Trauma Button A Paradox Live Fansite
Exhibition Show - Part 4
Allen: ... come on... you tie it like this, so it should pass through here, and... come on, really? I haven't worn a bow tie in so long... so this goes... here?
Anne: Enough! I can't take it anymore. You've got no grace at all. Let me tie it for you.
Allen: Ah, thanks.
Anne: Here, look this way. ... and we're done! If you can't tie your own bowtie, you aren't really qualified to go around wearing suits like this.
Allen: I'm sorry...
Anne: ... tch... but, you're starting to look the part. That suit suits you. Ah, while we're at it, should we push your bangs back? I've got the stuff to do it.
[sfx: pouch unzipping]
Anne: Fufu... the ever-benevolent Anne-sama will set your hair and slick it all back!
Allen: T-the way it is now is fine!
Anne: Aw, you buzzkill.
Allen: I know I already don't have a choice but to wear this for this part time gig... and making it worse, I'm not a fan of dressing formal in the first place...
Anne: No?
Allen: Yeah... um... how do I put it... it makes me remember the past and it makes it kind of hard to breathe.
Anne: Hm? The past?
Allen: Yeah. Back when I was a kid, my parents entered me in all kinds of contests and I had to get dressed up like thi-- ah!
Anne: Contests? What kind of contests? Ooh, let me guess! Beauty contests for boys, right?
Allen: No!!
Anne: Then what?
Allen: ... [sigh] ... violin competitions...
Anne: Eh?!
Allen: Before I got into hip hop... I was going to be a violinist.
Anne: ... ... eh!?
Allen: I'm not kidding! If you searched it up, I'm sure you could find photos from back then
[sfx: Anne searching on their phone]
Allen: ... see? I told you!
Anne: Oh no, is this you when you were in elementary school? You were sooo cute!
Allen: That's an old newspaper article. It's in English, but you should be able to read it, right?
Anne: [reading] "A young prodigy from Japan has made his debut! Yesterday, Allen Sugasano[1] was named the youngest-ever champion of the violinist division of the Queen Elizabeth International Music Competition"-- no way! This is really impressive!
Allen: ... I told you that my parents were classical musicians, right?
Anne: Right.
Allen: So they put me through all kinds of special music education for gifted children, ever since I was really little. ... I really went along with it, too. They wanted their son to be someone who could stand as the greatest musician in the world. That's the one thing they raised me to do. ... and in the end, it was all for nothing.
Anne: Allen...
Allen: Maybe I went along too much with what they expected of me. I practiced as I was told to do, I played as I was told to do, and I won contests without asking any questions. I don't think I even really understood what I was doing, or what it was that I actually wanted to do.
Anne: You were a good kid, huh?
Allen: I wonder. ... but then I encountered hip hop. And in hip hop, I found the first music that I had ever found in my life that I really wanted to do.
Anne: Right.
Allen: But... they never acknowledged it. Even though it's all music... it's still the kind of music that can move peoples' hearts! That's why I left home... as long as I was under that roof, as long as they were my family, I wasn't going to be able to do my own music.
Anne: I see... I get how you feel. I wanted so badly to be loved. That was all. But when I was being loved, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I didn't have any choice but to run away.
Allen: Well, you know for me, I ran away when they broke all of my equipment and destroyed all my records, and I was forbidden from leaving my room.
Anne: Heheh. You certainly don't do anything by halves, do you?
Allen: I could say the same of you. ... ah! Well. We don't have to talk about this anymore. The end! Now that I've changed, I'm gonna go and find Suiseki-san.
Anne: Sure, sure.
Allen: ... ah, by the way...
Anne: What's up?
Allen: Anne, what are you wearing...?
Anne: What? It's just a dress. Is something wrong?
Allen: You look like you're trying to trick people.
Anne: Don't be an idiot! Say what you want, but I'm still CANDY's number one earner.
Allen: But you're lying to people.
Anne: Come on, now, let's go, part-timer. I won't go easy on you just because you're a newbie! I'll put you through your paces.
Allen: Agh... I know it's fine working the counter, but I should've just picked a convenience store or something to work at...


