Hikage Toma (MC Name: TOMA)
緋景 斗真Character Designer: Kazari Tayu
Seiyuu: Ito Kashitaro (伊東歌詞太郎)
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VISTY's moodmaker who excells at livening things up. He comes across as a charismatic playboy, but in reality, he's a very caring and hardworking person. As of late, he's been feeling the limitations of his playboy persona. He's very concerned about how other people see him and is extremely particular about his appearance.
Twitter: @t0malikes2party
Age: 21
Height: 178cm (~5'10")
Blood Type: A
Birthday: November 26
Occupation: Idol, college student
Hobby: Visiting cosmetic stores
Weakness: Dislikes summer (it ruins his makeup)
Phantometal: Convenient Mirror