Trauma Button A Paradox Live Fansite
REVOLUTION - Part GokuLuck

[sfx: ominous ringing tone, frantic footsteps]
Shion: [heavy breathing]
[voices overlapping]
Man's Voice: [echoing] Get away from me, you bastard!
Man's Voice 2: [echoing] Can't trust you--
Man's Voice 3: [echoing] Go away!!
Woman's Voice 1: [echoing] [laughter]
Shion: Whether I run away or not, they're going to chase me down either way...
Man's Voice 4: [echoing] .. you're never going to change. You're never going to...
Woman's Voice 2: [echoing] They're always going to hate you.
Shion: Stop it! Stop looking at me like that!!
[sfx: voices overlapping]
Shion: Shut up! Shut up!!
[sfx: voices overlapping, indistinct, laughter]
Shion: Shut up, shut up, shut up!! Shut up!!!! [screaming]
[sfx: a visceral violent sound, something metal falling to the ground]
Shion: [frantic heavy breathing]
Man's Voice 5: [echoing] Well, would you look at that.
Woman's Voice 3: [echoing] I knew he was guilty all along.
[sfx: something metal falling to the ground]
Shion: No! This is--
Woman's Voice 4: [echoing] How could you say that?
Man's Voice 6: [echoing] It's got your hands all over it!
Shion: [heavy breathing, gasping]
Woman's Voice 5: [echoing] Criminal.
Man's Voice 7: [echoing] For life--
Man's Voice 8: [echoing] It's a perfect match!
[sfx: laughter echoing]
Woman's Voice 6: This monster.
Shion: [screaming]


Shion: [groaning in pain]
Ryoga: --!
Shion: [continuing to groan]
Ryoga: Hey, Shion. Shion! C'mon, wake up!
Shion: --! [breathing heavily] Ryoga...?
Ryoga: Looks like you were having one hell of a nightmare.
Shion: ... ah. ... [sigh]
Ryoga: Your trap reaction still hasn't stopped, huh? That makes two nights in a row. That ain't good.
Shion: ... sorry. It's probably because of my... condition. That happens sometimes. [laughs] Because, you know, I'm so abnormal and all.
Ryoga: ... [sigh] You ain't that different...
Shion: ... ...? Where's Shibaken?
Ryoga: He went out a little while ago. Probably taking a really long shit or something.
[sfx: door opening]
Kenta: Who said I was taking a dump first thing in the morning? Don't go running your mouth like that, dumbass.
Ryoga: Hey.
Kenta: Shion. You done having your trap reaction yet or what?
Shion: ... well, more or less. Was I being loud?
Kenta: ... not really...
Ryoga: Dammit. I can't do this anymore. Can't we do something about having to live in this shitty little shack?
Kenta: Yesterday was the final straw, wasn't it? Three guys all trapped in such a dinky-ass room all pissing and moaning over our trap reactions. It was like some kind of sick torture. Why can't those prison guards give us a bit of respect? We should at least have our own rooms! We made it to the finals, after all, it's the least they could do.
Shion: No kidding... [laugh] That's right. We did win, didn't we?
Ryoga: Heh. No shit we did.
Kenta: We made it this far. The top's so close we can almost touch it.
Shion: A trap reaction is... a small price to pay when I think of how good it will feel to win.
Ryoga: Just one more fight. One more shot...
[sfx: knocking, door opening]
Yuto: Good morning! Is everyone awake?
Ryoga, Shion, and Kenta: [loud sigh]
Kenta: What does it look like, shit for brains? Have you been completely zoning out all morning?
Yuto: Ah, my apologies... but, I have great news for everyone! Since our placement in the Paradox Live finals was announced, there's going to be a special motivational rally is going to be held in your honor!
Kenta: "Motivational rally"?
Yuto: Yes! It sounds like the director would like to deliver some words of encouragement to you in person!
Kenta: Wooow. How great. I'm deeee~f not fucking going.
Ryoga: ...?
Shion: Can't we just hold a party at a hotel?
Yuto: U-unfortunately, that's a no. But there will be dinner afterwards! It might be a buffet! As a reward for all your hard work!
Ryoga, Shion, andKenta: [sounds of disinterest]
Yuto: H-hey, don't give me that look, guys... actually, I heard some of the higher-ups will be in attendance, too.
Shion: Hmm. Well, if we're talking about rewards, can you convince the director and his big fancy friends to do us a favor, perhaps?
Yuto: Huh?


