Trauma Button A Paradox Live Fansite

Paradox Live Discography

The core content of Paradox Live is its CDs and the songs and music tracks on them-- and it might be hard to know where to start.
On this page you'll find track listings, release dates, a brief (original) summary of the drama tracks, and battle round outcome for each CD in the series! (If you would like to find more information about the songs themselves, such as composers and lyricists, check out the "Music" directory instead.)
Opening Show Opening Show

Original Release Date: February 12, 2020
Track Listing:
Disc 1
  1. 'BaNG!!!' - BAE
  2. 'Master of Music' - The Cat's Whiskers
  3. 'Where they at' - cozmez
  4. 'BAD BOYZ -悪漢奴等 Underground-' - Akan Yatsura
Disc 2
  1. Voice Drama Part "BAE"
  2. Voice Drama Part "The Cat's Whiskers"
  3. Voice Drama Part "cozmez"
  4. Voice Drama Part "Akan Yatsura"

Plot Summary:
After ten years of radio silence, the legendary CLUB Paradox has made a comeback. Four rising names in the hiphop scene receive invitations to participate in a stage battle, a round robin tournament with ten billion yen and a chance to go up against Buraikan on the line. The four teams are introduced, and their reasons for participation -- and some of their preexisting relationships -- are hinted towards in these introductory tracks.
Stage Battle "DESIRE" Desire

Original Release Date: March 31, 2020
Track Listing:
  1. 'AmBitious!!!' - BAE
  2. 'Get it' - cozmez
  3. Voice Drama "DESIRE" - Part 1
  4. Voice Drama "DESIRE" - Part 2

Plot Summary:
In the lead-up to the first battle round of the Paradox Live, Kanata -- seeking to secure an easy win -- gets the drop on Allen and steals his phantometal, but Nayuta is less than impressed with his underhanded play. Anne and Allen set out into the slums to retrieve Allen's metal from cozmez, and Allen and Kanata clash over their ideological reasons for doing hiphop.

Round Results:

  • BAE: 3,940,196
  • cozmez 3,617,650
Stage Battle "JUSTICE" Justice

Original Release Date: May 8th, 2020
Track Listing:
  1. 'Faith' - The Cat's Whiskers
  2. 'OUTSIDERZ -悪漢奴等 is Justice-' - Akan Yatsura
  3. Voice Drama "JUSTICE" - Part 1
  4. Voice Drama "JUSTICE" - Part 2

Plot Summary:
Akan Yatsura pay a visit to Bar 4/7 to discuss who might be behind the Paradox Live, only to get sidetracked by a reminiscence about Iori and Yohei's past together in the yakuza, working as bouncers for a club owned by the Suiseki, leading them to reflect on the very different paths they've ended up on in the present.

Round Results:

  • The Cat's Whiskers: 2,051,885
  • Akan Yatsura: 2,156,121
Stage Battle "PRIDE" Pride

Original Release Date: July 29th, 2020
Track Listing:
  1. 'EmBlem!!!' - BAE
  2. '4 REAL' - The Cat's Whiskers
  3. Voice Drama "PRIDE" - Part 1
  4. Voice Drama "PRIDE" - Part 2

Plot Summary:
Before a battle round, BAE and TCW exchange barbs. Hajun mocks The Cat's Whiskers for being stolid and old-fashioned, but a remark from Ryu strikes a nerve. BAE open up to each other about the traumas they relive during their trap reactions while Saimon and Yohei discuss their reasons for their sentimentality.

Round Results:

  • BAE: 1,880,158
  • The Cat's Whiskers: 1,927,590
Stage Battle "FAMILY" Family

Original Release Date: September 2, 2020
Track Listing:
  1. 'This Is My Love' - cozmez
  2. 'CALL FOR FAMILIEZ -悪漢奴等 is Forever-' - Akan Yatsura
  3. Voice Drama "FAMILY" - Part 1
  4. Voice Drama "FAMILY" - Part 2

Plot Summary:
Kanata argues with Iori about whether or not family should keep secrets from each other. Later, Nayuta goes missing after he and Kanata have an argument, and Kanata goes to Akan Yatsura for help. The younger AKYR trio talk to Kanata about why they consider each other family, which is why they understand Kanata's desperation to find Nayuta.

