Trauma Button A Paradox Live Fansite
Stage Battle "FAMILY" - Part 1

[sfx: people milling about]
Zen: Sorry for asking you to do a job even though you're busy getting ready for your performance, Kanata-kun.
Kanata: S'fine... either way, I still need money.
Iori: 'Ight! Here y'go. Payment for the job. And a bonus, too.
Kanata: Thanks.
Iori: Oh, and by the way. I caught yer performance the other day. The one against BAE.
Zen: It was amazing! I was so moved! That overwhelming track, those impassioned lyrics... you two turned your desire into a fierce vibe that cut right to the heart!!
Kanata: Sure.
Zen: You guys weren't bad by any means at the opening show, but you were like completely different people in the last round! It's like, you were really going all-in! You looked like you were having a lot of fun with it!
Kanata: "Having fun with it"?
Zen: Yeah! You had a real good look about you, Kanata-kun!
Kanata: ... did I, now.
Iori: Ah, wha's up with that flat reaction?
Kanata: It doesn't matter how good we were if we still lost.
Zen: I don't think it's like th--
Kanata: If we lose we don't get the money. We're not doing this to have fun.
Iori: It's good to have ambitions, 'fer sure. I like that you got that kinda spark.
Kanata: Gee, thanks.
Iori: You'll be goin' up against us as Akan Yatsura next. Shapin' up to be a real interesting match, don't you think?
Kanata: ... Suiseki-san, there's one thing I want to ask.
Iori: And that is? Out with it.
Kanata: Your team... the rest of Akan Yatsura. Do they know you do this?
Iori: Define "this".
Kanata: That you're collecting phantometals behind the scenes. That you're using people like me to run around doing shady shit that you don't want to tell people about.
Zen: You--!
Iori: Ooh, how very odd.
Kanata: Hah?
Iori: Imagine you, askin' about other people... thought you didn't care about no one that wasn't your little brother.
Kanata: ... don't take it like that--
Iori: No reason to tell 'em things that they don't need to know.
Kanata: ...
Iori: Don't worry about it. They don't know anything.
Kanata: Is that so.
Zen: So you don't have to worry about our match! We can ignore all of this and simply go head to head at full power!
Kanata: "Things they don't need to know", is it... no wonder you won't tell them shit.
Zen: Huh?
Kanata: About what happens to people who use phantometal.
Zen: But...!
Kanata: You say shit like "our team is a family". Calling them family but refusing to tell them important things... if you only tell them the good parts, you're just lying to them and using them as rubes, aren't you?
Zen: It's not like that! They're fully aware of the risks of using their metals, and--
Kanata: Once the erosion starts, there's no stopping it. You'll start to rot and get consumed by the metal. Do they know that?
Zen: ...!
Kanata: Suiseki-san... isn't your real name, is it? That was the name of your old boss, the guy who got killed in that shooting, right?
Iori: My, my. Sounds like you already know the answer to your own question, don't'cha?
Kanata: I can look things up for myself. I don't like getting used one-sidedly.
Iori: Oh? A little rat's running around and trying to root out the truth to Suiseki Iori, huh?
Kanata: Stop fuckin' around...
Iori: Hm?
Kanata: Suiseki-san, do you think that just inheriting a name is enough to make you family? If you're a family -- if you think you're really a familly -- then why are you letting them kill themselves? Families are supposed to share everything, no matter how ugly or painful it is. You shouldn't need to hide anything. You shouldn't need to keep secrets. If it's for the sake of protecting them, you should be willing to lay your own life on the line! That's what family is supposed to be, right?!
Iori: ... so, is that what you tell yourself?
Kanata: Hah?
Iori: We're both of us keepin' secrets from our families, ain't we? Tell me: are you tellin' your little brother about the work you do for me? About the metals?
Kanata: ...!
Iori: No reason to tell him things that he don't need to know, right? So ain't we the same?
Kanata: Don't fucking lump me in with you! I'm doing it to protect Nayuta!! I'm nothing like you-- you're just using them! Because it's more convenient!
Zen: You're over the line!!
Kanata: And in the next match!
Iori and Zen: Hm?
Kanata: We're absolutely going to win. There's no fucking way we're going to lose to a mock family like you!
Iori and Zen: ...
Kanata: Nayuta and I... we're going to beat it into you that cozmez is the best.
[sfx: footsteps as Kanata leaves, door slamming behind him]
Iori: ... heh. "Mock family", huh? How cutting. Might have to cut it up and make a mock turtle family soup![1]
Zen: Waka...
Iori: Hey, come on. That's your cue to laugh.
Zen: ... I'm sorry, but... there's going to come a day that Kanata-kun is going to have to face reality... the truth... the reason that you've been having him collect metals...
Iori: Don't worry about it. He's just a kid who's been hurt real bad by all the adults in his life. He's got that sorta stray cat side to him that makes it hard not to wanna help him out a bit.
Zen: [sigh] We're not running a charity...
Iori: Don't I know it~! No worries, that's why we're aimin' to win! We'll take that ten billion for sure! Don't worry your head about it! ... and besides... I'm planning on taking care of that, too.
Zen: ... yes.
Iori: Well! I'll be headin' out for a bit.
Zen: Where to?
Iori: Well, now that's a secret~! Se-cr-et!
Zen: ...
Iori: Ah, don't make that face. Haha! Don't worry 'bout it. S'just a bit of minor business that needs handling.
[sfx: Iori walking away]
Iori: See 'ya!
[sfx: door closing]
Zen: ... just minor business, he says... [sigh] Waka, I intend to do anything you ask me to do. So why are you always running off by yourself... [sigh] "Family", huh...

