Trauma Button A Paradox Live Fansite

B's Log September 2024: Short Story

Paradox Live is set in the near future in the midst of the Phantom Live movement where rappers partake in heated on-stage battles in order to become the number one name in music. We have begun a new shory story series based on this series! Based on the theme of "first-time experiences", we will be showing you a new side of these characters. Our first installment features the four members of GokuLuck with Baek Chungsung.

Newly-Produced Short Story Series: Chapter 1

Our First Time

As part of their prisoner rehabilitation program, the prisoners of GokuLuck participate in a butler work experience. They learn from Chungsung how to behave as butlers and uphold the spirit of hospitality, but...

Ryoga: Oi... why do I have to wear such a tight suit?
Chungsung: It is my understanding that today all of you will be doing work experience today.

This was part of the rehabilitation program imposed upon the prisoner members of GokuLuck: they were to do a work experience as butlers, with Baek Chungsung to serve as their instructor.

Yuto: Through this experience, we hope that you will be able to learn communication skills, consideration for others, and hospitality skills that will help you in the future...!
Chungsung: And so, shall we waste no time in beginning?
Yuto: Baek-san, thank you very much for your help today!
Chungsung: Yes sir. However, Inukai-sama, if it is not too much imposition to say so, you are free to call me Chungsung.
Yuto: Um, okay...!
Shion: So, what exactly is it that we'll we be doing?
Chungsung: As part of your basic training, you will be welcoming guests. Later on, we will be preparing a meal, as well as holding a lesson on proper dining etiquette.
Kenta: Hm. Well, if we're getting some decent food out of the deal, at least you're doing more than that dumbass prison guard.
Yuto: Ahahah...
Ryoga: ... whatever. Let's just get this over with.
Chungsung: Most certainly. We will begin with a proper lecture on appropriate conduct as a butler...
Kenta: Oooh, I'm sooo looking forward to thaaat, I'll be sure to take loooots of notes.
Chungsung: ... or should we begin with a more practical exercise?
Shion: Now you're speaking my language. Let's do that.
Chungsung: Then that being the case: please treat me as you would a guest, and show me the way to he reception room. Let us begin with you, Kaida-sama.

Chungsung left the room, then knocked on the door. Shion opened the door slowly, and made a polite gesture.

Shion: Welcome. The master of the house is not in at the moment... but perhaps I can entertain you in the meantime?
Chungsung: ... the fundamentals are not themselves wrong, but it feels as though there is a risk of giving a guest quite the wrong impression. Under normal circumstances I would have to exercise discipline, but I will allow it this one time.
Shion: Define 'discipline'.
Chungsung: That is... [chuckles] something that I will leave up to the imagination.
Shion: Imagination, huh. [laughs]
Chungsung: Well, then. Next up, Mikoshiba-sama, if you do not mind.

Chungsung left the room, but Mikoshiba remained seated right where he was and made no move to get up to welcome him back in.

Yuto: Mikoshiba-kun, isn't it your turn...?
Kenta: Shut the fuck up. Just set up an automatic door and an AI robot to do crap like this. We're closed, out of business, don't come back.

Chungsung returned to the room himself and stood before Mikoshiba.

Chungsung: Mikoshiba-sama, if you are late in inviting a guest in, it will reflect poorly on the reputation of the family you are serving. However... [chuckles] I must say that I myself do not mind being neglected so.
Kenta: See? It was the right answer for the freakshow butler.
Chungsung: Well then, next is Tosa-sama. If you please.

Once Chungsung was ready once more, Ryoga opened the door in response to his knock.

Shion: Hm, he opened the door surprisingly carefully.
Ryoga: ... 'll guide you.

Though he had very little to say, Ryoga was able to be a far better guide than either of the previous two.

Yuto: Tosa-kun, very well done...!!
Chungsung: Tosa-sama, so long as you improve your initial greeting and language a little, there would be no problem at all with your conduct.
Kenta: So Ryoga-chan's really cut out for being a butler, huh?
Ryoga: 'Course not. Pretty sure anyone could do it just about as well.
Shion: You take things so seriusly, don't you, Ryoga?
Yugo: Chungsung-san, I hope that we've been able to do sufficiently... I'm very sorry for any trouble.
Chungsung: By no means. Inukai-sama, since you are here, why don't you undertake our practical exercise as well?
Kenta: Show us how it's done, lapdog, LFG
Yuto: Um... well, I guess... yes, I'll do it! But I'm a little nervous...

Chungsung made his preparations and knocked on the door, but Inukai had trouble opening the door quickly.

Yuto: Um.... I'm s... so sorry! T- the door won't open...! What should, what should I do!? I'm trying my best to open it as soon as I can!

Inukai was so nervous that he was trying to open a door that pushed open by pulling on it.

Shion: Inukai. That's a push door.
Yuto: Huh!? ... Ah, it is, isn't it. Ahahaha...
Chungsung: Do not worry at all, Inukai-sama. When I made such an error in the past, Bocchama said to me, what are you doing, you useless moron!, and...
Ryoga: Oh crap.

Chungsung's casual remark triggered an immediate change in Inukai; he flung the door open and grabbed Chungsung violently.
Ryoga and all of the the others tried to talk Inukai down, and everyone was quite frantically trying to return him to normal.

Everyone, that is, except for Chungsung.

Ryoga: Give me a fuckin' break...
Yuto: I'm terribly sorry...
Kenta: I mean, looked to me like the freakshow butler was all too happy to get caught up in Inukai's storm. Fuckin' wild.
Shion: It takes all sorts.
Chungsung: Ahem, my apologies. Now, as butlers, I am afraid you all fail; however, as far as I am concerned... you have passed with flying colors.
Prisoners: ... huh?

And so, the work experience was completed without any major incidents, but would the day ever come when the prisoners truly understood the meaning of hospitality?