Round Results:

  • cozmez: 4,088,052
  • Akan Yatsura: 2,328,816
Exhibition Show
Exhibition Show - BAE

Please note that there are four variations of this CD, one for each unit; each CD has a different cover and a different collab song with a real-life musical artist. You can click or tap the image on the right to cycle through the variant covers.
Original Release Date: November 25, 2020
Track Listing:
  1. 'FRE△KOUT' - BAE
  2. 'Life is Beautiful' - The Cat's Whiskers
  3. 'Back Off' - cozmez
  4. 'REBELLION -悪漢奴等 is still Burning-' - Akan Yatsura
  5. [Real life artist collab track - varies by CD edition]*
  6. Voice Drama Exhibition - Part 1
  7. Voice Drama Exhibition - Part 2
  8. Voice Drama Exhibition - Part 3
  9. Voice Drama Exhibition - Part 4
*'P△R△DISE' by BAE ft. ISSA OR 'My Sweetest Love' by The Cat's Whiskers ft. Kazuma Mitchell OR 'Good Time' by cozmez ft. SKY-HI OR 'EMPEROR - WE ON FIRE!!' by Akan Yatsura ft. Kumi Koda

Plot Summary:
An interstitial covering a single day. While Saimon goes to visit Tsubaki's grave, Iori and Yohei have a conversation about Yohei and Saimon's history; the Akan Yatsura kids attempt to run recon on Ryu, only to get dragged around town on a wild goose chase, ending in Shiki panicking over a rumored ghost sighting in a particular place; cozmez end up playing sounding board to Zen over ramen; Iori catches Hajun talking to a back-alley doctor; and Allen works a part-time shift at CLUB Candy.
Stage Battle "LOVE" Love

Original Release Date: January 27, 2021
Track Listing:
  1. 'Mercy On Me' - The Cat's Whiskers
  2. 'Ain't No Love' - cozmez
  3. Voice Drama "LOVE" - Part 1
  4. Voice Drama "LOVE" - Part 2

Plot Summary:
Picking up where LOVE left off, Shiki confides in Ryu that he feels guilty for not being able to save Nayuta from committing suicide. Meanwhile, Kanata has a bad trap reaction and has nightmares about finding Nayuta's mangled body, and Nayuta goes out to get medicine for him. Nayuta runs into Shiki while he's out, and does not recognize him.

Round Results:

  • The Cat's Whiskers: 3,898,820
  • cozmez: 4,923,589
Stage Battle "VIBES" Vibes

Original Release Date: February 24, 2021
Track Listing:
  1. 'F△Bulous' - BAE
  2. 'ROWDIEZ -悪漢奴等 Wanted Vibes-' - Akan Yatsura
  3. Voice Drama "VIBES" - Part 1
  4. Voice Drama "VIBES" - Part 2

Plot Summary:
Hajun collapses from acute Phantometal erosion in the middle of a stage battle. Iori finally reveals the risks of using metal to BAE and the rest of Akan Yatsura, but the AKYR kids already knew and were willing to take on that risk. Allen and Anne dive into Hajun's mind using the phantometal and save him from the erosion the same way that Buraikan did ten years earlier.

Round Results:

  • BAE: 6,388,406
  • Akan Yatsura: 4,146,616
First Album "TRAP" Trap

Original Release Date: March 31, 2021
Track Listing:
Disc 1
  1. 'BaNG!!!' - BAE
  2. 'Master of Music' - The Cat's Whiskers
  3. 'Where they at' - cozmez
  4. 'BAD BOYZ -悪漢奴等 Underground-' - Akan Yatsura
  5. 'AmBitious!!!' - BAE
  6. 'Get it' - cozmez
  7. 'Faith' - The Cat's Whiskers
  8. 'OUTSIDERZ -悪漢奴等 is Justice-' - Akan Yatsura
  9. 'EmBlem!!!' - BAE
  10. '4 REAL' - The Cat's Whiskers
  11. 'This Is My Love' - cozmez
  12. 'CALL FOR FAMILIEZ -悪漢奴等 is Forever-' - Akan Yatsura
  13. 'BErmud△ Tri△nglE' - BAE
  14. 'One Shot One Kill' - The Cat's Whiskers
  15. 'Runnin'' - cozmez
  16. 'A.K.Y.R. -悪漢奴等 Go over da TRAP-' - Akan Yatsura
  17. 'Rap Guerrilla -Paradox Live ALL ARTISTS-' - BAE, The Cat's Whiskers, cozmez, Akan Yatsura
Disc 2
Disc 2 consists of instrumental BGM and is not currently available for streaming.
  1. Virtual Rush
  2. Crash
  3. Trapped
  4. Sketchy
  5. On One
  6. Stay Real
  7. Seize the Sky
  8. Walk On
  9. Let Me Know
  10. Way Of Life
  11. 24/7 TOKYO
  12. N.u.t.t.s
Second Album "LIVE" Live

