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Battle of Unity - Prologue

Allen: Uh, and with that, we'll begin this meeting.
Anne: Aha. Why so serious all of a sudden?
Allen: It's just, I thought it might be easier to make a decision if we did it this way.
Hajun: Indeed. We need to come to a decision, together as BAE, sooner than later.
Allen: Right!? So then, today's order of business is what we're going to do with the privilege of running Club Paradox after our Road to Legend victory.
Anne: We can organize any kind of event we want at Club Paradox, yeah?
Hajun: Yes. It seems we can also hold multiple component events as part of a longer-term project.
Allen: So... what do you guys think? I want to hear what the two of you have in mind.
Hajun: Then I'll begin. I feel like the right to organize an event at Club Paradox is a form of challenge from Buraikan.
Anne: What do you mean by a challenge?
Hajun: I believe they'll be judging us on what we propose here. Whether we really have the power to lead the Phantom Live scene, make the movement grow even bigger, and have the right to sit on the throne... that's what I think.
Anne: So you think it's not really just a reward. That's harsh.
Hajun: As such, I think it is of utmost importance to put on a show that Buraikan will find satisfactory.
Anne: I see.
Hajun: What's your opinion, Anne?
Anne: Me... I guess what I want to do is something new. Some kind of event that really embodies BAE's philosophy-- doing things 'Before Anyone Else' does. Of course, I also want it to be super exciting, and I want to see some explosive battles, too. But I don't want it to be just that.
Hajun: Yes. If we just follow a precedent, we won't make any progress. We have to put forth something new; some kind of battle that has never been seen before. Something where we can inspire, while inciting our rivals to reach greater heights, but also something where we can expect ourselves to grow as well. That's the kind of event we have to put on.
Anne: Yeah, I get that. But I also want it to be like a festival that everyone gets to take part in. Something that makes you feel like the party's nowhere near over. It's our reward, after all, so we'd better enjoy it to the fullest!
Hajun: Of course. Otherwise there would be no point to us winning in the first place. But that said, coming up with something that meets all of those requirements at the same time...
Anne and Hajun: Hmm.
Allen: ... I've got it.
Hajun & Anne: Huh?
Allen: Uh, I mean, I might, maybe, have an idea, maybe.
Hajun: If you're going to say something so bold, don't second-guess yourself now.
Allen: Eheh... to tell the truth, I have an idea I've been thinking on for a while now.
Anne: What is it? Tell us, then!
Allen: Sorry! I just wanted to hear what you guys thought, first. Since we're going to be making this decision as BAE.
Hajun: And?
Allen: And I feel better about it now. I feel the same way as you guys do. I'm sure of it.
Anne: Come on, stop beating around the bush! What's your idea, Allen?
Allen: Ahaha. Well, my idea is...


[sfx: kitchen noises]

