Trauma Button A Paradox Live Fansite

B's Log October 2023: Leader Seiyuu Interviews (Paradox Live: The Animation)

Kajiwara Gakuto (Allen)

    -> Please share how you are feeling at the moment, with the anime set to begin airing soon.
This is a project that I've been involved with ever since the very beginning, and it's going to be an anime soon... I'm very emotional about it, I'm really happy! I really put my soul into the recording, and I can't wait to see the finished product!

    -> What's something about the anime that you would particularly like people to look forward to?
People have probably imagined things how things would look in action while listening to the drama CDs, but this time it's animated and moving for real! I'm sure everyone will be thinking, "wow, so that's the world everyone lives in!" (laughs) Also, the performance scenes are a must-see!

    -> Did anything memorable happen during the recording for the anime?
While I was recording for one really important scene, I just couldn't seem to match the timing of the animation*. Then the directors adjusted the length of the animation, so that the timing would sync up correctly. I really appreciate them doing that for the sake of the performance... it was a huge help.
*Anime, even in Japanese, is generally animated before the voices are recorded, so the actors have to match the animation's timing.

    -> The Paradox Live project is coming on its fourth anniversary. How was it playing Sugasano Allen from the beginning again for the anime?
Listening back to the early tracks from the beginning, I think that a lot of the characters have been able to show more sides of themselves, Allen included. In the case of Allen, who I play, I think he's become more passionate. In the anime, we have to start from square one again, but since he and I have been together for the past three years, I think it wasn't that hard to find that starting point again.

    -> What's something memorable that happened at the 3rd real live, Paradox Live Dope Show, that was held in May 2023?
Definitely the fact that Murase-san, who plays Hajun, was able to participate in the show, and all of BAE were together! I was really excited that we could finally have the entire BAE triangle all together at a concert. Everyone's cheers at the show were awesome, too!

    -> Is there anything you would like Paradox Live to do in the future?
I'd like to performs more songs in genes I've never done before! Pararai covers a really wide range of music, so I'm sure it's possible. I'm hoping for the best (laughs)!!

    -> Finally, do you have any message for the readers?
Please look forward to the anime!! I think it will help to bring the characters and their respective teams into clearer focus, and our performances have gotten even better after the drama CDs. We're looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

    ->Q: What is your favorite song (from the franchise), and why?
I think it's "GALAXY∞"! It's a very recent song, but it really resonated with me when I was performing it. It really reminded me of the importance of embracing my own personality instead of trying to be somebody else.

    ->Q: What is your favorite thing about Sugasano Allen?
He's more passionate about what he loves than anyone else, and he's kind of an idiot, but in a good way (laughs). I think it's really important to maintain his kind of innocent enthusiasm, no matter how old you get. I think I could stand to learn from that.

Takeuchi Ryota (Saimon)

    -> Please share how you are feeling at the moment, with the anime set to begin airing soon.

We finally made it to this point... I'm very happy that we managed to make it this far, and I'm very grateful for the appeal of the Paradox Live content and for the enthusiastic support that we've received from all of the heads! I've been playing the role of Saimon-san ever since the first drama tracks when Paradox Live Opening Show released in 2020, and even back then, one of the goals we had for the project to reach was to someday make it to the point of releasing an anime. I'm very happy that this has come true, and now I get to bring Saimon-san and TCW to life in the anime. As an actor, it's a great honor to play a role for this long. I'll continue to cherish playing this role in the future.

    -> What's something about the anime that you would particularly like people to look forward to?
Well, it's an anime! The way the characters move, the way their expressions changes, and of course, the phantom lives! There's so much to see! For TCW in particular, I'd like for everyone to see the scenes where the four of them spend time at Bar 4/7, where the relationship between the four of them is on full display. Please enjoy Ryu's mischievous excitement, as well as the interplay between the four performers and their animation!

    -> Did anything memorable happen during the recording for the anime?

We had already played the roles in the voice dramas, but being able to do the dubbing together with the entire team helped provide the proper dynamic between TCW, which was very moving!* We generally record our parts for the voice dramas solo, so it's difficult to communicate in a timely manner when you're just having to imagine the other person's part or listen to a pre-recorded voice, so we were able to feel the atmosphere of TCW together during the dubbing, which I'm sure will be useful for future dramas!
*The parts for the audio dramas are recorded separately, but the dub for the anime is done as a group.

