Merchandise and Collaborations
Here is an overview of some of the collaborations and merchandise lines that have come out featuring Paradox Live. Starting from the onset of this site (August 2023), I will attempt to keep track of current and future merch releases; as time goes on, I will work on filling out the backlog.This backlog will inevitably be extremely non-comprehensive-- I can't track everything, and a lot of the time it's not remarkable enough for me to have anything to say about it. Like, there are forty different cafe/restaurant collabs that come out with acrylic keychains and coasters, and I just can't keep track of all of them! Priority is given to covering brand collaborations (especially if they feature unique illustrations) and high-interest items like plushes, but if I can find a decent copy of the art for something, I'll try to share it here!
Keep an eye on the official Paradox Live account for more in-depth and up-to-date coverage of merchandise releases. SWANK has its own section!
"Requires a proxy?" assumes that you are an overseas buyer; if you're in Japan, it's a moot point.
Some vendors (ex: Amiami) do not require a proxy; others, such as the official Gcrest store, have native Buyee integration and so do not require extra steps to purchase through a proxy.

Requires a proxy?: Available through native Buyee integration via the Gcrest store
Price: ¥2200 each

The unique items are catalogued below.
Requires a proxy?: Available through native Buyee integration via the Gcrest store
Price: ¥550 (Can badge only), ¥2200 (acrylic block only), ¥3300 (special item only), ¥6050 (complete set with bromide)
Special Merch Items:

Requires a proxy?: No, Good Smile Co. has global sites
Price: Unknown at present; assumed to be between ¥5,000 and ¥6,000 JPY (~$35 to ~$42 USD each at release), going by usual Nendoroid pricing

A rerun of the 2022 edition of the basic nuigurumis (all 29 main characters) was announced in late July 2023, with preorders starting on August 1st through the Anime Times store. This rerelease introduced a brand-new 30th nui: alternate-personality Yuto.
Requires a proxy?: Yes
Price: ¥3,300 JPY each (approx $23 USD)

Waves 2 (consisting of Akan Yatsura, Buraikan, and VISTY) and 3 (consisting of Amprule, 1nm8, and GokuLuck) are, as of yet, pending release dates. Acrylics of art of the plush designs were offered as a preorder bonus.
Requires a proxy?: Available through Taobao
Price: Preorders discounted at ¥79 RMB each (approx $11 USD)