Yatonokami Kanata (MC Name: KANATA)
矢戸乃上 珂波汰Character Designer: Kinako
Seiyuu: Kobayashi Yuusuke (小林 裕介)
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The elder of the Yatonokami twins. An orphan from a poor neighborhood, he was abused by adults growing up and so trusts almost nobody. He's lazy and can't be bothered to do most things, but is wholly devoted to his brother, Nayuta, and will do anything if it's for his sake. At the moment, he's doing shady underground jobs and rapping with Nayuta to get the cash to survive.
Twitter: @czmzknt
Age: 19
Height: 165cm (~5'5") [Officially]
Blood Type: B
Birthday: December 24
Occupation: Rapper
Hobby: Sleeping
Weakness: Bad at studying
Phantometal: Ouroboros Earring (Left)