Mikoshiba Kenta (MC Name: anonymous)
御子柴 賢太Character Designer: lack
Seiyuu: Kobayashi Chiaki (小林 千晃)
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A genius hacker who uses his advanced skills to achieve whatever ends he wants. When he was younger, he created a computer virus that could have wreaked havoc on the world. A cynic who is all too happy to take advantage of other people, he knows that his personality sucks, but he has no intentions of changing it. However, he still has a soft spot for his allies.
Twitter: @endbringer_666_
Age: 15
Height: 172 cm (5'8")
Blood Type: AB
Birthday: March 20
Occupation: Hacker
Hobby: PC Gaming
Weakness: Sucks at arm wrestling
Phantometal: Chain Collar