Original Release Date: July 21, 2021
Track Listing:
Disc 1
  1. 'FRE△KOUT' - BAE
  2. 'Life is Beautiful' - The Cat's Whiskers
  3. 'Back Off' - cozmez
  4. 'REBELLION -悪漢奴等 is still Burning-' - Akan Yatsura
  5. 'Mercy On Me' - The Cat's Whiskers
  6. 'Ain't No Love' - cozmez
  7. 'F△Bulous' - BAE
  8. 'ROWDIEZ -悪漢奴等 Wanted Vibes-' - Akan Yatsura
  9. 'Better Dayz' - cozmez
  10. 'BURAIKAN is Back' - Buraikan
Disc 2
  1. Voice Drama "LIVE" - Part 1
  2. Voice Drama "LIVE" - Part 2
  3. Voice Drama "LIVE" - Part 3
  4. Voice Drama "LIVE" - Part 4

Plot Summary:
After cozmez claim the win in the Paradox Live, Kanata finds out that Nayuta has been a phantom the entire time following his suicide two years prior. Kanata is about to quit hip hop when just in the nick of time, the real Nayuta returns, having been treated in an Alter Trigger facility. The other groups come to terms with not winning the Paradox Live, and then later come up with a rather eccentric scheme to hold a celebratory party for cozmez.

Final Cumulative Totals:

  • BAE: 12,208,760
  • The Cat's Whiskers: 7,878,295
  • cozmez: 12,629,291
  • Akan Yatsura: 8,631,553
Shuffle Team Show Vol. 1Shuffle Team Volume 1

Original Release Date: September 29, 2021
Track Listing:
Disc 1
  1. 'New & Classic' - New & Classic (Allen, Hajun, Saimon, Yohei)
  2. 'Giragira CANDY NIGHT' - CLUB CANDY (Anne, Iori, Zen, Satsuki)
  3. 'Rooftop' - Rooftop Friends (Shiki, Nayuta)
  4. 'Jumping In to My World' - Lollipop*universe (Anne, Ryu, Nayuta, Reo)
Disc 2
  1. Voice Drama - "Opening"
  2. Voice Drama - "New & Classic"
  3. Voice Drama - "CLUB CANDY"
  4. Voice Drama - "Rooftop Friends"
  5. Voice Drama - "Lollipop*universe"

Plot Summary:
At the impromptu congratulatory party for cozmez, the idea is put forth to make music with each other, with groups determined by a round of the King's Game. Each drama surrounds the creation of these shuffle-team songs, featuring a fight over pineapple in sweet and sour pork, a round of celebratory drinks, a fight over Shiki taking initiative, and Nayuta having the worst picnic of his life.
Shuffle Team Show Vol. 2Shuffle Team Volume 2

Original Release Date: October 27, 2021
Track Listing:
Disc 1
  1. 'The Sound of Voltage' - SUZAKU & KANATA (Allen, Kanata)
  2. 'Why do you like me??' - Beauty & Beast (Anne, Satsuki)
  3. 'Rats & Nobles' - 48 & cozmez (Hajun, Kanata, Nayuta)
  4. 'Double Trouble' - Double Trouble (Yohei, Iori)
  5. 'CHILLIN'' - Hokusai with Akan Catsura (Shiki, Ryu, Hokusai, Reo)
Disc 2
  1. Voice Drama - "SUZAKU & KANATA"
  2. Voice Drama - "Beauty & Beast"
  3. Voice Drama - "48 & cozmez"
  4. Voice Drama - "Double Trouble"
  5. Voice Drama - "Hokusai with Akan Catsura"

Plot Summary:
The shuffle team dramas from the previous CD continue. Allen fails to take a hint, Satsuki has to avoid being late to meeting up with Anne while trying to seem cool, Iori and Yohei reminisce about hating each other when they were first assisgned to be partners, Hajun hates poor people, and Shiki, Ryu, and Reo want to do something nice for Hokusai.
Opening Show -Road to Legend-Road to Legend Opening Show