Zen: [humming]
Iori: What's with you, Zen? You're in real good spirits today.
Zen: Eh? Can you tell?
Iori: Are our numbers doin' that well?
Zen: No-- well, there's that, too!
Iori: Well, what's goin' on, then? You're grinnin' from ear to ear.
Zen: Waka...
Iori: Mm?
Zen: I'm ready to accept anything you give me.
Iori: ... r...ight...
Zen: Today, I came to some conclusions about how to trust people.
Iori: ... did you now...? ... ah! By the by. About that investigation we were talkin' about...
Zen: The one about TCW's Natsume Ryu?
Iori: Our boys got heard somethin' real interesting about him.
Zen: Something... interesting?
Iori: From the sounds of it, Ryu doesn't get trap reactions.
Zen: Huh?
Iori: It's a bit odd to be sure, but based on things he's said... I figure he's not just some oddball kid.
[sfx: knocking]
Iori: Yeah? C'mon in!
Allen: Excuse me.
Zen: ... huh? Aren't you--
Iori: Our new part-timer! He'll be workin' with us for a bit starting today.
Allen: I'm Sugasano Allen. Please treat me kindly.


[sfx: chatter]
Anne: Excuse me... you, there. My ice bucket's all water. Can you hurry up and get me a replacement?
Allen: Y-yeah! Right away!
Anne: Sorry about that! That boy's new and he's pretty slow on the uptake.
Man 1: Ah, that's nothin' you have to worry about, Anne-chan. ... and anyway, when are you gonna go on a date with me?
Anne: Hmm... I wonder~...
Man 1: How about today, after you get off your shift?
Anne: Hmm... maybe I'll think about it if you buy another bottle.
Man 1: Ah! Of course!
Anne: I wanna get a little drunk~... but I'm not a fan of whiskey... would champagne be alright?
Man 1: Ah, sure, sure, anything you want!
Allen: Anne is terrifying...! How many bottles have they sold like that? ... ah. Welc-- eh...? Ah--
Hajun: Oh, what's this? It suits you well. That uniform, I mean.
Allen: H-ha-- Hajun!? ... ... m...ay I ... take your... order...
Hajun: Hmm. Well, it's my first time coming to some place like this, so I simply don't know what to order.
Anne: Dom Pérignon! Get a bottle of Dom Pérignon, Hajun!
Hajun: Anne, would you mind not clinging to me like this? Your perfume is overwhelming.
Anne: You jerk! Aren't you here to become my biggest-spending customer~?
Hajun: Absolutely not. I came here today because...
Allen: R-right!! How did you know I was going to be working here!? I knew you'd be like this, that's why I didn't tell you...!
Hajun: [giggle] Please do not underestimate my intel.
Allen: ANNE!
Anne: Don't look at me! I didn't tell him!
Hajun: Isn't it so cruel of both of you to leave me out of the loop like this? Ah... I'm so very sad.
Allen: You could at least try to be more convincing...
Hajun: [giggles] My, my. Isn't it improper to be so rude to a paying customer?
Anne: Allen.
Anne: ...! ... [sigh]
Hajun: Well! I intend to enjoy myself tonight. Mister Black-Tie.
Allen: Agh...
Iori: [extremely overwrought] Esteemed customer, welcome! I'm Suiseki, the owner.
Hajun: Hello. Thank you for your continued kind treatment of Anne.
Iori: [walking away] Not at all! It's Anne who treats us well~!
Zen: Ah, Waka... your personality isn't great... you're the one who told Hajun about it, after all...
Satsuki: Wait! Zen-nii! What are you talking to yourself about!?
Zen: Oh, you guys are back! Good work with the errand.
[sfx: plastic bag]
Reo: We got lemons and grapefruit. Is this gonna be enough?
Hokusai: Here's the receipt and the change.
Zen: Thanks!
Satsuki: Wait, wait, wait, wait!! Shut up, you guys!! Why is BAE's Suzaku out working on the floor!? Why is 48 here as a customer!?
Reo: I mean, isn't it just what it looks like?
Hokusai: Things like that happen.
Satsuki: No, no, no, no!! Zen-nii, what's the meaning of this!?
Zen: Well... I'm... not the one to...
Satsuki: And besides that... there's Anne with them, too!! And yet that bastard 48 is acting all aloof!! You could at least stand to look happy about it!!
Reo: You dumbass. They're together all the time, there's no way he'd be fawning over Anne like some kind of perverted monkey.
Hokusai: And besides that, Anne isn't a-- [muffled]
Reo: Hey, Hokusaaaaaai, can you help me put these fruits in the fridge?
Satsuki: Together all the time... all the time... dammit! That's even more unforgivable!!!
Iori: Oh, Satsuki! You're back.
Satsuki: Aniki!! Wh-wh-what's going on!?
Iori: Ahahahah! Interesting, innit!?
Zen: Waka...
Iori: Heheheh... dunno, I've been havin' a real good day today.
Zen: Yes. Well.
Iori: So we have to end it off with a bang! [taps mic] [into mic] Dearest customers! Welcome to CANDY! Today, we've prepared a champagne tower as a token of a little customer appreciation day! Keep your eyes on it as we do it with style!
[sfx: crowd applauding]
Iori: S'all on the house! So drink up! Ahahaha!
Zen: Waka! If you do that, then our profit margin will--!! ... no... I'm committed to accepting his everything... This is fine!!
Iori: [in the distance] Naaaahahahahahaha! Alright, everyone! Drink up, drink up! You, over there, are you drinkin' up!? You want more? More, y'say!?