Kanata: Hah!? "Team battle"? Stop fucking around, what kind of bullshit are you on about!?
Allen: Uh, well, I was just saying...
Hajun: It's exactly as it we already explained it to you. As BAE, the event we have decided to hold is a team battle between the eight groups who participated in the Road to Legend. We will be split into two units of four groups apiece, and those units will compete against each other to win.
Saimon: Even saying so, there's still questions...
Iori: Y'thought you came up with somethin' real great, huh?
Dongha: Hmph. What a stupid plan.
Yuto: Um... so then this time we'll be fighting alongside each other, then?
Shogo: It's an honor to be asked to participate, but...
Kei: May I ask what your intentions are?
Anne: Sure. Our first thought was that we wanted to do something all-new. It's our reward, after all, so we wanted to do something fun, and we also wanted to put on a spectacular festival that would get everyone super excited.
Hajun: But taking it one step further: we also wanted to put forth an event that would encourage the future evolution and growth not only for us, but for everyone who participated.
Allen: And a group competition was the answer to all of that. All of our teams are bound together by fate, and we're rivals, but we're also comrades. By being aware of the lateral connections between ourselves, we can all improve ourselves more than ever before. We can go higher, we can go further, we can make this whole scene take off.
Everyone: Hm...
Chisei: ... a team battle, huh? Not what I was expecting you to suggest, but I don't hate it.
Allen: Really!?
Haruomi: Yes. I can feel your conviction to inherit the throne and lead the scene.
Anne: I'm so glad!
Hajun: Well, now that we've Buraikan's go-ahead, we can move on to--
Yuto: Um...!
Hajun: Yes?
Yuto: I'm sorry for going off topic, especially this belatedly, but... why are we having this meeting in Raimentei...?
Hajun: That really is off topic, isn't it?
Yuto: I'm s-sorry!!
Anne: Hajun, be nice! ... we didn't want to do it at Club Paradox, because we wanted everyone to be relaxed while we talked. But if we asked you all to come over to our apartment, then...
Kanata: Abso-fucking-lutely Not.
Anne: [laughs] I figured some people might not want to come.
Allen: We didn't know what to do, but then Shura-san reached out to us.
Haruomi: The entire store's reserved out today. Use it as you wish.
Chisei: Well, it's more convenient this way for us, too.
Yuto: I see, that makes sense... I'm sorry for derailing the conversation.
Iori: Alrighty then, let's keep on hearin' what you've got to say. You said it's going to be a team battle, but what are we meant to do, exactly? How's the winner going to be decided?
Hajun: Let's take it from the top. This explanation assumes that all eight groups agree to participate. Firstly, everyone will be divided into the two units. The battles will be the same as we're used to-- one-on-one stage battles. Victory and defeat will be determined by point totals in all four matches.
Saimon: I see; so the system itself remains unchanged. However, if that's how it works, if one unit happened to win the first three rounds, then wouldn't that unit's victory be a foregone conclusion without having to run the fourth battle at all?
Anne: Yes. So that's why this time, the winner is going to be determined at the end by using all of the unit's point totals combined.
Allen: The winners get the glory, and to commemorate the win, the four teams will perform a joint Triumph Live event held at Club Paradox.
Everyone: ...!
Chisei: Oh?
Haruomi: Hm.
Allen: Ah, um... what... do you guys think of that?
Iori: Well, it ain't bad--
Allen: Thank you very much!!
Iori: But. Glory and one commemorative concert ain't enough; I'd like to hear somethin' that warrants a little more excitement. You want to make this a festival that lights up the whole scene, yeah? Then you're gonna need somethin' real flashy, to really wow 'em.
Hajun: Of course. We have accounted for that as well. All proceeds from this event will be split between the four winning teams. Is that to your liking?
Everyone: --!
Iori: Now that's more like it! How generous of 'ya! Just what you'd expect from the rich young master of the Yeon conglomerate~
Dongha: --!! You dare to put me in the same category as that unruly dog!? I demand an apology and an immediate correction!
Iori: ... "Apology"? ... ah, right, this kiddo's 48's little br--
Chungsung: My apologies, Suiseki-sama. However, it behooves me to remind you that Dongha-sama here is the legitimate child and heir to the Yeon family. Please discard any presumptuous misconceptions to the contrary.
Iori: ... yeahhh, sorry, my bad. The two of you got a bit of a rocky relationship or somethin'?
Dongha: CORRECT.
Hajun: Not at all?
Saimon: [laughs] Oh, my.
Hajun: If anything, I'm being lashed out at one-sidedly. They do say that dogs with a weaker bite bark all the louder, after all.
Dongha: What did you say to me!?
Hajun: Exhibit A.
Dongha: --!!
Chungsung: Bocchama.
Dongha: ... I know. It's nothing but hollow provocation. It's just further proof that untrained dogs are troublesome.
Hajun: Incidentally, why are you here, Chungsung? We only invited the leaders from each team.
Chungsung: The role of a butler is to be his master's shadow. My duty is to follow him wherever he may be. Or have you already forgotten so easily, Hajun-bocchama?
Hajun: Hmph.
Chungsung: As I am a servant, please consider me to be nothing more than empty air.
Hajun: I'll do just that, then!
Allen: No, no, no, no, you can't just--!
Chungsung: Please do not worry, Sugasano-sama. Fufu. Such treatment is its own reward for one such as myself, after all~
Allen: "Reward"...?
Kanata: Can we stop wasting time and get on with what we're here to talk about? Ugh. So the battles are one-on-one, but the final result is based on the unit's overall points. Those are the rules, right?
Allen: Yeah! It sounds really fun, right?
Kanata: Don't fucking put words in my mouth.
Allen: ...
Kanata: So in the end, we still don't know who's actually going to sit at the top. Does the crown mean that little to you? "Comrades"? Who gives a fuck. We're not here to make friends.
Hajun: Naturally.
Kanata: Hah?
Hajun: Even if we were to become comrades on the same team, we would have absolutely no intention of making friends with you, either.
Kanata: ...
Saimon: [laughs] You're still as much of an instigator as ever, Yeon-kun.
Hajun: Naturally. After all, half of the people here will soon become my opponents.
Kanata: Tch.
Shogo: Um... About that.
Anne: Hm? What's up?
Shogo: It's been on my mind since you said a little while ago that we'd be split up into two units of four groups each. If that's the case, then how will those groups be assigned?
Kei: Ah... I intended to ask a similar question. The division of groups is important, but how will the order of the four matches be decided? BAE will be participating in this tournament as well, yes?
Yuto: Ah, yes, that is a good point...
Dongha: Surely you're not going to abuse your authority as the event organizers to manipulate the groups and matchmaking to your advantage?
Allen: About that... we were thinking we'd get a third party who's familiar with all of us to handle that part of the tournament's organization.
Chisei: Hey, hey. And by that, would you happen by any chance to mean us?
Allen: If I can make that request...
Chisei: ... ahahah. Okay. Leave it to us. You're fine with it, aren't you, Haruomi?
Haruomi: I don't mind. We have a degree of responsibility as the organizers of the Road to Legend, after all.
Allen: Thank you very much!!
Chisei: Well, we'll kick it up a notch and matchmake you real good.
Haruomi: Don't speak so carelessly. ... the circumstances of this tournament are different from the ones before. All of the participants will have to work on themselves and work on upping the level of the entire scene around them. That's the proposal that BAE gave us. If that's to be the case, then we'll need to take this style of battle and the opponents in question into account to assemble something new.
Chisei: You're as methodical as ever.
Haruomi: I don't want to hear that from someone who goes entirely off of vibes.
Chisei: Hm. Well, if that's how it's gonna be, no use in worrying... or, rather, you'd better get prepared, since we're gonna set you up some really exciting, electrifying battles!
Haruomi: Any objections?
Everyone: ...
Allen: Well, then, uh...
Iori: Count us in. No way Akan Yatsura'd miss out on such an exciting festival! And the bigger and bigger we make it, the more money we take home at the end, yeah? Keepin' the results in suspense until the very end also makes it super heart-poundingly exciting, gets the spirits up, just like a good gamble! Akan Yatsura'll throw our hat in and make off with the jackpot.
Saimon: Then we'll be participating as well. Chase after change and evolution at full force while still preserving tradition... well, that's the very core of TCW's essence, isn't it? And... [chuckles] The idea of savoring the fine wine of victory in the Triumph Live sounds appealing as well. [chuckles] I'm sure the taste is an exceptional one.
Iori: Kanata. What're you thinkin' you'll do?
Kanata: I'm not sold yet. I'll make a decision after talking to Nayuta.
Saimon: Mm. How about everyone else? How about it?
Yuto: Ah, please note down that GokuLuck will be participating! Working with other teams is a great opportunity to build social skills, and it could be a very valuable part of our rehabilitation program.
Chungsung: Bocchama?
Dongha: I refrain from answering immediately. You will accept my answer at a later date, I trust.
Hajun: Yes, of course. Please feel free to think carefully about whether you want to run away with your tail between your legs or bare your fangs and put up a fight.
Dongha: Don't mock me.
Allen: Uh-uhm!! VISTY, 1Nm8, what about you guys?
Shogo: Ah, uh... I'm sure we'll all be very grateful to be given the chance to perform on such an impressive stage again, but... um... I think I'll have to discuss this with the other members first, after all.
Kei: I am the same. I need to discuss this at home first.
Anne: Sure thing. You're not going to be forced to participate, so think it over and decide when you're ready, alright?
Kei: Yes.
Shogo: Thank you very much.
[sfx: Kanata standing up]
Kanata: Well, this conversation is over, right?
Allen: Kanata?
Kanata: I'm going home.
Allen: Eh? Ah, uh, but, wait--!
[sfx: footsteps]
Haruomi: Wait.
[sfx: footsteps stop]
Kanata: Ah?
Haruomi: You haven't had any ramen yet.
Kanata: ...
Chisei: It's on the house. May as well eat since you're already here and all.
Kanata: ... I want takeout to take back to Nayuta at the end.
Haruomi: Deal.
Kanata: Fine.
Chisei: Well then, old man, that'll be ramen for everyone, please and thank you.