Original Release Date: March 30, 2022
Track Listing:
Disc 1
  1. 'Road to Legend' - Buraikan
  2. 'Takin' Over' - cozmez
  3. 'For My Stella' - VISTY
  4. 'Do as I Say' - AMPRULE
  5. 'Break Outta Here' - 1Nm8
  6. 'STRONGER' - GokuLuck
  7. 'W△vin' Fl△g' - BAE
  8. 'Ride Out' - The Cat's Whiskers
  9. 'TURN IT UP!!!!!! -悪漢SOUL FEVER-' - Akan Yatsura
Disc 2
  1. Voice Drama Part "cozmez & Buraikan -Final Battle-"
  2. Voice Drama Part "Opening Show -Road to Legend-'
Disc 3
  1. Voice Drama Part "VISTY"
  2. Voice Drama Part "AMPRULE"
  3. Voice Drama Part "1Nm8"
  4. Voice Drama Part "GokuLuck

Plot Summary:
cozmez face Buraikan in the final battle and are defeated, but then comes a second chance with the announcement of the Road to Legend, a knockout tournament, and four new units are introduced: the idol group VISTY, AMPRULE (Hajun's estranged half-brother and his butler), a trio of young men affected by Alter Trigger's experimentation who aim to dismantle the Paradox Live, and GokuLuck, a trio of prison inmates and their assigned prison guard.
Stage Battle "FATE"Fate

Original Release Date: July 27, 2022
Track Listing:
Disc 1
  1. 'We △re The Future' - BAE
  2. 'True Pride' - AMPRULE
  3. 'Shooting Arrows' - The Cat's Whiskers
  4. 'edN' - 1Nm8
Disc 2
  1. Voice Drama "FATE" Part 1
  2. Voice Drama "FATE" Part 2
  3. Voice Drama "FATE" Part 3
  4. Voice Drama "FATE" Part 4

Plot Summary:
Dongha invites BAE to an extremely passive aggressive dinner where he announces his resolution not to lose to Hajun while asserting that BAE don't know or understand Hajun at all. Kei and Itsuki approach The Cat's Whiskers and ask them to surrender their phantometals and quit phantom lives if they lose their battle round against 1Nm8 while Rokuta befriends Ryu and Shiki.

Round Results:

  • BAE: 5,685,724
  • AMPRULE: 1,484,330
  • The Cat's Whiskers: 5,306,379
  • 1Nm8: 2,902,039
Stage Battle "RAGE"Rage

Original Release Date: August 31, 2022
Track Listing:
Disc 1
  1. 'Hit 'Em Up' - cozmez
  2. 'BE A STAR' - VISTY
  3. '大火傷 - License To Kill' - Akan Yatsura
  4. 'Fight For Liberty' - GokuLuck
Disc 2
  1. Voice Drama "RAGE" Part 1
  2. Voice Drama "RAGE" Part 2
  3. Voice Drama "RAGE" Part 3
  4. Voice Drama "RAGE" Part 4

Plot Summary:
VISTY are wavering under the pressure of going up against the reigning champions and fear disbandment if they do not produce results in the Paradox Live, and happen to be able to catch a guerrilla live that cozmez are holding, where they argue for the value of faking it until you make it. Meanwhile, GokuLuck are stuck doing community service and have a run-in with Akan Yatsura, but the sight of Yuto strikes a nerve for Zen.

Round Results:

  • cozmez: 6,021,762
  • VISTY: 3,282,146
  • Akan Yatsura: 7,167,262
  • GokuLuck: 5,575,606
Consolation Match "SHOWDOWN"Showdown

Original Release Date: February 1, 2023
Track Listing:
Disc 1
  1. 'DO or DIE' - Buraikan
  2. 'Nobody But Me' - AMPRULE
  3. 'S∀G∀' - 1Nm8
  4. 'Endless Dream' - VISTY
  5. 'Trigger' - GokuLuck
  6. 'Rap Guerrilla Reload -Paradox Live ALL ARTISTS-' - BAE, The Cat's Whiskers, cozmez, Akan Yatsura, Buraikan, VISTY, AMPRULE, 1Nm8, GokuLuck
  7. Voice Drama "SHOWDOWN" Part Buraikan
  8. Voice Drama "SHOWDOWN" Part AMPRULE
Disc 2
  1. Voice Drama "SHOWDOWN" Part 1Nm8
  2. Voice Drama "SHOWDOWN" Part VISTY
  3. Voice Drama "SHOWDOWN" PArt GokuLuck

Plot Teaser:
The four teams knocked out in the previous round face the repurcussions of the last round. Dongha returns to Korea to interface with his father, VISTY try to pick themselves up by going on a driving tour of places that were significant to their debut as idols, 1Nm8 have a scare when Rokuta appears to be having adverse reactions to his Phantometal, and GokuLuck demand that Yuto explain why he does hiphop with the rest of them.