[sfx: footsteps]
Yuto: And this is the director's office... ... okay, everyone... ... I'm begging you, please, just once, just for today, please behave yourselves!! Verbal abuse and getting violent are out of the questi-- ah, Mikoshiba-kun! Please don't scowl like that! Smile, okay? Big smile!
Kenta: Ugh.
Ryoga: Are we little kids on a field trip?
Yuto: It's just! You've all had wonderful results with this project! So if this goes well, then improvements to your lodgings are on the table in addition to the reduction of your sentences, okay?
Shion: It's fine. We can be good little boys.
Yuto: ... so, then, shall we... go in?
[sfx: knocking]
Director: [muffled, through door] Yes, enter.
[sfx: door opening]
Yuto: E-excuse us!
[sfx: footsteps]
Yuto: I am Inukai Yuto. I've brought the other three members of GokuLuck along with me here today.
Director: Ah, I'm glad you're here. I've heard a lot about your successes. As the director of this prison, my expectations are very high.
Yuto: Thank you very much. [sotto voce] Come on! You guys, too!
Ryoga: ...
Shion: Hiya.
Kenta: You don't get to take the credit. What're you so happy about, looking down on us from your shitty ivory tower?
Yuto: M-Mikoshiba-kun!
???: [chuckles] It seems these prisoners are living up to their reputations.
Yuto: D-director, who is this person...?
Director: He's the superintendent here from the Department of Enforcement. The Prisoner Rehabilitation Music Project is his brainchild.
Shion: Ah? So he's the one we owe all of this to, then?
Director: That's correct. So you should show the proper respect, and--
Superintendent: You are Mikoshiba Kenta-kun, correct?
Kenta: Hah?
Superintendent: There's been quite a lot of talk about you around here. I've already had a chance to peek at your file, and it's very interesting indeed. You have an incredible IQ and prodigious hacking ability. You have quite the remarkable talent.
Kenta: Well, great, I don't have to introduce myself then. Ryoga. Your turn.
Ryoga: ... I... I...
Superintendent: No need. I can tell just by looking at you what kind you are. You're one of those dim-witted scum of the earth types who can't string the words together to say hello. You're probably in for getting into a violent fight, right?
Ryoga: You ba--!!
Yuto: Tosa-kun! Please calm down!
Ryoga: --!!
Shion: So I guess I'm up next?
[sfx: Shion stepping forward]
Shion: I'm Kaida Shion. I was arrested for stabbing a man in an illegal casino. If there's anything else you would like to know, please don't hesitate to ask.
Superintendent: You--! Your appearance is...
Shion: I was born like this. Is it that strange?
Superintendent: ... no, but... that scaly skin... well, that's interesting. If you were born like that, was it some kind of hereditary condition?
Shion: ...
Superintendent: Don't get me wrong. It's just that your features are very beautiful, even if your condition makes you look like a monster. Were it not for that, you probably could have walked a much more upstanding path in life.
Shion: ... heh. That's alright. I don't need to take the easy road. And even with that said, there are plenty of people who are still willing to approach me. They're usually a partiuclar kind of clingy pervert, though.
Director: Y-you bastard! You're out of your mind! You'd best hold your tongue! You're being rude!
Kenta: Ha? Which of us is being rude here?
Ryoga: Did you call us here just to rag on us!?
Yuto: The two of you, please, try to hold back! Do you have any idea what's at stake if you blow it here--
Superintendent: The dregs are the dregs, after all.
Ryoga: --!
Superintendent: They can't even get through a self-introduction peacefully. This situation is already out of hand.
Yuto: T-then...
Superintendent: I could pull the plug on this program right now and have the of you thrown right back into jail, if I wanted to.
Ryoga, Shion, and Kenta: --!
Superintendent: Listen to me very carefully. There are two kinds of people in the world: those who are meant to stand on top and give the orders, and those who are meant to take orders. No matter how much you may jump around and scream on stage, you lot are nothing but a bunch of mangy dogs destined to take orders. That is something that will never change. People like me and people like you are starting from completely different places.
