - 19:37
I want to breathe Shion's secondhand smoke
Shion - 19:37
That kind of thing is good, too. It smells particularly nice, too, since it's shisha.

Fan - 19:36
Shion-kun, are you worried about the finals?
Shion - 19:38
Not at all

Fan - 19:36
Shion-san, I'm readyyyy
Shion - 19:38
If only I could ask you to be cute

Fan - 19:39
Shion-kun! Shion-kun! Will you tell us, what's your favorite type of girl in terms of looks??
Shion - 19:39
I don't really care that much about appearances

Fan 19:39
I'm lonely~ I want to meet up with Shion~ What am I to do?
Shion - 19:39
Well, clearly, we should meet up, right?

Fan - 19:38
I've been waiting sooooo long for Shion-kun to arrive (;w;)
But a woman who does nothing but stand around and wait is boring, right?
Shion - 19:40
Isn't the real winner the one who's enjoying their life?

Fan - 19:38
Shion blowing smoke in my face is how I wanna go
Shion - 19:40
That's the kind of attitude I like to see, lol

Fan - 19:38
I wonder what Shion-kun feels like?
Shion - 19:40
What do you think?

Fan - 19:38
Waah, I still haven't gotten a reply from Shion-kun
I guess I'll just go take a bath 🥲
Shion - 19:41
Feel free to get in touch once you're done

Fan - 19:38
I've been waiting sooo long to meet up with Shion, though...
Shion - 19:41
How about after this?

Fan - 19:41
I've been good and waited for you all this time, so pleaaaaaaaase give me a reward!
If I don't get one, I might just go crazy 😑!!
Shion - 19:42
What would you like?

Fan - 19:28
Shion-kun, do you ever wear the sunglasses you wear around your neck?
Shion - 19:42
I usually wear them when I go out

Fan - 19:38
Shion-kun, look over here... please look at me... I've been good... right?
Shion - 19:42
Sure have. What do you want to do together today?

Fan - 19:38
Shion-kun, do you ever tie your hair up? I really hope you tie your hair up...
Shion - 19:43
Sometimes I tie it up after getting out of the bath. Or when it's hot.

Fan - 19:38
Shion-kun teases too much 😠
I might go crazy
Shion - 19:43
Should I do even more, then? lol

Fan - 19:43
Isn't it way too cold today? I feel like I'm dying 😭💦
Shion - 19:44
How about we warm up, then

Fan - 19:33
I wonder if Shion-kun is smoking a cigarette while he replies... what a sexy idea!
Shion - 19:44
I just lit one up

Fan - 19:43
I've been good and studied and finished dinner early... but it will be hard to keep studying later... Shion-kun, please give me some words of encouragement... I have an exam the day after tomorrow...
Shion - 19:45
Want to relieve some stress before your test?

Fan - 19:43
Shion-kun, do you prefer short hair? Or long hair?
Shion - 19:45
No preference

Fan - 19:43
I've never received a reply from anyone. I wonder if Shion will be the first one to reply to me????
Shion - 19:45
Sure. Here you go

Fan - 19:45
I want to hear about what clothes Kaida likes the most!
Shion - 19:46
I don't really have strong opinions on the matter

Fan - 19:45
I feel like I want to fall forever into Shion-kun's rap...
Shion - 19:45
Whether it's into my rap or something else, I'll make you fall deeper

Fan - 19:45
I want to meet you, but my parents are really strict
Shion - 19:47
We'll just have to meet in secret, then

Yuto - 19:51
I'm sorry, everyone, I had let my guard down because he promised not to make any inappropriate comments today... please refrain from accepting any of Kaida-kun's invitations. The fact that it took me this long to intervene was due to my own lack of oversight. I'm really, truly, terribly sorry...! I will be sure to be more careful in the future...! Once again, I must apologize to all of the heads for any inconvenience caused by this error. I'm terribly sorry...