[sfx: footsteps, passing cars]

Kanata: I'm back.
Nayuta: Ah. Welcome home, Kanata.
Kanata: How're you doing? How's your fever?
Nayuta: S'already cleared up. Where'd you go off to? By the time I woke up, you were already gone.
Kanata: Sorry, just had some minor business to take care of. Here. Take this as apology.
[sfx: plastic bag]
Nayuta: Huh? ... Raimentei!
Kanata: You're hungry, right? Let's eat, before it gets cold.
[sfx: plastic bag rustling]
Kanata: I got chuuka-don and gomoku yakisoba. Take your pick.
Nayuta: ... you should choose, Kanata.
Kanata: Either's fine with me. You choose which one you want, Nayuta.
Nayuta: ... no.
Kanata: Huh?
Nayuta: You're always like this. You're always putting me first.
Kanata: What's up with this out of nowhere?
Nayuta: I don't like it when you do that. You have to take care of yourself more. You're always thinking of me before yourself, but... I want to put you first sometimes, too.
Kanata: ... huh?
Nayuta: So. Today. You get to choose.
Kanata: Fine... then I'll take the yakiso-- no, we can split it half and half. Then we both get both, yeah?
Nayuta: I mean, I guess, but...
Kanata: Family means sharing everything, right?

[sfx: Kanata flopping down]
Kanata: Ah, that was so good! Now that we've eaten, let's get some sleep.
Nayuta: Kanata.
Kanata: Sup?
Nayuta: There's something that's been on my mind recently.
Kanata: What's that?
Nayuta: ... I don't think that we can keep doing this.
Kanata: Huh?
Nayuta: I mean... I think... you should go out more. You need to broaden your horizons.
Kanata: ... what're you saying all this for all of a sudden?
Nayuta: I've been thinking ever since our battle with BAE the other day... because you were different, Kanata.
Kanata: Me? Hah? What part of me? I'm the same as I've always be--
Nayuta: No. You were different. You were... you were so much better than the usual you.
Kanata: ...!
Nayuta: And I think it was because of that thing we had with BAE. You went at the task of the track with totally renewed vigor, didn't you?
Kanata: But that's... ... I just didn't want to lose against a bunch of naive assholes, that's all.
Nayuta: But I felt it during our performance. Our music could be so amazing in the future. That encounter we had really changed you. I could feel it. Couldn't you?
Kanata: ...!
Nayuta: You can't just... stay isolated like this. If we just stay in a world with only us in it, then... one day, we'll hit a limit to how far we can go.
Kanata: Don't talk bullshit! Aren't we always the greatest!? You and me-- what else do we need!?
Nayuta: The things other people have.
Kanata: ...!
Nayuta: Other peoples' music. Other peoples' passion. Their hope. Their desires. That... Kanata, that's what's going to make you stronger.
Kanata: ...
Nayuta: That's why you need to do it, Kanata. To go out more. Meet more people. If you do that, then cozmez can reach even greater heights.
Kanata: ... then, Nayuta, you have to do it, too. With me.
Nayuta: I won't be going with you.
Kanata: Why!?
Nayuta: You already know. I... can't.
Kanata: What are you trying to...
Nayuta: Kanata, you have to go by yourself.
Kanata: Ha?
Nayuta: Kanata... you have to do it for your own sake.
Kanata: ...
[sfx: passing train]
Kanata: Don't... fuck with me... DON'T FUCK WITH ME!!
[sfx: clatter]
Kanata: What the fuck are you talking about!? "Go out by yourself"?! Don't fuck with me!!
Nayuta: ...
Kanata: We're always together... we made it this far with only the two of us, right!? When shitty adults beat us-- when we ran away from that shitty orphanage!! When we were hungry! Freezing to death! When we had to drink muddy water to survive!
Nayuta: Yeah... you were always protecting me...
Kanata: I don't need anyone but Nayuta! Other peoples' music, their passion-- who the fuck cares about that!? I don't -- we don't need it!! It's like I always say, right!? If we're together, then we're unbeatable!!
Nayuta: Kanata...
Kanata: ...
[sfx: Kanata grabbing Nayuta]
Kanata: Don't... please don't leave me alone... I... you're the only person I need...
Nayuta: Kanata... I feel the same way... I just want you to be happy... because you're the most important to me... I want you to be happy, even if it kills me... [crying] Don't cry, Kanata... ... I'm sorry... there's nothing else I can do...
[sfx: passing train]