[sfx: passing train]
Kanata: Nayuta, I'll get the lights.
Nayuta: Mm. ... mm... today was good, yeah?
Kanata: Mm. You think so?
Nayuta: I was able to eat at Raimentei until I was full. And that buff dude?
Kanata: What of him.
Nayuta: Heh. He got real attached to you.
Kanata: He's just a pain in the ass.
Nayuta: But he seems nice.
Kanata: ... I guess.
Nayuta: Heheh.
Kanata: What is it?
Nayuta: Kanata... that's good enough, Kanata.
Kanata: Huh?
Nayuta: Today, someone relied on you. You're already starting to connect with other people.
Kanata: What're you talking--
Nayuta: It's fine. You've already gotten stronger, Kanata. That's why you can walk forward. Past where we are now. Towards an even wider world beyond this.
Kanata: Nayuta...
Nayuta: ... thanks, Kanata.
Kanata: ...
Nayuta: That's all I wanted to say. Night.
Kanata: ... Nayuta. ... what was with that...? ... idiot... wherever I go, you're coming with me. No matter what, we're always gonna be together... if we're together, then we're... the strong... est...
[sfx: passing train]


Saimon: I heard that Shiki hasn't been doing well while I was away.
Yohei: Yeah... sounds like he went somewhere and started hyperventilating. Ryu's keepin' an eye on him upstairs.
Saimon: That poor boy. It must have been hard on him. I wish there was something I could do, but...
Yohei: Even if we're gonna call ourselves comrades, there's still lines we shouldn't cross.
Saimon: Yeah...
Yohei: So. How was it?
Saimon: You ask every time, but it's the same every time. ... I talked about the past. About the day that you, Tsubaki, and I went to see that Buraikan performance.
Yohei: You were talkin' about it too? The hell...
[sfx: setting glass down]
Saimon: Hm?
Yohei: Ah. Nothing. ... well. Since we ain't got any customers, I'm gonna make some late night snacks for those two.

Ryu: [tunelessly] Sleeeeep, sleeeep, be a good booooooo~y....
Shiki: Heheh... Ryu-kun... you can stop with the lullaby... I'm not tired. I'm okay now.
Ryu: Shikki says that, but he hasn't eaten any dinner. That's why Ryu-kun did his best and ate for Shikki, too!
Shiki: Mmm... I'm sorry. ... hey, Ryu-kun...
Ryu: Hm?
Shiki: What... do you think of me?
Ryu: What'dya mean?
Shiki: I think of you as... my friend, Ryu-kun. ... A precious friend... and a comrade.
Ryu: Ehehehehe! Shikki issss... Ryu-kun's toy, then! He looks all gloomy, but he's really, reaaaally Ryu-kun's precious number one favorite~!
Shiki: Ahah... [sigh, deep breath] ... Ryu-kun...
Ryu: What's up?
Shiki: Even if I were... a terribly cruel person... would you still be my friend?
Ryu: Mmhm! Shikki likes Ryu-kun, right? Then: Ryu-kun likes Shikki too! So they'll be friends forever!
Shiki: Y-yeah... ... the truth is... the reason I got so scared when we were in that slum... I'm... I'm not afraid of ghosts.
Ryu: Oh?
Shiki: No... I was... I was scared. I was scared of facing the truth... because if there really was a spirit in that high rise, like you said there was... [breathing heavily]
Ryu: Shikki?
Shiki: [sniff] Then I think... that must have been... my friend.
Ryu: Eh?
Shiki: ... see, Ryu-kun... that was where... I... I killed a very precious friend...

[1] This is in western order because they're reading an English article, presumably.

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