Trauma Button A Paradox Live Fansite

LIVE Tokuten Voice Messages

When the second full Paradox Live album, LIVE, was released, there was a special tokuten (functionally, a preorder benefit) for those who bought the CD through Animate-- a bonus disc containing short voice messages from all fourteen of the characters from the participating groups. These are them!
Because they are now several years old and no longer available for general purchase, I don't feel bad about sharing them despite their initial exclusivity.

A huge thank you to the anonymous user who got in contact to share rips of this bonus disc with me, this wouldn't have been possible without them!


Sugasano Allen

Thank you so much for your support of all of us in BAE. Before this whole thing started, I was a nobody, but hearing everyone's cheers while we were standing on stage filled me with a kind of courage I'd never felt before. I felt like, this is why I'm making music. In the end, the final results aren't what I was hoping for... it was really frustrating, but it made me see my own weaknesses, and it made me realize that I needed to get stronger. BAE are going to keep on evolving and keep on getting bigger. My goal hasn't changed -- I'm going to show the world who I am and make the best songs ever together with BAE. So I hope you'll keep following us! Thank you again for all your support. [in English] Thank you for everything!

Yeon Hajun

Hello. First of all, allow me to express my deeper gratitude. Thank you for giving BAE so much support. Furthermore, I'm very sorry for giving you reason to worry during our recent stage battle. Although we were not able to take the championship, I think I learned some very important things throughout the course of the event. I felt something about my mindset begin to change as I interfaced with Allen and Anne, as well as with all of the Heads; I think it has become an inextricable part of my life. However, even with that said, we haven't yet achieved our true goal of showing the world who we are; BAE need to continue to get stronger. Please continue to give us your strength. We'll be going at top speed, so be sure to keep up.

Anne Faulkner

Thanks for showing us so much support! It's all thanks to all of you that I was able to have such an amazing experience! BAE have always put the theme of showing the world who we are into our music, but throughout this event, that theme was really particularly important, yeah? I'd always hoped that through our songs, as many people as possible might realize how amazing and cool it is to be who you really are... but you know, all of the support we got made me realize a lot of things. Like what I want to be in the future, and how BAE should continue to evolve. Stuff like that, you know? We ended up in second place this time, but we'll do our best to keep coming up with amazing songs so that we can share the view from the top with everyone, okay? Thank you so much, for real. Love you!

The Cat's Whiskers

Saimon Naoakira

Thanks for your support of us as The Cat's Whiskers. I would like to take this opportunity to express my most profound gratitude to you. Thank you very much, from the deepest part of my heart. I can only speak for myself now, and not the members of my team. The reason I have been making music isn't just to protect our bar, but to carry on the legacy of my wife's words: that music is what connects people to each other. Standing and performing on that huge stage, I truly realized how wonderful it is to be able to connect with people. Our thoughts are communicated to other people, and given a voice-- given form. It's not just being echoed and repeated back to us, but our feelings truly became one and the same. I was given a taste of that feeling. Although the event has come to an end, I intend to continue to strive to use music to connect people. But of course, I won't be doing it alone. Yohei, Shiki, and Ryu will be with me. I hope that in the future, you're able to hear our message again.

Kanbayashi Yohei

Yo. How's it going? Well, I guess I'm holdin' up. Things around here are still real hectic. Even now, Saimon still keeps pickin' up stray cats from time to time, and Shiki... well, he's lookin' a bit better than he did before. And then there's Ryu... I'm sure I don't have to explain what he's like to you. You can imagine. ... ah, yeah. About the event recently. You really helped us out. Gotta say thanks for that. So, thanks. We're gonna keep making music with the same unwavering resolve we've always had. So when the time comes that we we drop another song, be sure to check it out. I was able to make some great memories thanks to you. See you around soon.

Natsume Ryu

If you're hearing this message now, then it means that by now, Ryu-kun has conquered the second city block of the universe. Don't despair, just give this message a listen-nyo. YA-HAH! You doin' good!? Good job and congratulations on supporting and helping out our team! To tell you the truth, Ryu-kun wanted to go on a journey of self-discovery, so was going around and around on a game of sugoroku, but then it turned out that in the end, custard cream goes really well with sanma after all, like he knew all along! To all of the superhumans who supported Ryu-kun, we have the lovely present of (DRUMROLL PLEASE) the finest Shepherd's Purse flowers! Even peep-peeping matcha latte Ryu-kun who can't connect with anyone was able to be really happy! It may be that the only thing Ryu-kun knows about himself is that he's super awesome and cool and cute and lovely, but he feels like he understands his own form a little bit better now. I love yooou! [In English] See you again! Danke schön!

Ando Shiki

Ah... um... is it alright if I say something...? Ah! I'm sorry! ... ... um... ah... thank you very much for all of your support in the event that was just held. I've never really had a lot of confidence in myself, but while acting with The Cat's Whiskers, I think I was able to take a step forward, even if just a small one. When we're doing a live performance, I can see everyone's expressions clearly from on stage. I felt like that maybe even something that I was doing could make someone else happy. And that made me really happy. ... not that I think I have enough skills yet, though. I want to keep doing my best, for the Owner and the Master, and for Ryu-kun, and for my dear friend. That's what I think. So I'd be really happy if you would continue to support us.