Round Results:

  • VISTY: 6,238,215
  • AMPRULE: 3,826,378
  • 1Nm8: 5,069,481
  • GokuLuck: 8,895,456
Stage Battle "WILL" Will

Original Release Date: April 26, 2023
Track Listing:
  1. 'G△L△XY∞' - BAE
  2. 'No Matter What' - The Cat's Whiskers
  3. Voice Drama "WILL" - Part 1
  4. Voice Drama "WILL" - Part 2

Plot Summary:
After listening to a recording of Kei and Rokuta playing piano, Ryu abruptly goes missing in the lead-up to BAE and TCW's rematch. All hands are on deck to try and locate him, and it ends up being a group effort from Anne and Yohei to go track him down at an abandoned Alter Trigger facility. Anne teases Yohei for being like Ryu's parent, but is a little bit jealous of Ryu for having a parental figure who accepts him the way he is.

Round Results:

  • BAE: 7,685,544
  • The Cat's Whiskers: 6,330,026
Stage Battle "WILL" Trust

Original Release Date: June 28, 2023
Track Listing:
  1. 'Trust Nobody' - cozmez
  2. '喝采 -Leave It To Me-' - Akan Yatsura
  3. Voice Drama "TRUST" - Part 1
  4. Voice Drama "TRUST" - Part 2

Plot Teaser:
Kanata and Nayuta disagree on how to handle media interviews and fame now that they're suddenly in the public eye, which causes a minor argument. Iori takes Kanata out for pudding to talk about what's troubling him, while Nayuta gets involved in the AKYR kids tailing Zen on what they think is a secret date, leading to a discussion of the feeling of wanting to do something to help someone else. Later, Zen reveals his relationship with Yuto to the rest of Akan Yatsura.

Round Results:

  • cozmez: 16,489,787
  • Akan Yatsura: 14,918,207
Final "REVOLUTION" Revolution

Original Release Date: October 18, 2023
Track Listing:
Disc 1
  1. 'Ch△mp1on' - BAE
  2. 'Two Crowns' - cozmez
  3. 'S.W.A.G.' - GokuLuck
  4. Voice Drama "REVOLUTION" - Part Buraikan
Disc 2
  • Voice Drama "REVOLUTION" - Part BAE
  • Voice Drama "REVOLUTION" - Part cozmez
  • Voice Drama "REVOLUTION" - Part GokuLuck

Plot Teaser:
Going into the final round, all three teams face different obstacles: Anne is contacted out of the blue by their mother and must face her for the first time in years, cozmez argue about whether or not Kanata would continue doing music if anything were to happen to Nayuta, and GokuLuck have to put on their police face and interface with the administration of the prison district.

Round Results:

  • BAE: 26,045,108
  • cozmez: 23,256,132
  • GokuLuck: 19,036,620

Third Album "ANTHEM"