    -> The Paradox Live project is coming on its fourth anniversary. How was it playing Saimon Naoakira from the beginning again for the anime?
It was very refreshing to play the role of Saimon-san from the start once again. The addition of pauses in the animation, the facial expressions, the movement, and physical space have brought out the charm of The Cat's Whiskers even more. After spending three years on a team together, we all understand the roles we're playing better than we did at the start. But even so, when we record together, we have all kinds of new discoveries and moments where you feel like, "I didn't know they'd have this kind of feeling!". That's part of the charm of acting!
There are also some bits of dialogue and scenes that weren't in the voice dramas, so I hope that you'll enjoy the story of each team all over again in the anime!!

    -> What's something memorable that happened at the 3rd real live, Paradox Live Dope Show, that was held in May 2023?
There was a monitor backstage showing what's on stage, and the entire cast were all watching over us... when I went offstage after singing, they all welcomed me with a smile... I could really feel the respect that all of the other teams have for each other, and their support for me meant more than I have the words for. Also, I was a little nervous before the show, and I received a message of support from Asato Yuya, Hori Kaito, and Kiyama Ryu, with whom I acted in Parasute. They said "Good luck! We're watching you!"... I was really happy! They're also very important members of TCW.

    -> Is there anything you would like Paradox Live to do in the future?
A team solo show, maybe? I'd love to do a solo performance with just one team, or with two teams that have a close relationship with one another... something like that! I may be being selfish, since we're a team that's been around since the start, but we have enough songs for it, and the heads have their own feelings for every song, and we have our own feelings for each song as well... I'd love to be able to share all of that in the same place at a live show!

    -> Finally, do you have any message for the readers?
I'd like to thank all of the heads for all of your support! Counting Buraikan, we've got nine teams gathered together in Paradox Live! I can't help but get excited when I think of how all the teams and characters will interact... in the middle of a story full of troubles, TCW continue to have an unwavering conviction that music connects people to each other. I would like to continue to keep making music without yielding to anyone and protecting that in our hearts! Please continue to look forward to Paradox Live!

    ->Q: What is your favorite song (from the franchise), and why?
You'll have to forgive me if my favorite song changes basically every day. But right now, it's "No Matter What"! It was one of the reasons that the four of us were able to sing together at the Paradox Live Dope Show, and I can still realy vividly remember singing in unison with all of the heads at Makuhari Messe. The music was lively, with the throughline of words of compassion for their fellow musicians, keeping true to their style while introducing new elements... I really want to sing that song live again!

    ->Q: What are three things you like about Saimon Naoakira?

His kindness. Saimon-san is a very kind man, he's a person you can depend on, and he continues to watch over other people. He watches over Shiki and Ryu's lives, and cares deeply about Yohei, and the music that only the four of them can make together... I think that's very cool of him.

His fingertips. This is something I've been thinking about ever since the beginning, but he has very gentle fingertips... the fingertips that gently enclose the camelia flower on the jacket art of Stage Battle "LOVE", or the fingertips that spin the illusion in his illusion trailer video to try and catch the camelia... what I'm trying to say is, you can feel his love, all the way down to his fingertips!

Yohei. Saimon-san says Yohei's name a lot... that's how much he relies on Yohei, and trusts him, and worries about him. I enjoy being able to express those "Yohei"s with various emotions.

Kobayashi Yuusuke (Kanata)

    -> Please share how you are feeling at the moment, with the anime set to begin airing soon.
Ever since the start, an anime has been one of the things I've wanted to see the franchise achieve, and I'm very happy to see it come true and to finally be about to air. I can't wait to see the Pararai characters in motion.

    -> What's something about the anime that you would particularly like people to look forward to?
The cast members were finally able to record together while dubbing the anime. I think that the parts that adapt the scenes from the drama CDs have been staged and performed in a way that's unique to the anime, so I would be happy if people would take note of the differences.

    -> Did anything memorable happen during the recording for the anime?
There are a number of anime-original scenes and parts, and it's very interesting -- in a good way -- to see the way the characters break away from the established atmosphere of Paralive. There are good parts where Kanata, who is usually on high alert, has a bit more of a loose expression.