Ryoga, Shion, and Kenta: --!
Superintendent: Rehabilitation through music? Hah. It's a a nice idea, certainly, to let a bunch of bottom-feeders who opted out of polite society to get up on stage for a little while. But your true nature won't ever change. It can't be changed.
Yuto: But... why?
Superintendent: I'm just trying to rack up some goodwill. The people are suckers for a rags-to-riches sob story like this. I had no expectations going into it. It doesn't mean anything.
Yuto: ...
Superintendant: Mikoshiba-kun, you understand what I'm talking about, right? You've got a sharp mind, unlike most of the scum out there. I hold you in quite high esteem. If you could get the reins on that attitude of yours, I'd be willing to give you a chance to come over to ours.
Kenta: ...
Superintendent: I have the pull to do that, you know. You could ditch this ridiculous rap thing and I'll take care of the rest.
[sfx: footsteps, water pouring as Kenta dumps a bottle of water on the superintendent's head]
Kenta: Here's what I think of that idea[1], asshole.
Director: Y-y-you bastard!! I thought you said they'd stay under control!!
Yuto: I- I'm so sorry!! This is because of my own negligence--!
Director: You're damn right, Inukai! These beasts are your responsibility! Make them apologize, now!! In dogeza! Kneel in dogeza!!
Yuto: ... no. I can't do that.
Superintendent: Hah!? That one poured water on my head! I don't deserve just an apology, I deserve to mete out punishment!
Yuto: ... but, you were the one who insulted them first. If you would like me to apologize, mister superintendent, then... I would like you to apologize to them before I do.
Superintendent: What!?
Yuto: You have also been negligent in your duties. Believing in the prisoners and guiding them, to work together towards rehabilitation. That's what we're supposed to do as prison guards.
Superintendent: ...
Yuto: You said that there are two kinds of people in the world.
Superintendent: Yes.
Yuto: If that is the case, then I don't believe that it's determined by how you're born, or how you're raised. There are people who can learn from their mistakes and those who cannot. Those are the two types of people. There's no denying that they've committed all manner of terrible wrongs, but through music they can come to believe in themselves and work to change. We're going to stand on the Paradox Live stage and set a precedent! I ask that you don't simply insult that!
Ryoga, Shion, and Kenta: ...
[sfx: phone ringing]
Director: Excuse me. What is it? I'm bu-- --! Can't you handle it by yourselves? ... you can't!? But--
Superintendent: Is there a problem?
Director: T-that is... it seems that when the prisoners found out that GokuLuck were here, they started getting rowdy, demanding that they perform.
Superintendent: Hm. Those bastards.
Director: Wh-- you can't subdue them!? You're saying they're on the verge of a riot?!
Shion: Heh? Sounds like we're receiving a warm welcome somewhere, at least.
Ryoga: Heh. Those guys...
Kenta: Hey, O Mister Superintendent, if you're such a bigshot, why don't you go and shut up those horrible bottom-feeders you were talking about?
Superintendent: Hah? Why should I--
Kenta: Because you're a "person who gives orders", aren't you?
Ryoga: You scared?
Superintendent: ... ... d-d-do something, director!!
Director: I-if you say so...
Yuto: ... [laughter] That's more like it. Was tired of getting bossed around by an asshole like you. [sighs] My stomach's all tied up in knots, seems like.
Director: I-Inukai?
Yuto: It's a riot.
[sfx: slam]
Yuto: They're not going to be calmed down so easily. That's our job.
Kenta: Ehh? He actually came out with good timing this time.
Yuto: Shut up, Mikoshiba. Oi, you lot. I hope you're all ready for this.
Ryoga: [growling] I'm ready to chew something up.
Shion: Heh. I'm always ready to go.
Yuto: [chuckles] Now, then, mister superintendent.
Superintendent: --! ... Wh-what do you want? Insubordination is--!
Yuto: You said it didn't mean anything, right? Then let us show you something. The power of GokuLuck's sound. A special invitation to a show inside a prison.
Superintendent: [screaming]