Original Release Date: March 27, 2024
Track Listing:
Disc 1
  1. 'P△RTY N1GHT ' - BAE
  2. 'Get It Back' - The Cat's Whiskers
  3. 'Make It' - cozmez
  4. '悪漢太鼓 -This Is How We Roll-' - Akan Yatsura
  6. 'Gotta Believe' - AMPRULE
  7. 'EGOlution' - 1Nm8
  8. 'カタルシス' - GokuLuck
  9. 'Let It Heat' - Buraikan
  10. 'Road to Legend' - Buraikan
  11. 'Takin' Over' - cozmez
  12. 'For My Stella' - VISTY
  13. 'Do As I Say' - AMPRULE
  14. 'Break Outta Here' - 1Nm8
  15. 'STRONGER' - GokuLuck
  16. 'W△vin' Fl△g' - BAE
  17. 'Ride Out' - The Cat's Whiskers
  18. 'TURN IT UP!!!!!! -悪漢SOUL FEVER-' - Akan Yatsura
Disc 2
  1. 'We △re The Future' - BAE
  2. 'True Pride' - AMPRULE
  3. 'Shooting Arrows' - The Cat's Whiskers
  4. 'edN' - 1Nm8
  5. 'Hit 'Em Up' - cozmez
  6. 'BE A STAR' - VISTY
  7. '大火傷 - License To Kill' - Akan Yatsura
  8. 'Fight For Liberty' - GokuLuck
  9. 'DO or DIE' - Buraikan
  10. 'Nobody But Me' - AMPRULE
  11. 'S∀G∀' - 1Nm8
  12. 'Endless Dream' - VISTY
  13. 'Trigger' - GokuLuck
  14. 'G△L△XY∞' - BAE
  15. 'No Matter What' - The Cat's Whiskers
  16. 'Trust Nobody' - cozmez
  17. '喝采 -Leave It To Me-' - Akan Yatsura
  18. 'Ch△mp1on' - BAE
  19. 'Two Crowns' - cozmez
  20. 'S.W.A.G.' - GokuLuck
Disc 3
  • Voice Drama "ANTHEM" vol.1
  • Voice Drama "ANTHEM" vol.2
  • Voice Drama "ANTHEM" vol.3
  • Voice Drama "ANTHEM" vol.4
  • Voice Drama "ANTHEM" vol.5

Plot Teaser:
A catch-up with the eight participating teams at the afterparty to celebrate BAE's victory in the Road to Legend; BAE have run-ins with AMPRULE, VISTY touch base with cozmez (and later Kanata and Nayuta catch up with Iori and Shiki, respectively), Kei and Itsuki speak with Yohei and Saimon, and the GokuLuck prisoners butt heads with the Akan Yatsura kids.
Before Anyone Else Before Anyone Else

Original Release Date: May 29, 2024
Track Listing:
  1. Vroom x3 [New]
  2. BaNG!!!
  3. F△Bulous
  4. Before Anyone Else [New]
  5. But-I-Fly [New]
  6. G△L△XY∞
  7. Ch△mp1on
  8. EmBlem!!!
  9. ROCKETEEEERS (feat. MICRO) [New]
  10. P△R△DISE(feat. ISSA)
  11. BErmud△ Tri△nglE
  12. W△vin' FL△g
  13. FRE△KOUT
  14. We △re The Future
  15. AmBitious!!!
  16. Dreamin' 24 [New]

No drama tracks. Bonus album released to commemorate BAE winning in Road to Legend.
Paradox Live Opening Show -Battle of Unity- Unit R Opening Show -Battle of Unity- Unit R

Original Release Date: October 23, 2024
Track Listing:
Disc 1
  1. 'We gotta go' - cozmez
  2. '風林火山韻雷 -Bring It Back-' - Akan Yatsura
  4. 'Again And Again' - AMPRULE
Disc 2
  1. Voice Drama -Battle of Unity- Part "Prologue"
  2. Voice Drama -Battle of Unity- Part "cozmez"
  3. Voice Drama -Battle of Unity- Part "Akan Yatsura"
  4. Voice Drama -Battle of Unity- Part "VISTY"
  5. Voice Drama -Battle of Unity- Part "AMPRULE"

Paradox Live Opening Show -Battle of Unity- Unit A Opening Show -Battle of Unity- Unit A

Original Release Date: October 23, 2024
Track Listing:
Disc 1
  1. 'Bigger Bigger BaNG!!!' - BAE
  2. 'TIME 4 GAME' - The Cat's Whiskers
  3. 'Яesonance' - 1Nm8
  4. 'Born this way' - GokuLuck
  5. 'FRONTIER' - Buraikan
Disc 2
  1. Voice Drama -Battle of Unity- Part "BAE"
  2. Voice Drama -Battle of Unity- Part "The Cat's Whiskers"
  3. Voice Drama -Battle of Unity- Part "1Nm8"
  4. Voice Drama -Battle of Unity- Part "GokuLuck"
  5. Voice Drama -Battle of Unity- Part "Buraikan"

Title TBD: Battle of Unity cozmez vs GokuLuck

Original Release Date: 2025

Details TBA

Title TBD: Battle of Unity AMPRULE vs The Cat's Whiskers

Original Release Date: 2025

Details TBA

Title TBD: Battle of Unity VISTY vs 1Nm8

Original Release Date: 2025

Details TBA

Title TBD: Battle of Unity Akan Yatsura vs BAE

Original Release Date: 2025

Details TBA