Yatonokami Kanata

cozmez won. So I can't be mad about that. ... ah. And thanks to everyone who gave it up for me and Nayuta's sound, I guess. We don't have to stay out shivering in the cold or eat rock-hard terrible food anymore. We can do whatever we want. We can do anything. We're here because we've been to hell and came back in one piece. That's the power of such dope rapping. There are still greater heights for Nayuta and me to reach for. This is just the start. We ain't stopping yet. As cozmez, we're the best. I'm going to keep proving that to everyone with Nayuta from here on out. I don't need anyone else's bullshit. Just shut up and follow us.

Yatonokami Nayuta

The sound that Kanata makes is amazing. I've always known that from the very start, but since cozmez won, it means that everyone else heard it too, yeah? He showed everyone who undersestimated us and looked down on us like we were trash. It's an amazing feeling. Nothing else to it. The reason we got to the top is because all of you recognized how good Kanata's music is. So, I guess... thanks for that. I think this stage battled changed both Kanata and me. It's not about the money or the fame... hm... I'm not good at putting it into words. I don't think I've ever felt that way. I don't want Kanata to ever have to go through feeling like I did back then. ... we're still going to go higher. Kanata's sound is the best, and we're going to prove that we're the best, too. Try to keep up.

Akan Yatsura

Suiseki Iori

Howdy, all y'all. You doin' well? Much obliged for all your support in the stage battles. For real. I could hear your cheering during our performances, and that's what made me really want to be a part of those shows. I could put my whole soul into singing. Before battles, we'd stay up way into the night practicing until we were just about doubled over. And Zen'd get real cross about boilin' up some udon to eat that late, ha. But I'm gettin' off topic. This time... well, there's more to get upset about than just the results, but Akan Yatsura are the type to get right back up even when we fall down. And it's up to me to protect them... ain't that right? Or maybe, rather, I've got a family I can depend on. Speakin' as Kashira of Akan Yatsura... we're gonna be have the most spirit out of anyone in the next fight. We're gonna give you a real show. You'll look forward to it, wont'cha?

Gaho Zen

Thank you for always supporting us. Quite a lot happened during those stage battles, and I really hope that Akan Yatsura were able to respond to all of the support we got from everyone who listened to our music... ... No! It's disrespectful to act so insecure, isn't it? Our songs are only ever truly complete when our fans listen to them and you give us your support. The vibes and the feeling of unity with our fans that we have on stage are what make our performances the best of the best! It's really disappointing that we lost... but I'll use that frustration that lingers inside of me as motivation to bulk up one or even two sizes bigger for next time!! And next time, we'll show you that Akan Yatsura are going to be number one! So let me say it again: thank you very much!

Masaki Hokusai

Thank you very much for always supporting us. That you raise your hands and your voices for us always makes me happy. Pet, pet. I hope I was able to convey my feelings, too. If I hadn't participated in the stage battles, I wouldn't have been able to help Kanata look for Nayuta, or hang out with Shiki. I might not even understand aniki and the others' feelings, either. So I think it's a good thing that I was able to participate in the battles with everyone. Of course, all of the fans who supported us are our precious family, too. We share happy things, and sad things, too. Just watch; we'll bare our claws again, and we'll fight again. And next time we'll win. And we'll laugh together.

Ito Satsuki

WASSUP!? Thanks for always supporting us, sixth men! I knew you'd have our backs. The fans who always bang their heads along to our rap are an amazing family to have! Goddamn!! I'll never forget the view from up on stage! Even if losing really sucked, there's no point just standing around feeling sorry for ourselves. That ain't who we are. That's not what Akan Yatsura do! I know we're the best there is! Our family ain't gonna just end like this. We ain't gonna let it end! That's why I'm gonna become an even more kickass man than I already am, alongside Aniki and Zen-nii and Hokusai and Reo! Akan Yatsura are gonna take the top! And you, too; you're gonna follow us the entire way there. You're the ones who cheered us on with your whole chests. So I'll keep hitting you with hot and soulful raps!

Maruyama Reo

Ahh, man, I can hardly believe it's already over. I've performed a lot of shows with Anki and the others, but I've never stood and rapped on a stage that big before. Well, I'm sorry about how it ended up. But I had a lot of fun! Thanks to taking part in this event, I can't just sit back and let Aniki and the others just dote on me. I just keep wondering what I can do for them. That's what I've been thinking about a lot, lately. I mean, I was always the great and amazing REO-kun, but now I'm even better, you know? [laughs] You know? But I was able to always do my best because you always supported me so much. I really understand that now. Akan Yatsura are still going to keep getting stronger and become the number one team out there. Our rapping only as good as the people that listen to us do it. [laughs] I love you for supporting me. Make sure you keep your eyes on me from here on out, okay?