[sfx: birds chirping, knocking on door]
Reo: Satsuki-chan!! Get a move on it!!
[sfx: knocking]
Reo: How long are you gonna hog the bathroom!? Hurry it up!
[sfx: flushing]
Reo: Are you taking a dump? Hey! I said, are you taking a dump!?
[sfx: door opening]
Satsuki: I'm not taking a dump you little shit!!
Reo: Augh!! It reeks!! You absolutely were taking a dump!
Satsuki: Shut up! Just pinch your nose and deal with it!
Zen: Hey! Be polite and take your turns in the bathroom! ... [chuckles] Man. Even though it's about time to eat.
[sfx: Hokusai setting plates]
Hokusai: I'm done putting out the plates and chopsticks. What should I do next...?
Zen: Thank you, Hokusai! Just set out the usual.
Hokusai: Mm.
Iori: [yawning] Oh, somethin' smells good.
Zen: Today's miso soup is your favorite, Waka! Potato miso soup!
Iori: Ooh, now that's gonna raise the spirits. Lessee... dried horse mackerel, spinach ohitashi, hijiki, and tamagoyaki, huh? Compliments to the chef, as per usual.
Zen: Not at all. A healthy mind dwells within a healthy body! Proper food is important!
Iori: Haha... no arguments here, but...
[sfx: Hokusai holding up a selection of protein shakes]
Hokusai: Zen. Strawberry, banana, or yogurt... which one?
Iori: Protein shakes for dessert is a wee bit... how do I put thi--
Zen: Ah! Waka! Instead of tea to end the meal, would you like the matcha flavor?
Iori: ... ah. Yeah, sure.

Iori: Alright!
Reo and Satsuki: Let's eat!
Hokusai: Let's eat.
[sfx: doorbell]
Iori: Hah? Who could that be at a time like this?
Zen: Some kind of door to door salesman?
[sfx: doorbell repeatedly]
Satsuki: Tch... loud as hell!
[sfx: Satsuki getting to his feet]
Satsuki: Zen-nii, let me handle this. I'll chase their ass away!
[sfx: doorbell repeatedly-repeatedly]
Satsuki: Oi! What's the big idea, making a racket this early in the morning!?[2] Go the fu-- huh?
Reo: Hey, did you drive them off?
Hokusai: Satsuki?
Satsuki: Uh, no... when I opened the door, out in the foyer was...
Reo: Huh? Haven't I seen you somewhere...?
Hokusai: ... aren't you... KANATA... from cozmez?
Iori: Whas'ssa matter? ... well, now...
Zen: Kanata-kun... why are you here?
Kanata: I already told you, didn't I? I investigated what I could find out about the Suiseki. At the very least I know this is the only house left after the group was wiped out.
Satsuki: Where do you get off speakin' all rude-like to Zen-nii!? Or... I guess, Zen-nii, do you know this guy?
Zen: It's, uh, no, I--
Iori: What's your point? What business do you got that you think justifies bargin' into someone else's house?
Kanata: Suiseki-san. I want to talk to you alone.
Reo: What the--!? Did you come to pick a fight!?
Satsuki: A'ight, then I'll fight you! Come on!
Hokusai: Fighting is bad...
Iori: Heh... so that's it. Everyone here is my family. If you got somethin' to say to me, you can say it in front of them. Or do you get stage fright talkin' in front of people?
Kanata: ...! That's not...
Zen: By the looks of you... something serious has happened, hasn't it? If there's anything we can do for you, then please, let us know.
Kanata: ... um... about yesterday... ... I'm sorry.
Iori: ... huh.
Kanata: I'll apologize for yesterday. I just-- Nayuta-- please, help me look for Nayuta...

[1] He's making a stupid pun here in Japanese; just trust me that this is a weirdly good approximation. [Back]
[2] I find it necessary to point out that, according to the daily schedules, this is happening around noon.[Back]

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