[sfx: Buzzer going off, cells sliding open, prisoners yelling overlapping with each other]
Yuto: Shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down! Today we're here as special guests by special invitation. Thanks to the director of this prison, and the high-up superintendent.
Kenta: The superintendent said he was here to check up on all us bottom-feeders!
Ryoga: They got nothing on us! We'll shut them up with our sound!!
Superintendent: T-the lot of you! You think you're going to just get away with this?
Director: T-that's right! Inukai-kun, you-- [scream]
Yuto: I've been doing grunt work for a while now. I'm bored to death of it. How about I just kill you?
Superintendent and Director: [scream]
Shion: GokuLuck was born right here in prison, where all of us who were cast off by society get thrown together, the worst of the worst. From a place that nobody ever wants to admit is there. That's where we raise our voices from. Look. We're here. Dark, rebellious souls unbound from decency, common sense, anything at all. The fist made of sound that can't be contained by any wall or bars. We'll win it with our music. Freedom, and liberation.
[sfx: microphone feedback]
Yuto: Listen up. This is GokuLuck's music!
[sfx: crowd roar and general rowdiness]


Yuto: [gurgling scream] I've really done it now...
Shion: Well, there's no point worrying about what's already said and done.
Kenta: I mean, wasn't it your own fault for starting shit, dumbass?
Yuto: But I can't believe I would cause that much trouble with someone so high up in the Department of Enforcement...
Ryoga: Better.
Yuto: Did I do anything more than that...?
Ryoga: Nope.
Yuto: Ah, they're going to have my head for this... and then I won't be able to stay in GokuLuck... goodbye, everyone...
Kenta: Well, you'll probably be fine.
Shion: [laughs] Since if the other Inukai pulls that I'll kill you and scares them again, it'll be fine, right?
Yuto: Eh? What was that just now?
Kenta: Just that the chief and superintendent nearly shat themselves how awesome our performance was.
Yuto: E-eh? Is that so?
Ryoga: Well, it's not a lie. More or less.
Shion: After all, we prevented a riot, and that was a credit to Inukai.
Kenta: Not a terrible play, for a fucking scrub.
Ryoga: My opinion's better.
Yuto: ... [laughs] Everyone.
Kenta: What.
Yuto: No, it's just... you're being very kind today.
Ryoga, Shion, and Kenta: --!
Kenta: The fuck are you talking about?! Don't make it gross! You got a flower garden where your brain ought to be or something!? It's your fault that everything we worked for is all for shit!
Yuto: Ah...
Shion: We originally went to negotiate that, didn't we.
Ryoga: And we didn't get to eat, either...
[sfx: stomach growling]
Ryoga: [sigh]
Yuto: Well, now that you mention it... we're all probably hungry, right?
Ryoga, Shion, and Kenta: [sigh]
Yuto: Alright! Then why don't we get something to eat?
Kenta: Hah?
Yuto: A special treat, just for today! Whatever you want to eat, it's my treat!
Ryoga: Are you serious?
Yuto: If I just pay out of pocket with my own money... well, that's not really allowed, either. But!
Shion: How odd, for you to bend the rules.
Yuto: It's just for today. Just for today!
Kenta: Then I want pizza! And cola.
Ryoga: Meat.
Shion: I think I'll have... sushi. But it has to be the very high grade stuff, okay?
Yuto: Eh? High grade?
Kenta: And fried chicken, and potato chips, and a hambuger. And a chocolate cake, too.
Ryoga: I want meat. Yakiniku.
Shion: Some eel would be nice.
Kenta: Let's get some Chinese food, too.
Yuto: Eh? Eh?
Ryoga: I want a hamburger too.
Kenta: All you're asking for is meat? How stupid are you?
Ryoga: What was that!?
Shion: Go ahead and ask for whatever. It's not like we're paying.
Inukai: Even if I empty out my wallet, will that be enough...?
Kenta: Well, Inukai, have fun!


[sfx: door opening]

Shion: [sigh]
Yuto: Can you not sleep?
Shion: Mm?
Yuto: ... is your trap reaction scary? The last time you had it for two nights in a row, didn't you?
Shion: Mm? You knew?
Yuto: Well, this prefab has pretty thin walls, you know.
Shion: It's not particularly scary. It's just always the same. There are probably lots of other things that are a lot scarier.
Yuto: ...
Shion: What kind of person do you think I am?
Yuto: Huh?
Shion: One that learns from their mistakes, or one that doesn't?
Yuto: ... [deep breath] You're the former, of course.
Shion: I wonder if that's true.
Yuto: Maybe it's not my place to say, since I also make a lot of mistakes. But... I'm sure you're the kind of person who can learn from your mistakes, and can change yourself for the better.
Shion: ...
Yuto: I know this because we spend so much time in close proximity. And today, when they said such horrible things to you, you just let them do it. For the sake of your comrades in GokuLuck. The past you would have been the one who poured water on the superintendent well before Mikoshiba-kun had even thought of doing it, wouldn't you?
Shion: ... ... I wonder if we'll be able to change anything.
Yuto: I'm certain we will. It's you guys, after all.
Shion: [chuckle] Spoken as if you're not one of us. You're the same, aren't you, Inukai?
Yuto: Ah...
Shion: Well. Let's change it, then. What we can, at any rate. At all of those who call us indecent, and that we're different from other people... let's bare our teeth at them and throw them the middle finger.
Yuto: Yes. That sounds like a plan. With GokuLuck's music, I think we'll definitely be able to do it.
Shion: How nice. You finally sound like a proper leader.
Yuto: Huh?
Shion: ... I'm glad you were there today. It was a good time. I'm sure the others were grateful for it, too. I'm happy. Good night.
Yuto: ... y...yes. ... ... I should be the one saying I'm happy. Sweet dreams.

[1] Literally what he says is "cool your head down, asshole", hence why he's pouring water on him, but I don't think that quite parses the same in English, so I'm kind of fudging this.

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