Manga: Stage Battle "COMIC"
An online manga adaptation of Paradox Live began serialization in February 2022 on Zero-Sum Online. Titled Paradox Live Stage Battle "COMIC", with art by naru and writing credit given to the Paradox Live franchise, its script closely follows the script of the audio dramas, but with the order of events and pacing of information somewhat shifted around (most notably switching the positions of LOVE and FAMILY rounds).It fairly faithfully adapted the events of Stage Battle and ran through December 2024.
A selection of chapters are available for free in perpetuity; others (most chapters) were available free to read for a period of about two months before they were made inaccessible until the release of the tankobon. Ebook copies of the manga are available through various outlets that are outside the scope of what I can walk you through.
Stage Battle "COMIC" is notable for being the first visual-medium version of Paradox Live that does not have a level of abstraction in the scene-setting (as in the stageplay), and thus serves as the first visual appearance of many minor characters and places in the world of Paradox Live.
It is also notable for almost entirely disregarding the narrative changes made to the anime.
In total, four tankobon were compiled of the series, with chapter information as follows:
- Opening Show Pt. 1
- Opening Show Pt. 2
- Desire Pt. 1
- Desire Pt. 2
- Desire Pt. 3
- Desire Pt. 4
- Desire Pt. 5
- Justice Pt. 1
- Justice Pt. 2
- Justice Pt. 3
- Justice Pt. 4
- Justice Pt. 5
- Love Pt. 1
- Love Pt. 2
- Love Pt. 3
- Love Pt. 4
- Family Pt. 1
- Family Pt. 2
- Family Pt. 3
- Family Pt. 4
- Exhibition Show
- Vibes pt. 1
- Vibes pt. 2
- Vibes pt. 3
- Vibes pt. 4
- Live pt. 1
- Live pt. 2
- Live pt. 3
- Live pt. 4