Chisei: Anyway! They say that yesterday's enemies are today's buddies, so let's enjoy a nice meal together.
Yuto: Thank you very much...! But, um, is this alright...? I'm a civil servant, so I...
Iori: S'alright, s'alright! Let's just agree not to get into the weeds about it this time, yeah?
[seat creaking]
Iori: Lemme just take a seat beside you?
Yuto: Yes, of course.
Iori: Well, it'll be real interesting just sittin' next to you, too.
Yuto: Huh?

Chungsung: What shall we do? I hardly think that the food from this shop catering to the common folk would suit your tastes, bocchama.
Dongha: It's fine. Rejecting an invitation would reflect poorly on the courtesy of the Yeon family. And besides that... hmph. It's a good learning opportunity. I shall try my hand at eating this "ramen" thing that the poors eat.
Chungsung: I expect nothing less from bocchama...! Then, shall I test it for poison?
Haruomi: Oi.

Shogo: Kei... um... it's been a while since the last time we did something like this, hasn't it.
Kei: Mm. It has.

Allen: Kanata! Here, here, this seat's open!
[sfx: Kanata walking past without stopping]
Kanata: I'm gonna sit here.
Saimon: [chuckles] Please go ahead.
Anne: Ah~ you got totally rejected, Allen!
Hajun: Heh. It's very strange to invite someone like that.
Allen: What? Is it really?
Hajun: It really is.
Allen: [groans]
Anne: Jeez, Allen...
[sfx: bowl being set down]
Haruomi: Oi. Order up.
Allen: Whoa! It looks so good!
Anne: Well, then, everyone, itadakimasu~!
Everyone: Itadakimasu!

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