   -> The Paradox Live project is coming on its fourth anniversary. How was it playing Yatonokami Kanata from the beginning again for the anime?
I didn't feel like it was too difficult. Kanata's general personality hasn't changed very much from the beginning up to now; if I had to say anything, I tried to make him more dependent on Nayuta again. But, just looking at the dialogue that's written, it already conveys so much of his desperation and urgency, so I think it was easy for me to get back into the role.

    -> What's something memorable that happened at the 3rd real live, Paradox Live Dope Show, that was held in May 2023?
cozmez aren't given choreography for our live performances, and so how we move while on stage is pretty much up to how we feel in the moment; but there were a lot of times where I had a sort of sixth sense, like, "Toyonaga-kun is going to look at me just now", and then it actually happened. I think after we've come to have that kind of mutual understanding after being on stage together as cozmez this many times.

    -> Is there anything you would like Paradox Live to do in the future?
I'd like to perform in the Budokan* at some point. The scale of the live shows just keeps getting bigger and bigger, so I think that if we continue to work our hardest, it's definitely attainable. I've kind of always secretly wanted to have the chance to call out "Budokaaaaan!!!" and get a response back from the audience!
*The Nippon Budokan is a very "Hey look ma, I made it" performance venue

    -> Finally, do you have any message for the readers?
It's thanks to everyone's support that we keep moving on to bigger and bigger stages. If you haven't had a chance to experience the franchise yet, the anime will be a great point to jump in, so please take this opportunity to check it out!

    ->Q: What is your favorite song (from the franchise), and why?
cozmez's most recent song, "Trust Nobody", has a very different feel from any other song they've put out before; it has a stronger sense of clarity, like the two of them have started changing their trajectory a little bit. It gives me the new and mysterious feeling of like, "it's beautiful but also a little but disquieting", so that's why it's my favorite at the moment.

    ->Q: What are three things you like about Yatonokami Kanata?
His love for Nayuta is amazing.
His personality hasn't changed even after winning [the previous Paradox Live].
He consistently comes out with aggressive songs and lyrics.

Kondo Takayuki (Iori)

    -> Please share how you are feeling at the moment, with the anime set to begin airing soon.

I'm really happy to see the franchise growing. It feels like we've really made in; I almost feel like I'm a fan of the franchise as well.

    -> What's something about the anime that you would particularly like people to look forward to?
When I think about it, what I'm looking forward to most is seeing how they'll be presenting the live performances. I think the performances are one of the main draws of Pararai, so I'm looking forward to enjoying that together with the viewers.

    -> Did anything memorable happen during the recording for the anime?

One of Iori's characteristics is his fake Kansai-ben, but for the anime, it has to feel less fake and more native... that was the atmosphere (laughs).

    -> The Paradox Live project is coming on its fourth anniversary. How was it playing Suiseki Iori from the beginning again for the anime?
Back at the start, Iori was more of a shady character, he even had the vibe of a potential villain; but now, he has one of the most deeply caring personalities in the franchise, and that's come more to the forefront. I honestly felt it was a little difficult to go back to that mysterious sort of air again.

    -> What's something memorable that happened at the 3rd real live, Paradox Live Dope Show, that was held in May 2023?
It was the first time we've done a Pararai live performance where the crowd was allowed to vocalize, so it was a very moving experience to be able to experience all of the heads' interjections from the audience, you could say, for the first time.

    -> Is there anything you would like Paradox Live to do in the future?
An Akan Yatsura solo show! I'd love the chance to perform the songs we haven't had the chance to do live yet for all of the heads!

    -> Finally, do you have any message for the readers?
Thank you all for all of your support! I think it's a very Akan Yatsura type of thing to do to try and return the favor by giving it our all during performances. I really hope that people who haven't really heard of Pararai yet will fall in love with it as well. Thank you for your continued support!

    ->Q: What is your favorite song (from the franchise), and why?
At the moment, I'd probably have to say it's "Kassai -Leave It To Me-"... it's just really perfect in every way. I also really like "EMPEROR-WE ON FIRE!!-" and Iori's song with Kanbayashi, "Double Trouble".

    ->Q: What are three things you like about Suiseki Iori?
That he's compassionate and considerate of other people.
That he seems like a laid-back and friendly guy, but he's actually very smart.
That he's very strong as a person, both physically and mentally.